Disney Princess I thought the motto was "every girl deserves a fairy tale ending"

PrincessTiana posted on Dec 08, 2012 at 04:17AM
So I posted this Latina Disney Princess forum and you guys wasted no time to attack me. Geez, I was just talking about setting. Disney could take any fairy tale like Thumblina and pick a different setting that could be Panama or Dominican Republic.

When I think of ideas for stories I get inspired by culture or mostly pretty things from different cultures. For example, a while ago I got the idea I wanted to re-write a fairy tale story. I picked the fairy tale and that's all I had. Then I watched The Duchess. Boy did I just love the sets and costume and the accents. That made me pick a setting, England in the 18th century. So I started thinking about how I wanted my main character to look and what her personality would be. Then I started thinking of a plot. Do you see what I'm getting at?

I get inspired by things around me. A plot doesn't come in till after I established setting and characters. That's me and that is also how we came up with short films at my college. First we look at the world around us (this was an assignment) and write down what we see that catches our eye. Then we come up with a character that may be inspired by what we saw in real life. After all of that, that is when we actually come up with a story. We think of a situation and how that type of character we made will deal with it.

When doing a fairy tale adaption you don't have to think of plot first cause there already is one written for you. Film makers have to think of something that will make their adaption different and unique because in reality everyone knows the story of Cinderella. Seeing it in film is not that interesting unless you change things up a bit and make it your own. That is why I said Disney should make a Latina Princess because it's a different setting that Disney has not yet worked with and it could be exciting.

There are about twenty movies or television shows about the same fairy tale that people have already watched so I think to make your own more different from everybody else would be to set it in a different country or a different race or gender. I'm talking about as an adaption. Aladdin hasn't been made into films as much as Cinderella but when Disney adapted it they changed things up. In the Disney version the Aladdin story was set in Middle East. In the original version it was set in China. That made it more unique.

I know I'm "jumping on the bandwagon" (one I didn't know exist) but I'm just a person that loves seeing different culture in film. I love period films set in different countries. When I think of a film about a fairy tale set in Latin America I'm thinking of great costumes, Mesoamerican pyramids, colors, soundtrack (I love Latin music) and just a huge movie. I'm thinking of like another Prince of Egypt or Lion King. Disney did so well with the music by bringing in Lebo M and made me feel that culture and the musical brings you more into the African culture.

I'm a nerd. A nerd that loves history but also fantasy. To me the best thing is to combine the two. Again this is why I really want to see Brave.

You guys don't want to see a Latina Disney princess, that's fine. You don't feel that there is a need for a Latina princess, that's fine too. I just get goosebumps when I think about what Disney could visually do with the animation in a Latin American setting. I mean, Lion King was awesome.

To be honest I want to work at Disney one day once I get my degree (I was inspired by the company) but after this weird shoot down you guys gave me maybe I shouldn't stay too long. I actually am in the early process of writing an adaption of another "fairy tale" that I decided to set in Latin America. That was why i kind of brought it up. I know I might get someone telling me if I want a Latina princess so bad why don't I just make my own. Well, I'm already on that. And yeah I am bringing more to the plot then just the regular fairy tale being in Latin America. Since I decided to set it in a Latin American country just the setting alone gave me more ideas for plots. And yeah I gave the characters character. I was inspired by the people in my class.

Also maybe I'm just high on HBO's Happily Ever After Fairy tales For Every Child. That show kicked ass with setting already very known fairy tales in different countries. In the Aladdin episode they actually just set it in what it was supposed to be set in, China. You know my favorite episode was the Twelve Dancing Princesses where it was set in Cuba and had Jon Secada as the main guy with his beautiful singing voice. I love song he sings. In that version the main guy is Latino but he has personality. He's not old like the original. He seems young but also shy, soft spoken, and smart.

That show, to me, did the best in being creative in adapting fairy tales we've heard thousands of times. It never seemed like they were just black to be black or Korean just to be Korean. They creators used the different setting to their advantage and casting the badass Denzel Washington as the king in Jamaican version of Rumpelstiltskin was awesome! There was so many celebrities in that show. I think the voice actress of Nani from Lilo & Stitch voiced the Little Mermaid and sung a great rock song.

I loved that show and I was always excited to see what country they were going to do next. It was creative. It was different. Different is good to me when you are making an adaption that has been adapted so many times already. I also remember watching a Snow White film with Kristin Kreuk, who is Asian, as Snow White.

I think different setting or characters is just more interesting when you already know the story. Well that it. I hope that explains to you all why I wanted Latina princess in a film. Remember Latina is not a race, it's a culture. I want to see the culture for visuals. I just pick Disney since it seems to be the only company that has recently done hand drawn animation films.

last edited on Dec 08, 2012 at 05:22PM

Disney Princess 4 replies

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over a year ago PrincessTiana said…

Now I know you all still may disagree with me and you can if you want but please don't try to force me give up my opinion. This is not facts it's personal opinion and I have a right to mines and you have a right to yours but just because you may disagree with me and three people agree with you disagreeing with me doesn't mean you are right.

There are other people outside this website that may agree with me and there are some that won't. But I think we need to stop fighting as if this is facts. All this is is personal opinion.There are a lot more things more important things going on than Disney princesses like Israel bombing Gaza. Can you believe that? does that men American has to go through ANOTHER war? didn't we just get out of one? Why can't we all just try to get along without use of weapons.

Very much like here. This is suppose to be a webpage where people that like similar things talk about that thing. We may not agree but why is people so passionately angry when someone says "I think Merida is a Disney Princess." Or why when someone just feels differently about a subject they have to get ridiculed? This is all opinion. There are no facts.

You now what? Merida may be a Disney princess. She may not. People that think she is have the right to post her on here because Disney implied that Merida is the first Pixar princess. If you think that she still isn't well no one can really know for sure until Disney comes out and say it for themselves. And so what if Merida is a Official princess? How does that hurt you? what damage can that bring anyone? I seriously think this web page is more like a high school click than anything else.

People seem to not want Merida in this click just because she's different. She's not as cute as Rapunzel. She is not based on any fairy tale. She has the balls to not even have a love interest in her story. She's too much of a tomboy. She doesn't sing. Her hair is too wild. I think that kind of is the point. Brave goes outside the box of what a princess movie is and I happen to fine it refreshing cause many of these Disney princesses are the same character over and over again. They are free spirits that have dreams of "something more" and they want to explore the world to fine it. They are brave but get frighten at times but they trust they're hearts. That's basically all of them! I do now like Merida's look. She looks cutely weird but thank God cause most of these Disney princesses look like the same person!

Some people actually wished Esmeralda was a official Disney princess and they will make fanart of the Disney princesses with her included. Okay she isn't a princess but I have to admit she is interesting even more so then the princesses. She is a gypsy she could be from Spain but that wouldn't make her Latino, it makes her Hispanic but I doubt it since she is so dark so I think she is Indian) living in a time where the french were killing the Gypsy cause they thought they were evil. She is basically living like a Jew.

Some people wish Megrea was a Disney princess. i don't really like her but again she has a lot more going for her than the Disney princesses. She is different. She isn't a teenager. she isn't wide eyed bubbly looking for a prince. She already had a man and got her heart broken and has to learn to love again. That is deep! That is interesting. Why can't fans make fanart with these characters as princesses? It may not be correct but it's their fanart and they can do what they want. It's not hurting anyone. it's not like they are using characters that isn't Disney and calling them Disney princesses. so it should be fine.

I dunno now I'M going too deep into this but I think since people are so not willing to accept a certain character into this Disney line up it reflects who they are in real life. That you have your own click of friends that are alike in every way and you never accept that tomboy girl in your group cause you were the popular girly girls. In school that girl with braces couldn't sit at your table cause she wasn't like everyone else and also was some pounds bigger than the rest of you.

To ME, seeing all these princesses line up together and them being different races and cultures and some even with different personalities is the perfect way to get kids to accept each other. We all are different. We are not one person. We have different views. We have different likes and that's okay. That is what makes us interesting.

I go to Columbia College (the art school) and everyone is so different. It's the complete opposite of high school. We all are different races, ages, and personalities. I worked with this one guy that was goth and I was a little unsure about him at first but when I got to know him, he was a nice guy! He wasn't gloomy or scary, he was nice and creative and could have a dark sense of humor that i loved. Yeah he was pale but he has this long beautiful Rapunzel hair that you may not think of when you think of a goth kid. There is another kid (why am I using kid they are like in their 20s?) who is of like Indian or Arab decent, I don't know, but he looks sophisticated and even sits with his legs cross but he isn't a stick in the mud. He is just as funny as the goth kid and they get along so well despite being different. It's beautiful. We all are different but we get along so well.

That's what I think Disney line up should stand for. That even is what I think a film set in Latin America should have. Cause again there are so many different ethnic groups in a country like Brazil yet everyone will proudly say "I'm an Brazilian". And just watching videos of carnival in like every Latin American country, it just makes me happy. To me little girls seeing these princesses that are different being together should give them the idea to accept other people that aren't exactly like them.

PLEASE DON'T RESPONSE. I just wanted you to read.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kidaralda said…
Nah if anyone should represent for the Latina's it would be Esmeralda.
Not hard for Disney just to come out and announce her part of the line,and especially if they re-release HBOND in 3D.
Wasn't she once an official princess but was snagged?
over a year ago TheCrystalRing said…
Just one comment...Merida is a Pixar character, and is NOT part of the Disney Animated Classics, which is why I don't want her to join...It has nothing to do with her being 'different'.
over a year ago PokeBelle said…
....Why would anyone here attack someone for they're opinion?! O__O; WHAT KIND OF CREEPS ARE HE PEOPLE HERE??!!! Appoligise! Please!...i'm sorry to post this, but, really. If you love pretty things like princesses you espesally have no rights to be so hurtful! Think of what your doing....

Of course all girls deserve fairy tale endings.....SOO LONG AS THEY ARE KIND TO THEY'RE FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS.

I'm terrably sorry about this post...i'm just so.....confused by all of this. *sigh*

(....i bet my depression is going to return tonight now.....)
last edited over a year ago