fabian rutter and nina martin Updates

a comment was made to the photo: Nina + Fabian= Fina over a year ago by anubis777
a comment was made to the link: House of Anubis Couple over a year ago by rachelloren
a pop quiz question was added: do fabian and nina kiss in the second season over a year ago by ilovetay
a photo was added: Nina + Fabian= Fina over a year ago by starwars101
an answer was added to this question: Do you think Nina and Fabian should be friends or more? over a year ago by orkneymatrix
a question was added: Do you think Nina and Fabian should be friends or more? over a year ago by jeminelenafan99
a poll was added: Which is better?? over a year ago by jeminelenafan99
a link was added: House of Anubis Couple over a year ago by jeminelenafan99