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Doctor Who Question

Am i the only one who hates the rose x Doctor?

Allof tenth time as the Doctor is basically Rose in s2 then he spents the entire time in s3 thinkng OMG my roes is gone then we got tht clean break in s4 but BAM! we didn't becouse all of the childrn in time should gather then the Specials. -__- they just bug me so much, Then there was the fandom being all crazy about them but thts' a different thing.I ship river x Doctor WAY harder. What do u think?????
No offense to any rose x Doctor fans out there....

dont be o heartless.somebody he loved left him would do the same thing.
TARDIS-Granger posted over a year ago
I wouldnt. the Doctor forced Rose in a parallel universe against her will. yup sounds like true love.
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
Why not? :DD
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

QueenCordelia said:
I completely respect your opinion, but i have a few disagreements. I personally love Rose and The Doctor's relationship. I, for one, did not believe that they had a "love at first sight" story, I think they were best friends first and the romantic side came later. I personally hate love at first sight relationships, and in my eyes, this was not one of them. You mentioned before that The Doctor had forced Rose into going to the parallel world. The first time, he sent her there and she teleported back. The second time, had Pete not teleported back and grabbed Rose, then she would've been sucked into the void and died.I know Rose's character gets a lot of hate but Rose is one my favorite companions because she was always there for him and I felt as though she understood him the most. I know people consider whiny and annoying, and even though she's not perfect, she's a very compassionate person. For example, in the episode "Love and Monsters", Rose wasn't happy with the fact that Elton upset her mum, but when she found out that he lost his love, she forgot about that and went to comfort him. I thought that was really sweet of her. I do agree that a lot of season 3 was about him missing Rose, but considering the relationship she had with The Doctor i find it understandable that he would mourn her a bit. You also mentioned why The Doctor didn't travel through the void to go get her. In case you wanted that cleared up, The Doctor mentioned a few times that the TARDIS could only travel within that particular dimension. Rose was in a completely different dimension and wasn't accessible.
Like i said, i'm not trying to bash anyone's opinions on Rose or Rose/Doctor. I love Doctor Who and all his companions and this is just my opinion. :-)
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posted over a year ago 
nicly said
TARDIS-Granger posted over a year ago
A-347 said:
I don't like her cause s2 onwards she became a major mary sue (and before you say "But she had flaws!" yes, she did but they didn't seem to affect her in any bad way - still a mary sue) and a spoilt brat. Not only that but her relationship with the doctor is constantly shoved down our throats even when she isn't there. It just seems so ham-fisted and forced. I really don't get why people ship this nonsense. I gotta admit, she was a badass in s4 so I respected her character a bit more after that but not the pairing. Moffat (SORRY I meant RTD) just tries to force Rose x the Doctor so much that it's alienated me to the idea...
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, Rose is ridiculously overrated. She was super boring and annoying.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
your osm...
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
Exactly. Spoiled isn't the same as opinionated. What TARDIS-Granger says would be a response or defense to her being opinionated.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
Doctor_Donna said:

But I'm sick of all the hate they get. Did you skip the Ninth or?? In season 1 they hardly were in love with each other until the very end. All of Tenth time as the Doctor was basically Rose because Rose was the reason his tenth incarnation was even born. He saved her life when she looked in the time vortex, before you complain about the Doctor risking this regeneration for her there's the Fifth saving Peri but doing so triggered a regeneration. The Doctor can't just let them die and with that brilliant kiss he is absorbing what's killing Rose but it's not just for Rose own good but also for him because they're hopelessly in love with each other by then so he changed into the face of a younger man. Think about it this way though there's a wonderful man with enough power to challenge Satan and all of time and space is at his fingertips but he's broken the only one who can fix him is an ordinary shopgirl.

I don't know but it's that typical oldest love story in the world I know I love.
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But I'm sick of all the hate they get. Did you skip the Ninth or?? In season 1 they hardly were in love with each other until the very end. <i>All of Tenth time as the Doctor was basically Rose </i> because Rose was the reason his tenth incarnation was even born. He saved her life when she looked in the time vortex, before you complain about the Doctor risking this regeneration for her there's the Fifth saving Peri but doing so triggered a regeneration. The Doctor can't just let them die and with that brilliant kiss he is absorbing what's killing Rose but it's not just for Rose own good but also for him because they're hopelessly in love with each other by then so he changed into the face of a younger man. Think about it this way though there's a wonderful man with enough power to challenge Satan and all of time and space is at his fingertips but he's broken the only one who can fix him is an ordinary shopgirl.

I don't know but it's that typical oldest love story in the world I know I love.
posted over a year ago 
Urgh that scene was overdramatic and i rlly want it to hurry up. -.-
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
rilly is really
TARDIS-Granger posted over a year ago
I don't think it's forced. It took a whole season to be shown that they really have feelings and then another for Rose to confess it. I think their relationships actually have development and realistic characters that change over the story arc. They made each other better and find delight in their presence. Some of their character development alone was because of each other. I think Billie was fantastic, she was one of the main reasons the show got back on track.
Doctor_Donna posted over a year ago
labyrinth75 said:
I don't hate Ten and Rose shipping, but I can't exactly say that I like it
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posted over a year ago 
hi 5
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
Flickerflame said:
We definitely do seem to be in the minority. But I never really liked the pairing, or her as a character either
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posted over a year ago 
yes me 2 hi 5
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
darange said:
yes, yes you are the only one
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yes, yes you are the only one
posted over a year ago 
not rlly becouse pll says im not the only one
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
good for you you have got the right idea.FANTASTIC! picture by the way
TARDIS-Granger posted over a year ago
roseluna said:
Technically, rose didn't even end up with the doctor himself. The duplicate was still him, but not him himself (ya followin meh?). She ended up with a form of the doctor, but ten still had to go about his little time-traveling, rose-less life afterwards. And, though i ship eleven and river very, VERY hard, I don't think that ten/rose should be compared to eleven/river. Though ten and eleven are the same being, they're completely different. I think that only ships with the same doctor in each should be compared to each other, otherwise it's like comparing apples to bananas.
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posted over a year ago 
But its still the doctor no matter how much the personality changed because of a new actor its still that madman in a box. Its not about the in universe its from the point of view of a viewer because she was there in the specials and mention in basically every episode.
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
they dont mention her in almost every episode your exaderating
TARDIS-Granger posted over a year ago
maybe i am but the point stands
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
pumpkinqueen said:
No, you aren't. I don't like them either, but I don't like Rose so...I just think their whole relationship is boring and forced, like it's just comes out of no where and it's like ' they love each other suddenly, yup.'
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posted over a year ago 
I loved Ten and Donna's relationship more.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
Exactly!! you are osm.
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
Okay, so, everybody in this conversation needs to calm down. Donna was an amazing person, the most important woman in the world. The Doctor Donna, she was the one who saved the whole of reality from destruction. But, Donna and Ten didn't have a romantic relationship, it was a buddy thing. They were two mates travelling, basically they were bros. So, yeah. Also, you should probably not hate on Rose and her relationship with The Doctor. It was not forced, by the way, it was gradually increased every episode since the season 1 finale. They were friends at first, and they slowly, gradually made their way towards couples for life status. Oh, and BTW the 11th Doctor and 10th doctor are way different. One is in love with Rose and one is in love with River. Capiche?
timelady-queen posted over a year ago
TARDIS-Granger said:
I personally really liked there relationship.I think Rose was the first person the Doctor really loved.But then agien I get really mushy for an adventure tragic romance story:)btw I don't judge you at all because you dislike Rose almost half as much as I hate
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posted over a year ago 
Eight kissed someone. I hate Rose so much. omg your probably the first person i know tht hate Donna
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
so we are in the same boat.not many people hate rose and not many people hate donna.join the club
TARDIS-Granger posted over a year ago
I dont like donna and rose. both are so ordinary and boring. they are just likehousdwifes .
scientificdoc posted over a year ago
nowand4ever said:
I think "hate" is a strong word for their relationship as I neither love or hate their relationship. I really have no preference. I ship Whoufflé anyways. (:
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posted over a year ago 
s_sonofposeidon said:
Well here's my detailed opinion:
When I( notice the I? Just my opinion) first saw eccleston and rose I never thought about them liking each other. She was a companion at the start and a unique one...A simple-minded and fiercely loyal shop girl who grew into so much more. RTD developed her character so well. At every point her character surprised me and she gave the doctor as much as he gave her. He showed her a way out of her dull life and she, a common pink and yellow human, brought the doctor back from the darkness.
People say that she didnt have a strong character like donna or a mysterious background like river's but that was the essence of her character. A normal human being who managed to affect the doctor in a way few could. Rose as a character was one of the best for me. Rosexdoctor was fine but it was quite understandable why it couldnt her getting the metacrisis was fair and just goes to show how important her character was to the show and the viewers that she had to be given a closure.
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posted over a year ago 
princecatcher93 said:
You're not alone. I personally don't like them after a bit them seemed like that one couple you own that NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT EACH OTHER.
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posted over a year ago 
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