Doctor Who Favorite Episode When They Travel Into The Past?

Pick one:
1x03: The Unquiet Dead
1x08: Father's Day
1x09: The Empty Child
1x10: The Doctor Dances
2x02: Tooth and Claw
2x04: The Girl in the Fireplace
2x07: The Idiot's Lantern
3x02: The Shakespeare Code
3x04: Daleks in Manhattan
3x05: Evolution of the Daleks
3x08: Human Nature
3x09: The Family of Blood
4x02: The Fires of Pompeii
4x07: The Unicorn and the Wasp
4x11: Turn Left
5x03: Victory of the Daleks
5x06: The Vampires of Venice
5x10: Vincent and the Doctor
5x12: The Pandorica Opens
5x13: The Big Bang
6x03: The Curse of the Black Spot
6x08: Let's Kill Hitler
7x03: A Town Called Mercy
7x05: The Angels Take Manhattan
7x08: Cold War
7x09: Hide
7x10: The Crimson Horror
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 LittleMissAkuma posted over a year ago
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