Fergie backs Berba to blossom

belinda1 posted on Jan 16, 2009 at 11:13AM
Sir Alex Ferguson expects Dimitar Berbatov to fill the void created by Wayne Rooney's latest injury.

The Manchester United boss saw Rooney hobble out of Wednesday's 1-0 win against Wigan, with the England international set to be sidelined for up to three weeks with a hamstring problem.

Losing such a talismanic presence would cause a considerable dilemma for most bosses, but Ferguson believes his squad is capable of dealing with the disappointing blow.

He has highlighted Bulgarian hit-man Berbatov as the ideal candidate to step into Rooney's boots, with the former Tottenham man beginning to justify his £30million price tag.

Berbatov has shown glimpses of what he is capable of since completing a big-money deadline day switch from White Hart Lane last summer, and his manager believes the acclimatisation process is now complete. fergieclub.com

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