Fanpop Users The Person Below Me (TPBM) Game!

EverybodyLies posted on Apr 13, 2008 at 11:26PM
Okay, so, here's how it works.
I say something like:
"TPBM (which means the person below me) likes broccoli."
And the person who posts the post after me says if it's right or wrong, like:
"Eww, no, I hate the stuff!"
Then they say something like:
"TPBM has accidentally swallowed a bug."
And we keep going on and on. It's a nice way to find out things about each other. :]

So I'll start.

TPBM likes to dance like crazy when no one's around to see.

Fanpop Users 1229 replies

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Showing Replies 201-250 of 1229

over a year ago ay3 said…
:O LOL i guess not!
TPBM dznt agree that a green slug isnt real
over a year ago vider69 said…
What the? TPBM knows the meaning of the question above me. LOL.
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Umm, no, lol. :)

TPBM is afraid of swimming in deep water!
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
No. I took my swimming lessons :)

TPBM has a doesn't have a favorite Fanpooper. (s)he always says, "I love all of you guys! <3"
over a year ago vider69 said…
No I doubt it. TPBM is a vegetarian.
over a year ago ay3 said…
ummmmmmmmmmm...... *COME BACk HERE COWY U LIKE SO TAS--- umm... PRETTY...
LOL no
tpbm wants to go to moscow xxx
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
right now?
no not really :p

TPBM always reply's to this forum ♥
over a year ago api said…
Well, no, it's my first time in this forum....
;-) ;-)

TPBM has tried bungee jumping (i'd like to do that sometime...)
over a year ago babybell said…
TPBM has once picked there nose. = 0
over a year ago ay3 said…
uh... DUH
TPBM me thought they had fallen in love with the guy of there dreams that was older and taken?
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
hahaa unless you cout johnny depp whom i know i will never be with...then no :p

TPBM is sat on their bed ♥
over a year ago ay3 said…
huh? i sit on my bed but im not at the moment.... come to think of it i hvnt evn seen my bed for three months... ill see it 2morrow 4 the first time in a long time THO!!!!!
to TPBM: did it rain today?
lol i didnt know how to frise that: the person bel. me lives somewhere where it rained today
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
nope, but it rained the last FREAKING SIX DAYS
I'm glad it's over.

TPBM is excited for Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist.
over a year ago ay3 said…
TPBM has said they "hated" there parents
over a year ago ineedcoffee said…
Who in their life hasn't uttered those words at some

TPBM is sad summer is just about over.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
yeah :'(
i dont want it to end!

TPBM likes tuna sandwitches ♥
over a year ago vider69 said…
I love them, with lettuce and mayo. TPBM is a Desperate Housewives fan.
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
No. When i came out i wasn't allowed to watch it. So i never started liking it.

TPBM can't say the fear of long words: hippopotamusnstosesquipdaliahphobia.
over a year ago ineedcoffee said…
how the hell can i say it if i get lost trying to read

TPBM has a cat.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
Yeah, and her/his teeth are hurting her/him. D:
It's sad, s/he can't eat solid foods.

TPBM likes spaghetti with meat sauce.
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Sure do! :)

TPBM likes stormy weather.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
omg i love it!
so pretty!

TPBM reads the news paper ♥
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
only dear abby and the comics. xD

TPBM likes Pepsi better than Coke
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Yep! :)

TPBM likes Rachel McAdams.
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
Yes. And I like your icon!

TPBM doesn't like hearing clocks tick.
over a year ago ay3 said…
thats wat puts me to bed at night
TPBM knows that the blonde chick from 90210 as VALERIE IN WAT I LIKE ABOUT U!!!! OMG
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
uhhh no. D:

TPBM hates the Jonas Brothers.
over a year ago ay3 said…
i just dont think about them LOL
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
almost everything?
i rate everything! lol

TPBM hates spiders ♥
over a year ago ay3 said…
no.... i aint a ron here :D
tpbm hates butterflies
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
No! I love them!

TPBM's favorite dog is a labrador.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ay3 said…
no... huskies:D
TPBM has gotten jet lag be4!!!!!
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
Yup, a few times.

TPBM has at least 3 pets.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago brucasislove said…

TPBM wants chocolate.
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
Always. There's just not enough! :p

TPBM reads fanfiction.
over a year ago brucasislove said…

TPBM loves Oasis.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
no not really

TPBM is a huge fan of buffy ♥
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
No, I've never watched it. I've been thinking about it, though, since everyone says it's great.

TPBM is listening to music right now.
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Lol, yes, I'm listening to 'When I grow up' haha.

TPBM sleeps with a stuffed animal. :)
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
No one should ever sleep without one. :p

TPBM watches cartoons on Saturday mornings.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
on satuday i am not up til about 1 :p

TPBM has been in a car today ♥
over a year ago brucasislove said…
nope. i stayed home all day.

TPBM loves pizza.
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
I must admit, I do like deliciousness in the shape of a triangle. :)

TPBM hates clowns.
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
they're kind of creepy.
but I don't hate them.

TPBM can drive.
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
I've driven around an empty field, but I don't have a license.

TPBM can't stand sitting still for too long.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
no i can sit for ages
i love to sit! :P

TPBM uses the fanpop chat room everyday ♥
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Not everyday.

TPBM owns a pink shirt and it's fabulous. :)
over a year ago Office_001 said…
True i don't where it alot tough

TPBM has a computer in their room
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
yes but it has no internet so i dont really use it
well come to think of it, it should we have wireless now? *wonders off to see if it works*

TPBM owns a Johnny Depp DVD ♥
over a year ago ay3 said…
DUH charlie and the choco..... pirates of the c123...... :D
TPBM has a blonde ltl sister