Fanpop Users Fanpopper Matchmakers

amazondebs posted on Feb 04, 2009 at 04:47PM
what with valentines days coming up and all i thought it would be fun to play a game (and bare in mind this is just for fun) where we simply say which fanpoppers we think would make good couples

was inspired by this forum

feel free to say why or even write them a little love story... in fact props to those who come up with really good creative stories

Fanpop Users 24 replies

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over a year ago amazondebs said…
okay well as always when i make a new forum i'll go first cause you generally find no one wants to go first lol

okay so as a fanpop match maker i would pair up claire and aholic, the reason for this was the giant long conversations they had on the forums in FGT which seemed to last all night lol and the story is;
claire enters a competition to meet johhny depp on the set of his new film alice in wonderland (tim burton who gets weirder by the minute decided for no apparent reason for a extra twist it would become alice in denmarkland) however when claire gets to denmark burton changes his mind again and the cast forget about her and so she seeks our aholic as she does not speak danish (is that right, i honestly dunno what they speak in denmark.....or maybe i should say dutch? :S anyways....) she eventually finds him and they decide to use claire's prize money compensation to take a trip round eirope together
over a year ago germany123 said…
yep they speak danish in denmark.. dutch in the netherlands!

i would pair up debsie and knifey.
knifey realizes how madly in love with debsie he really has been all along when he sees her play the main character in the videogame- turned-movie version of his favorite game.
debsie who always had a soft spot for knifey,too,thinks aboot him all the time while filming (helps with having to kiss james masters who suddenly doesnt seem all that appealing anymore..she imagines knifey instead) convinces producers to release the dvd of the film packed in a non-destructable super new type of metal.

debsie takes the first one to knifey personally (to avoid stupid people putting stupid stickers on it)and after a bit of british mumbling and weird british half-words "ye..alright..yea..ace..soddit..ferin­ugh­&qu­ot; they drink tea (of course!!) feed each other bits of scones and look deeply into eachothers eyes and realize they are made for each other.

yeah..sorry i just watched knifeys vid

over a year ago knifewrench said…
Wish I was half as creative as you guys XD

"and after a bit of british mumbling and weird british half-words 'ye..alright..yea..ace..soddit..ferinugh'&­quo­t;

You missed out "bollocks" :P
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over a year ago germany123 said… think i should also add some "innits"?
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over a year ago knifewrench said…
Innit is off limits. Chav words are in a separate group to British words because they are so disgraceful.
over a year ago germany123 said…
ha! i said innit when your chavs were still in diapers..or maybe not even yet invented!

over a year ago amazondebs said…
ha ha ha ha i love the me and knifey love story!

*waggles eyelashes at knifey*

has half life been made in to a movie yet?
over a year ago knifewrench said…
"has half life been made in to a movie yet?"

Checked on Wikipedia and there hasn't been a movie of it.

Hold on a sec... Debs? Ye played Half-Life?
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over a year ago amazondebs said…
don't get too excited knifey we're not wuite a match made in heaven so sorry to disapoint but no......i made a geek calendar for my friend from college (aka ztara) for christmas and he loves half life and well it looks pretty cool, infact i like the concept to a lot of video games i just have no pacience for them on the account i really really suck at them lol
over a year ago knifewrench said…
Don't worry, was just wondering whether or not ye were familiar with Half-Life (a brilliant game, it be....). All this Valentine's stuff does make people a bit suspicious/paranoid/whatever...
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over a year ago amazondebs said…
ha ha ha i was joking with you......of course we're a match made in heaven no matter what we play

.....although i'll private message you aboot that laters (just kidding....or am i?)

back on topic any more matches
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
big smile
As a fanpop match maker, I owuld like to pair up myself and NPH...oh no wait, is that now how this works? No? Ok so....Gemmy and Ohclip because we all know he secretly wants her.
Sauley (This amazingly awesome fanpopper, you might not know her) becomes a super duper famous writer and is given her own show so she recruits Debs as main actress and Gemmy as main make up aritst. We decide to film some scenes in Alberta because of the awesome snow and one day, Clip comes to the set because....he has to lift some boxes. Instant chemistry buttttt we all have to fly back home once filming is over. On our way to the airport, Clip chases after us and has a Ted & Victoria moment with Gemmy. Lots of hugs and love. Perhaps some cheesey lines about knowing each others souls, the end =)

P.s. I amm hoping nobody mentions this to Clipso or he might kill me for some of those comments =P

over a year ago tushtush said…
I would pair up DrD and Lars... What's that? It's already been done? Wow, I work quickly!! :p
Um.... I don't want to pair johnminh with anyone as fanpop would soon become a battlefield full of jealous girls all hating the one lucky lady.
So that leaves hm94991 and pollyloveshouse.
Polly is at an Arsenal game when she has a daydream about the player Fabregas, when she suddenly sees his face start to change in her mind. Before she knows it there's the head of a light-haired Texan boy playing on the body of the best Arsenal player! "Who is this God?" she thinks. After the match (which Arsenal won 8-0) she sprints to her computer to identify the face that is in her mind. On to fanpop she skips, only to realise that the Adonis is none other than hm94991! And he's secretly been in love with her since he joined! All that stands between them is a few thousand miles...
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
big smile
Every part of that story sounds like awesomeness! From the daydreaming about Fabulous Fabregas, to the stunning Texan on the pitch, to the fanpopping, to the awesomeness wedding sure to follow! Few thousand miles? Pfft. I'll get a boat =D
over a year ago hm94991 said…
Ohhh... June Wedding? *Looks at future wife hopefully* 'Tis what my mommy always wanted...
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Well I am actually already hitched just at the moment.. 6 Month aversary tomorra y'know =P
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
Who are you married again to Polo?
over a year ago hm94991 said…
D:... Have I been cheated upon?!
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Well technically I'm cheating on my wife with you... Tell her and you die =D
over a year ago hm94991 said…
*Runs back from the marriage counceler* Oh, alright.

P.S. Who are you married too again? Promise I won't send hait mail... ;)
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over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Chandlerfan, I get the feeling the 6 month aversary wont go too well with hate mail.. XD
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
Ahh Chandlerfan, the pretty one. I knew that I knew who it was, just forgot =P Well Chandlerloveshouse FTW <3 <3 =P
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
Ha ha...Harvey, I think it'd be a bit weird for my cousin to be my step-father. *sigh* Mixing real life relationships with Fanpop ones is so complicated. :p
over a year ago hm94991 said…
lol it's Humperdicken now, In case you wern't aware, and Shhh! Don't tell Chandler yet. It's all hush-hush for now... ;D