Disney's Bolt BOLT!!! 2!!!

stoff posted on Mar 26, 2009 at 03:53PM
I wanth next film about bolt!!!! i wanth BOLT 2!!!!! and you!?

Disney's Bolt 2490 replies

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over a year ago theJF said…
...Indeed!!! ;-)
over a year ago Keyvon said…
Awwl that means a lot to me thank you boltdoglover ^.^
over a year ago no1BOLTfan said…
Hmm...perhaps I should draw you something for your birthday :)
over a year ago Boltdoglover said…
hey keyvon can you make music videos?
over a year ago Keyvon said…
What kind of video ?
over a year ago Keyvon said…
Hay Bolt fans Halloween is in 3 more days are you guys excited ^.^
over a year ago theJF said…
Not really planning on doing much myself, other than locking things up and keeping an eye out for would-be tricksters... And enjoying a little candy of course! ;-)
over a year ago Keyvon said…
Im dont do much eather I have school that day so that makes it seems more boring
over a year ago FinnishBoltfan1 said…
Hi! finally back from our Cabbage, It was fun To stay at there for few days! Next series will start on 1-3 days,See you on the next episodes!
over a year ago Boltdoglover said…
i was thinking a bolt music video with the song head strong from linkin park or breakdown from breaking benjamin think you could work you magic? and if you can have it all bolt and no scenes of the band playing?
over a year ago SuperBoltFan14 said…
I have hurricane Sandy to look forward to. It's going to start tearing through my state of PA soon. This should be fun. School is already cancelled for monday and tuesday so if my windows don't shatter or my electricity doesn't shut off the next two days inside could be fun. Wish me luck my friends I'll probably need it. The whole east coast south of me already needs it but if you got a prayer to give still that'd be great of you all.
over a year ago no1BOLTfan said…
Oh, scary! I am so happy I don't have to deal with hurricanes like that, just earthquakes. I hope that you will be safe and it will be over soon, and that everyone on the east coast will be safe.
over a year ago theJF said…
Yea, know the feeling SBF14. Been through a few myself, and they're definitely not fun. Will certainly keep you and others on the east coast in my prayers, and trust things will blow over quickly and smoothly for ya'. :-) Oh, and don't forget (if you haven't already) to stock up on toiletries and dairy products, as those are notorious for being out of stock after a big storm event, sometimes for weeks!
over a year ago FinnishBoltfan1 said…
Scary! In Finland There is only one thing to afraid: Coldness :(
over a year ago theJF said…
I would say you are lucky there in Finland, but even extreme cold can be quite dangerous as well! BRRRrrrrrrr!!!
over a year ago Boltdoglover said…
SBF14 i pray you and your family will make it through the storm unharmed. along with all the others on the east coast...people and pets a like.
over a year ago SuperBoltFan14 said…
Thanks a bunch guys. I feel safer and I think the prayers are working as I still have power even through the first day of a tropical strom level storm and that is a miracle in itself. Talk to you all later.
over a year ago Keyvon said…
Who herd of the hurrican thats heading to new york it makes me super sad
over a year ago SuperBoltFan14 said…
Not trying to be rude but where have you been all day? That's what I wrote about above you some. I'm in the middle of that hurricane right now but luckily I still have power. Is where your at in the path of the hurricane?
over a year ago Boltdoglover said…
IM IN LOVE :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Keyvon said…
Awwl with who ?
over a year ago no1BOLTfan said…
Aww! You sure seem happy about it too! So, who is it? XD
over a year ago Boltdoglover said…
big smile
her name is Patricia, and she is everything im looking for in a girl. screw cloud 9 im on cloud 9000!!! i love her more then Bolt and i never thought that was possible! Dont think that means i love Bolt less that never gonna happen! but WOWWEE what a women! BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago no1BOLTfan said…
I almost forgot, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And congrats, if you love her more than Bolt...well, you must love her A LOT! :) I'm happy you're happy, after your long rant on the previous page
over a year ago FinnishBoltfan1 said…
Nice! Happy-b day!
over a year ago Keyvon said…
How cute being in love is,a awesome thing ^.^
over a year ago Boltdoglover said…
N1BF i think my life is an endless rollercoaster oh well thats what keeps it interesting
over a year ago Keyvon said…
Lol roller coasters =)
over a year ago no1BOLTfan said…
Haha random subject change!
over a year ago theJF said…
big smile
Ah yes, tis' the way this forum stays light and fun. Oh were would we be without members like Keyvon to keep things interesting, and random... XD
over a year ago Keyvon said…
Like rainbows XD
over a year ago theJF said…
...I rest my case. ;-)
over a year ago no1BOLTfan said…
XD Nice new picture Keyvon!
over a year ago FinnishBoltfan1 said…
yup,We should make Another Forum for this kind of stuff =)
over a year ago Keyvon said…
Awwl thank you guys are the best I was think we should change a icons the first of every month and the club thing I another form would be awesome to do ^.^
over a year ago FinnishBoltfan1 said…
big smile
I should change my own too :)
over a year ago inubolt said…
dont do it ,they are awesome, if you do it i cry
by the way hi everione
over a year ago FinnishBoltfan1 said…
? You're wierd..
over a year ago inubolt said…
if you sai so
besides i do not speak english very well
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago no1BOLTfan said…
Hi! And that is a pretty good idea, maybe I will get a new one...
over a year ago Keyvon said…
Hello inubolt Welcome Bolt 2 ^.^
over a year ago theJF said…
Yes welcome newcomer, and to a forum which seems to rarely be "on topic", but is always fun regardless!
over a year ago FinnishBoltfan1 said…
hi,Sorry for the post before,I thought You mean that I'm not worth it.
over a year ago inubolt said…
it is ok and thanks everione for be so nice with me
over a year ago Keyvon said…
We are the Bolts Buddies and the Bolt buddies are never mean unless somme of trying to start a fight but were mostly nice you could even join the Bolt Budies if you like ^.^
over a year ago inubolt said…
undestood , i´m gona be a good dog
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FinnishBoltfan1 said…
? Dog.....I thought you were human? XD I know what you mean. :D
over a year ago inubolt said…
you see mi nikname is baka inu and traslated is something like dumb dog so i consider miself loyal
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Boltdoglover said…
big smile
i knew it dumb dogs are still smater then people XD LOL people is the funniest creatures. inubolt your english seems to be pretty geed. i ocne raed taht if the frsit and lsat letetrs are rghit you can siltl raed it
over a year ago Keyvon said…
Dogs rock =)