Gaius Updates

an answer was added to this question: In Series 1 Episode 1, Gauis pulled a few strings to get Merlin out of jail. Does anyone think that Gaius told Uther, Merlin has magic? over a year ago by Anderson2873
a poll was added: Would you like to have Gaius as your grandfather? over a year ago by Johnny818
a comment was made to the poll: Did u like Gaius' 'happy face' in S. 2 Ep. 12? over a year ago by Morgauseuther
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think Gaius will be killed of the show in series 5? over a year ago by Morgauseuther
a comment was made to the photo: Gaius is God over a year ago by nerdfighter68
a video was added: Merlin & Gaius Video - Goodbye To You over a year ago by dotty25aug1981
a video was added: Merlin & Gaius Video - I Turn To You over a year ago by dotty25aug1981
a poll was added: Do you think Gaius will be killed of the show in series 5? over a year ago by IcLufeMinBytt
a reply was made to the forum post: Healing Morgana, the Heroine's Journey over a year ago by MikeAP001
an article was added: Understanding Merlin through the eyes of Jungian Archetypes over a year ago by MikeAP001
a photo was added: Gaius: WTF MERLIN!?!?! over a year ago by GameSystem
a comment was made to the icon: Gaius over a year ago by GameSystem
a reply was made to the forum post: Write your own Gwen Quest over a year ago by MikeAP001
a reply was made to the forum post: Healing Arwen, Stage 5 over a year ago by MikeAP001
a reply was made to the forum post: Healing Arwen, Stages 1 to 4 over a year ago by MikeAP001
an article was added: Healing Arwen. 3 over a year ago by MikeAP001
an article was added: Healing Arwen. 2 over a year ago by MikeAP001
an article was added: Healing Arwen. 1 over a year ago by MikeAP001
a question was added: In Series 1 Episode 1, Gauis pulled a few strings to get Merlin out of jail. Does anyone think that Gaius told Uther, Merlin has magic? over a year ago by MikeAP001
a comment was made to the photo: Gaius the Homeboy! over a year ago by hey287
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: WHICH ACTOR ACTED ON DR WHO? over a year ago by heartmerlin2
a pop quiz question was added: WHICH ACTOR ACTED ON DR WHO? over a year ago by MORGANA70