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Fanpop Question

Activity Section: How are the questions/answers sorTED?(pic is the face i made trying to figure this oot)

so we all know that answers are the root of everything that is wrong with modern society (war, world hunger etc) BUT i was looking through my activity on them anyway and i couldnt for the life of me figure oot how they are sorted.
1) at first i thought they were in reverse because in my activity the first "answer i have given" is from 2 years ago.
2) i cant go to last page but using the url bar i typed in a random number which then brought me to my last page an answer from one year ago

this was done filtering "all clubs" although my latest answer was given TODAY.

anyone? clues? ideas?
also on a side note..why wouldnt the LATEST answer be the one shown first in my activity section like in the comments?
Activity Section: How are the questions/answers sorTED?(pic is the face i made trying to figure this oot)
ok you got me on this one yours was going backwards then all of a sudden boom you were back to 2yrs ago weird stuff you have there I can't really compare with mine cause I use the comment section more than the answer this question thing....
ineedcoffee posted over a year ago
 germany123 posted over a year ago
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