Disney Princess Sofia The First...What does everyone else think?

kirihadaka posted on Nov 21, 2012 at 06:02PM
Personally, I think this is an awful show. I watched part of it for my younger family member,and I can say right now that this show should be avoided...

The thing I’ve noticed with shows that have been coming out recently is they are lowering their expectations of children can learn with hearing fluid conversations
and intelligent story lines.
I wasn’t smarter than any other child, but at four I could keep up with what was happening with Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid.
Watching this, however, I saw how even my two year old niece was bored.

Looking at this as purely what it does for Disney and not the issue with the audience watching it, it makes me much angrier.

I found a blog that summed up my feelings entirely.

“Princess Sofia is the most recent example of horrible business decisions the Disney company has made to ruin Walt Disney’s legacy.

This delusion is cemented by the fact that Sofia’s story seems to take place in the present, where being a princess is merely a vanity position in the few countries where monarchies still exist. At least Disney had the sense to set stories like “Sleeping Beauty” and “Beauty and the Beast” in the past so girls were less likely to think they could fall in love with a beast man or fall into an eternal sleep. Sofia is just going to make little girls beg their mothers to marry kings so they too can become princesses.

Andy Mooney, chairman of Disney Consumer Products and creator of the Disney Princess franchise, said that when the princesses are grouped together they never make eye contact in order to preserve their individual mythology.

Now the mythology of princesses may not sound like a big deal, but when you think of Pocahontas or Mulan interacting with each other or any of the other princesses, it just seems strange considering that each of them would be hundreds of years old by the time Sofia had been born. It’s just wrong.”

I'm just glad heroines like Meg and Kita can avoid this. =3=

What does everyone else think? Am I just totally off with this?

Disney Princess 13 replies

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over a year ago hajirah4 said…
^^ That kind sounds like what I would post. You know ignoring all insults...

but I totally agree. I remember this one time when my little cousin visited, and when his first intentions were on watching Dora the Explorer or something, I suggested The Last Airbender, so when one episode was done, he enjoyed it a bit, but the rest he just sat there with no emotion. He liked the show I chose MUCH better. I agree with EVERYTHING she said.
last edited over a year ago
carrieicecream commented…
HECK YEAH AVATAR over a year ago
over a year ago kirihadaka said…
Thanks, hajirah!

Yeah, The Last Airbender is an amazing show and another example of what kids can watch without
just shutting their brains down. I mean, it may be education for one year old, or kids a little older
to help them pick up on language skills, but that "I'm the map I'm the map I'm the map I'm the map..." business gets old real quick. Even so, it has more substance than this Sofia junk.

It is nice to have some back up on this. X3
AudreyFreak commented…
older kids maybe, but you guys know Dora and Sofia are aimed at like kids at age 7 or 8 at oldest, right? and Avatar has a lot of, er, adult themses and jokes that will go right over kids' heads. so it isn't fair to compare them. over a year ago
over a year ago TheCrystalRing said…
I refuse to watch Sofia the First, because not only does it ruin the whole point of being a princess, IT MAKES THE DISNEY PRINCESSES LOOK HIDEOUS!!!! The animation literally makes Cinderella look like some weird character out of a video game, which is an insult to video games, as they actually put some effort in trying to make games look good. Overall, this show looks like mindless junk to bore kids and only lower their intelligence.,..
over a year ago carrieicecream said…
I actually like Sofia the First. I thought it was cute, it's only a kids show after all. Ignoring all the technicalities and such, I think it will be fine.
over a year ago rigo1315 said…
I heard a rumor... A RUMOR that she was meant to be the First Latina Princess. Disney never in fact said so, but when I heard that rumor I had to check it out. I did see it and it was..... OK.. not Disney Princess amazing. If Disney did intentionally try to make her Latina they failed. Not color, not voice, not what she looks like. All that is debatable, but she fails being a Latina because of culture. I did not see one speck of culture at all. This idea of having other princess visit her I'm okay with, but they should be true to who they are. Pocahontas and Mulan are the strongest princess and should stay that way. And the upgrades with Aurora Cinderella and Belle makes fun of Mary Costa, Illene Woods and Paige O' Hare and they look down right weird even the voices. I figured Disney has ton of money they would at least try to get accurate voices especially singing.

But I'm nit picking what I wished it were, but I agree with carrieicecream it's just a kids show so OH, WELL. We don't have to like...
over a year ago disneylyric said…
I think the show's fine. The catch is that you have to think like a fairy tale-as in, symbolically. Seeing it concretely without thinking about how things are more than what they seem won't work. Sofia's just a rookie princess-she'll grow into what's required of her.
over a year ago TigerRanma said…
I think the show is adorable.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MalloMar said…
I actually enjoy it, but i see all of your points. It's kind of predictable and it doesn't seem to be real thought out. The animation, characters, and music are mediocre. I do however, think it's cute and entertaining. I'll admit I have seen every episode as a result of boredom.
over a year ago PociandSmith said…
Is it only for children? I've never seen it but is it a childish show?
over a year ago islandprincess said…
Even though some series are pretty dull I like this show.
carrieicecream commented…
I agree, I think it's fun over a year ago
over a year ago AudreyFreak said…
well it's for very young kids, so how complex do people expect it to be? It's no more dumbed down than Dora, Blue's Clues, etc. it's really cute and Sofia is a really good role model for little girls.
MalloMar commented…
I agree. over a year ago
auroraxaurelia commented…
Agree. It has a charm to it I think. Even if it's for toddlers and very young children. over a year ago
over a year ago AdmiralPowell said…
So I'm a huge fan of fairy tales, and naturally Disney markets them the best, so I've watched all of their princess movies. Belle is my number one favorite and Elsa, surprisingly, is now my second. But I was really sick with what felt like the plague this week and was out of princess stuff to mush my brain on, so I tried Sofia out. ...What can I say about it... It's not the absolute worst show out there, but it makes me sad that this is a show for kids. When I was a kid I loved watching the Aladdin show that was on Disney, or catching the Little Mermaid. Or the Hercules show. But these episodes are all... bleh. There are some vaguely amusing parts, but nothing really happens. Their intended audience won't really get anything from them. I still remember when Jasmine turned into a naga because Aladdin did and she did it because she loved him and didn't want to be alone. I think the idea of it was great- a princess for an age group that Disney started to gear princesses for a long time ago with a new generation, so they get their own thing. But man. The first thing that really irked me was Sofia's voice acting. Like really irked me. But I got over it and then adjusted and it was whatever. But kiri is right, they gave the Princess role the vanity position, which is just something cute to be with no responsibilities, only people gushing over you.

I feel if Disney was going to do a show for kids, maybe they should take one of their other princesses, or maybe a few from the same Mythos (Brave, Tangled, Frozen) and somehow put them all in the same place? Princess boarding school? Or make a new show designed for the weeabits about new princesses that is a Royal Training School. Special teachers include Belle for ballroom dancing, Rapunzel for... frying pan fencing.. Then they could keep adding to their market, keep using what they have, and keep people happy.

*coughs* That's just.. my thoughts though. Overall, Sofia's not a great addition to the new Princess circle in my books and I hope they get her out soon or change how she's done.
prussiaducky commented…
That would be hard to animate, and the TV Disney series aren't the best if you rewatch them over a year ago
over a year ago xQueenKatx said…
I think that Sophia the First has a dark side... Maybe it's actually about a princess who went insane and barley ever went outside and saw animals so when they locked her up she actually just imagined all of this and instead of having actual animals she imagined them and when the people came to feed her (because she's insane and locked up) that's when she had the "outside adventures" thats what I feel this thing is based on... Just like how Disney Princesses are also based off of dark stories (Ariel, Cinderella, ect.)