Fanpop Users Confessions

amazondebs posted on Sep 24, 2008 at 09:18AM
okay we've had embarrassing stories, bare facts and strange facts about one another but what about laying down some interesting dirt about yourself, whether it be the candy you stole from when you were to the fact you still sleep with a teddy, what's you confession

(remeber this is something other's can view so be careful what you say if you have revealed your identity online)

Fanpop Users 35 replies

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over a year ago amazondebs said…
okay two from me

firstly no matter how many times i have been told the difference between affect and effect and i still don't understand, people explain it to me, i draw a blank they try again, i still don't get it, they get impatient and and i pretend to understand so if you ever see me use them wrong, not a typo i just don't get it
not really huge gossip on me i know but i find it embarrassing

okay when i explain this next one you have to understand 2 things. firstly i used to live in a caravan at a camp so there were load of caravans all parked together surrounding one another and each caravan had a set of lights one at each end and one by the door, secondly me and my sister used to torture one another when we were little i mean really horrible and she always had the upper hand with her being 7 years older and you know could squish me

anyways what my sister thought happened was she came home one night (my parents were out) and she thought i was asleep and she had forgotten her key and she really needed the loo (British word for toilet) so she banged and banged on the door but asleep me couldn't hear her so she squatted a bit in some near by bushes hidden by the cover of night which is when asleep me finally got up and went to let her in and so i switched all the lights on so anyone in the caravan park or by the near by road over looking the park could see quite clearly what my sister was doing

what actually happened was i was awake the whole time and didn't plan on letting her in for like another hour until i saw what she was doing and just couldn't miss a opportunity to humiliate her
over a year ago OhClip said…
There are few words other than awesome to describe that story debs. (also, difference between affect and effect? seeeriously?)
over a year ago amazondebs said…
lol, glad you enjoyed my sis' humiliation XD although if i ever disappear mysteriously presume that she found this forum

and yes *hangs head in shame*
they sound the same and seem to have the same meaning
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Hahaha Debs! You are not alone! I can never tell them apart! ;] That and stationary and stationery...

Haha well the first thing I always think of when I think of a confesion is from a few years ago. Anyone remeber Beyblades?! link spinning things!! Anyways, my friend Douglas got this really cool part for one, and I wanted it! So I plotted together with my friend Emily, and we made up this really really long story about a shop where someone had happened to drop it when it wasn't in it's box.... ok it was a terrible story, but I think Douglas bought it, then all of a sudden his was gone! *shock*!

I have felt guilty about that ever since... he still doesn't know I took it, 3 years later! He really cared about it as well!! Bad Polly! *hangs head in shame*
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
can we comment on things that aren't as embarrassing as blunt truth? For example, I hate it when people can't take subtle hints. Or, there are a few users I dislike, here's the list (wouldn't do that).
over a year ago amazondebs said…
wow i have never seen them before...
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
But anyways, as a confession, I broke a girls arm in grade 2 and didn't get any punishment of any sort, with the exception of "*ShadowFlame's Name*! I'm very disappointed in you!" - My grade two teacher, who then continued to write on the board.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
sure whatever confession you want to make go ahead......although just be wary of what you say
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
Lol, my subtle hints? I don't put as many of them on Fanpop as I do in 'off computer' life.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
wow this conversation has got confusing with double and overlapping posts lol
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
Ok, and a few users might de-fan me, but I don't like rainbowgeek ever. If you ask why, I'll tell you. I didn't like RulerL0rd, for no apparent reason. He just grinds my gears. I strongly dislike 11relaxing. And there's others...

But on the bright side, I do like a lot of people. Debs, you being on of them, cinders, camal, bobbary, lee, sydney (obviously), poisonfang (the list would go on forever)...

Lol, I know whatcha mean debs!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amazondebs said…
love the use of grind my gears there and of course your exceptionally honest confession
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Once when I was in grade seven, I had this really mean teacher, I mean like she would punish us for no reason. So I wanted to get back at her. So at the beginning of class, before she was in the room, I put soap in her coffee. I watched as she went to sip her coffee. And when she did, she literally spat it out and was like "Which one of you tried to poison me!" Lol, the whole class was laughing, but she had it coming. ;)
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
I like most of my Fanpop friends better than my "real" ones.
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
I think your icon's weird debs. it looks like 'blah'.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
*looks at the old guy in shadowflame's icon*

mhmmm i like it though, it's a strawberry they're not generally exciting or unblah lol :)

okay i have a confession and i don't want any fanpop mums or dads to take offense but it really creeps me out when people put up photos of their kids on the net, you know they're all really cute and everything and i know it's paranoia but always makes me think about what creeps could be looking
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
lol, they're strawberries? I though it was lips or something.

i dislike it when people use aboot when they don't live in Canada.
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
I still don't know how to hyperlink a word. I've tried so many times, but no. Anyone know? Tell me, I give you props.
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
haha debs, funny story, anyway, yeah your'e not alone, it's hard for me to understand the difference between affect and effect, i dont understand a single thing in math either, so i just pretend to understand =P i cant hyperlink a word too flamey =P anyway i probably told this, theres a friend(he's 2 years younger than me) who i have and he had a crush on me and i use to have a crush on him too, also my own cousin use to have a crush on me =P ugh.. it still haunts me!
over a year ago amazondebs said…
it's a strawbery held by my lips lol

and to link a word you put

]url=*insert link*]*insert what you want it so say*[/url]

accept from the first bracket is meant to be facing the other way but i had to do that to stop it from turning in to a link that goes no where lol, hope that makes sense to you both :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
Coolio, lemme try...


Aha! Sweet! Thanks debs, you must be rewarded!
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over a year ago J-C said…
You know how they have free samples in stores sometimes? Well i take one, and then i put on some clothing from the store so they can't recognize me, and then i take another! how greedy, i know..
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over a year ago germany123 said…
i dislike it when people use aboot when they don't live in Canada.

*un-fan shadow*

yeah..i dont like people with mul...anyway not the point...

hmmm i unintentionally stole a bottle of water today- i took it oot of the fridge in a gas station in denmark - i looked around some more, decided i wasnt going to eat more sweets (it was a long drive)i had it tucked under my arm but i also had a bag and my jacket in my hand so walked oot and in the car i realized i still had it on me.

but then i thought it was really bad karma so i walked back in thinking aboot how i could explain it to the lady behind the counter (i speak no danish and surprisingly enough she was the one person in denmark who didnt speak english- they are all fluent)but she didnt even ask why i walked in with the bottle in my hand and THEN paid for it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
I'm not too surprised about the whole don't like certain users thing, most people are like that, i HATE amazonde- errr.... I hate noone, well I didn't like 11relaxing either, and her brother afl-fan seemed to have a grudge against me, there's nothing wrong with disliking users if there's reasons.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
love you too ;P

over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
When I was younger I wanted to be one of Charlie's Angels =D
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
When I was a little kid, I used to watch old reruns of The Brady Bunch.. and my first crush was on Greg Brady. Not the younger Greg Brady, but the older Greg Brady that had the white-boy afro.
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
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over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
yes hellgirl...that is you...well done :P ♥
over a year ago trevarawrusrex said…
I Like To Cuddle
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
I cheated in my physics exam =P (it wasn't that important though)
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
btw claire, i was tetsting on how to put a link into a word and it worked =) i didnt know how to do it at first
over a year ago l3371 said…
A little tardy to the party...When I was little,I stole a spool of thread from a Hardware store...:P
over a year ago tushtush said…
Sometimes I get addicted to reality TV...

And I may have told a few untruths about my yaks :O

I feel so badly meg. :(
over a year ago funnyshawna said…
i steal candy from my sister all the time
somehow she has an endless supply of it...probably gets it from my