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Eragon Question


I love the movie and I don't know why every one hates it . Sometimes in a movie they have got to leave things out and if it was the length of the book it would last for hours. Can someone pleassse answer this question
 Iamadragon posted over a year ago
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Eragon  best answer

bookworm101 said:
I hated it because,

1. Brom is not a storyteller.

2. Eragon doesn't seem to have any weaknesses in the movie, unlike the book. It makes characters seem more real when they have weaknesses.

3. Arya was BLOND, and she had ROUND ears.

4. Eragon was not injured at the end when he defeated Durza, which plays a huge part in Eldest.

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posted over a year ago 
voted u as best answer! ur so rite, and i totally forgot his Durza injury... wow. they really CAN'T do a second! wat losers. how r they qualified as filmmakers?
louisianababe posted over a year ago
bookworm101 posted over a year ago
yep, not to mention that whole "if the rider dies, then the dragon will die because of it" thing is totally BS. I kinda get where they got that from (since they usually go insane/suicidal), but regardless, it wasn't in the book and they state it right out in the movie e.0
mossears133 posted over a year ago
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green79 said:
Most of the people who hate the movie are the ones who have read the book. I think the reason why is because they see what an amazing book Eragon is (although it's a copy of Lord of the Rings) and then they see how crappy the movie is compared to the book and they hate it because if it had just followed the book more it could have been amazing.

I saw the movie before I read the book and I liked it. Then I read the book a couple years later and loved it but when I watched the movie again I realized how much better the book was. The movie could have been amazing like the Lord of the Rings but instead they completely changed it and messed it up so that it skipped more than half of the book.
So I think that's why a lot of people hate the movie but correct me if I'm wrong.
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posted over a year ago 
One more thing, eragonfan10... I think the reason why everyone compares it to the Lord of the Rings is because the book is almost just as good as it and I think that a lot of people were hoping for great movies like the Lord of the Rings but then this crappy movie comes out that is completely different from the book... I think that's why.
green79 posted over a year ago
eragon is not like lord of the rings
aryaluver posted over a year ago
Ummm.... Vader was manipulated by Palpatine. I didn't really compare it before someone mentioned it, but it kinda is. And Morzan is Eragon's father. I think. I haven't read it in about a year. Or watched the mocie, but I don;'t think it's in the movie.
Icepaw_Kenobi posted over a year ago
Okami_Amaterasu said:
Because of how unlike the book it was, there was nothing in the film that made me think this is a good comparison to the book, everything was wrong in the movie, and the movie was short, but they didn't have to do about the whole book, they left out important things, that affect the second book aswell, so if they do a second movie (I doubt it) it wouldn't be Eldest, they might aswell give it a diffrent name.
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posted over a year ago 
thanx for answering
Iamadragon posted over a year ago
Orik wasn't evn in ther, so they cant do a second, cuz Orik is really important and major in that book.
louisianababe posted over a year ago
anexskater said:
The reason i didn't like this movie was because they left a bunch of city's in the movie and also,they had Arya black haired and also whats the deal with Arya, isn't she supposed to have pointed ears?. Also what gets me ticked is that Eragon fights Durza in the dwarf kingdom were the dragon lair i s(sorry frogot the name of the dwarf fortress)not in the air!?.So man ythings were left out making you think i your really watching Eragon , or some cheesy dragon movie. Also i think that why harry potter is so poplar in movies? because the directors are British and so is the cast. Sadly,American directors like to twist the story.They like to run away with their imagination and never come back, leaving the author silently fuming.
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posted over a year ago 
YES YES YES!!!I totaly agree!!!
emmaterry posted over a year ago
nickbrownmusic2 said:
Because these books, while they have been called slightly amateur by some, are insanely insightful and well imagined by someone so young. Some of the concepts introduced by oromis' teachings are just beautiful and as a whole the books actually manage to standalone in terms of originality, despite what the LOTR bashers say. In terms of this type of fiction, its hard not to write something that has been done in some way before, its about dragons, magic and evil ffs, of course its been written about before. But Paolini STILL managed to write something that stands alone and is memorable and captivating. Now to the have that movie come from these books is f*&#en disgusting. Not because its not accurate (which it bloody well ISNT! in the SLIGHTEST!), but because films are GENERALLY going to be seen by the masses more so than the minority who would rather read it and it absolutely puts Paolini to shame. I feel so bad for him hearing people see the movie and hate on it (as well they should) because they see it as a reflection on his work, which it barely is. The movie should never have been made. If you cant do it properly then just don't do it, it is an insult to the books and one that tarnishes their memory forever. Oh and also, orcs aren't like urgals at all. AT. ALL...and if you think they are then even Tolkien (god rest his soul) would be shaking his head in disgust at you, urgals are like Beorn, if anything. They aren't evil AND THEY ARENT WHAT THE GODDAMN STUPID MOVIE MADE THEM AS! THEY DIDNT EVEN HAVE HORNS!.....god I hate it so much I cant even deal with it. If I ever see the filmmakers on the beat...Jierda theirra kalfis! Im so heartbroken for you Paolini, we love ya shurt'ugal x
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posted over a year ago 
bookworm12345 said:
the movie was so far off from the book and it sucked
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posted over a year ago 
Thanx for answering as well
Iamadragon posted over a year ago
well it was
bookworm12345 posted over a year ago
eragonfan10 said:
Im with you lama...I like the movie, even though some of the dialogue was corny. It doesn't matter to me how much unlike the book it is. Also,I doubt this movie had the incredible monetary backing that Lord of the Rings had in which they actually could afford to put every page of the book into a very LOOOOONG movie...And yet people unfairly compare everything to Lord of the Rings. I think this movie had it where it counts, a good story, character, and even heart. I really want to see this series continue on the big screen.
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posted over a year ago 
It's good to see that someone likes it as well no disrespect to anyone who hates it everyone has a different liking or hating of it
Iamadragon posted over a year ago
but they left important things out and screwed the caracters up. If they did the movie right i wouldn't mind it being more then one movie or a long one. To make it worse they can't do the second book or the third now
Tsuki posted over a year ago
You need to lay off "Lord of the Rings"! It is the best movie/book series of all time! UNDERSTAND!?
selena-kun posted over a year ago
chickens_rule said:
Because it sucks compared to the books. The movie has a completely different stroy line to the books because they changed it soooooo much!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
aryaluver said:
i dont hate it i lovee it its so goooooooooood
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posted over a year ago 
but i agreey the book is way better than the movie
aryaluver posted over a year ago
movie sucks.
emmaterry posted over a year ago
louisianababe said:
wow,lamadragon, how in the hell ru an eragon fan if u LOVE the movie???? it was HORRIBLE. the worst. nothing was right. not evn going to go into the details. did u read the book at all? i guess not, cuz that movie really p-oed me. read the book, then watch the movie. thats all im gonna say.
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posted over a year ago 
AnimationFan said:
Saphira looked great, but that's pretty much it. Angela was a short curled haird women in the book, but in the film she was (meant to be) pretty with jewls like an ordinary fortune teller.
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posted over a year ago 
eragon123 said:
Because the movie was almost nothing compared to the book and it wrapped up the entire series even though the 4th book isnt even out yet
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posted over a year ago 
kenziepopper said:
? Nobody likes the movie?!! I love the movie and the video game. even if some things are different it is still a good movie.
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posted over a year ago 
emmaterry posted over a year ago
^It's an opinion, not a fact. Your "no" doesn't even make sense.
ArcticWolf posted over a year ago
i-luv-jazz-hale said:
people dont like it because the director/producer/peopel cut and changed it so much. half the things which would be important in the next three books where cut out. they got the ending wrong. they should re-do it.
and what about the crazy witch child. i forgot her name but she is important
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posted over a year ago 
The witch childs name is elva
emmaterry posted over a year ago
BuddyBu said:
the movie is pretty good, but I dont like it as much as the books coz of:

1. Durza kills Brom in the movie, but its supposed to be the ra'zac

2. Saphira does the really retarted growing up all of a sudden

3. Eragon doesn't show the traders the stone

4. Orik isn't in it

5. Arya has red hair in the movie and round ears, when she should have black hair and pointy ears

There is a lot more!!
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posted over a year ago 
Arya should also have green eyes.has the director ever thout of eye cotacts???
emmaterry posted over a year ago
Don't forget the shade never had a smoke dragon in the movie and his smoke dragon never bit saphira on her neck and the urgal's had horns and there were no kull in the movie too.
Canylib2746 posted over a year ago
joejonasislove said:
I really liked the movie but maybe it's cause I haven't read the books :/
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posted over a year ago 
You havent read the books!?Why are you at thins fan club?
emmaterry posted over a year ago
because i like the movie :/
joejonasislove posted over a year ago
luvmurtagh33 posted over a year ago
erlina41 said:
I actually love the movie but the book was kinda better..
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posted over a year ago 
Kind of better?! The book is amazing compared to the film!
Okami_Amaterasu posted over a year ago
yes, the movie was crap compared to the book!!!
luvmurtagh33 posted over a year ago
The book was 100 times better then the movie.
Canylib2746 posted over a year ago
Tsuki said:
the movie is screwed up and is nothing like the book and what is suposed to b like the book is wrong. They couldn't even get a elf or a uragal right.
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posted over a year ago 
Elizabeth0 said:
I actually love the movie. I think that, as a movie, it wasn't so bad at all.
If we want to compare it with the book, it's completley different story. But they couldn't make a movie and keep everything from the book. Even Peter Jackson couldn't do that in trilogy LOTR.
Only thing I don't like is the fact that Saphira grows really fast in the movie, and it just doesn't go that way. They should've done a movie with more baby Saphira scenes. She was so adorable. And Murthagh. Garrett was cute in that movie.
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posted over a year ago 
emmaterry posted over a year ago
adieee said:
i'm with you lama, i loved the movie, i don't really care that dialogue(sp?) wasn't in it, but i do think that the book was better
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posted over a year ago 
hannah_vampire said:
i dont i love the books and the movie. they are both kool
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posted over a year ago 
selena-kun said:
Because Stupid 20th century Fox messed it up so that the only simelaritys were the names and the whole Riders thing.
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posted over a year ago 
Icepaw_Kenobi said:
I don't hate the movie as a movie, but compared to the book there are almost no similarities. And I think the book is better. And it does kinda seem like it copies off of other movies. The book doesn't, but the movie does. I really loved the book and the movie seperatly, though.
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posted over a year ago 
kosgun said:
alot of things were left out wicth sucked
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posted over a year ago 
luvmurtagh33 said:
Dude, have you read the book?? The movie is crap compared to the book.1.The appearance of the characters was totally wrong 2. The events were mixed up and tons of them were missed out 3.Eragon had to name Saphira ( who had feathers!!! wtf!!)not she to tell him her name and they skipped off to a strong bond right away and it was not like that!!

So many things were wrong , they cannot make a sequel unless they make up a whole new story!!
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posted over a year ago 
bob45678 said:
It's nothing like the book. Eragon never got captured, or meet Orik, and Arya doesn't leave in the end of the book. The book was so much better, and since the movie wasn't like the book at all, people don't like it.
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posted over a year ago 
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