Gay Rights Wall

Displaying wall entries 11-20 of 294

ChuckyLover1 said …
I think, gays should be treated the same and equally as the rest of us that are not.
I mean, I hav eto admit, it is kind of wrong that people are not (straight) like God intended for some of these people to be. .. but that doesn't mean that God doesn't love them just because their a little out of wack.
I can be friends with gays,because sometimes I actually like them to be honest.
Anyways gays still need respect, and if people want to be gay so be it :) Posted over a year ago
Glambert2 commented…
gays should have the same rights as anyone else, it's religon that is stoping the law from being changed also the older generation. over a year ago
fassmackey said …
Lets hope every one can say that, about the state they live in soon!!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
hetalianstella said …
They legalized Gay Marriage in my state today!! :D Posted over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 commented…
that's awesome!!! over a year ago
kitsune52 said …
Love is love people need to grow up and relize that. Blood from a straight person and a gay persons is the same thing why would they do that to us. I love who i am and what i stand for and im excited that they are starting to allow gays to get married. They funny thing is that there is nothing different about us adn straight people to tell you the truth they would never know that we are not straight unless we say that we are. we are all normal we bleed we love and we have familys. Posted over a year ago
Heroine999 said …
*Sigh*Gays can't donate blood when their having safe sex while heterosexuals can when their having unsafe sex. Posted over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
....As a straight person that pisses me off. D:< over a year ago
Ash_Adorable commented…
im bi n that pisses me off 2 over a year ago
hetalianstella said …
I found this in the youtube comment section and felt the need to share it.

Some homophobe: You are not born gay or bi sexual or whatever. You choose to be gay or bi sexual or whatever. Please stop saying you're born that way because it isn't true. I know what I'm talking about and God does not create gay people. You choose to be straight, gay, bisexual, etc. K? So stop with the bullcrap.

Awesome person's reply: You chose to be a b*tch then, right? Posted over a year ago
Heroine999 commented…
:)Awesome person. over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Awesome reply!XD over a year ago
Ash_Adorable commented…
fuck yeh over a year ago
jopageri13 said …
i'm not lesbian, but i support gay marriage. there is nothing wrong with that. :) if anyone here is sexually oriented differently than heterosexually, please know that my church, the unitarian universalists, accept you for who you are and what you worship, and if you like, you can come here. :) Posted over a year ago
Heroine999 commented…
I'm glad y'll are a church that notices nothing is wrong with other sexual orientations other than heterosexuality.And that you guys don't discriminate. :) over a year ago
jopageri13 commented…
yeah, any religion, any race, any gender, any age, any sexual orientation. we are "unitarian universalists" we accept everybody over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
I wish there was more churches like yours. over a year ago
jopageri13 commented…
:) yeah.......i think they're across america, but i'll have to check.... over a year ago
hetalianstella said …
When I was little I was shocked to hear from my grandmother how when she was a kid black people and white people weren't allowed to marry.

I hope that when I have kids they will be just as shocked to learn that when I was little homosexuals weren't allowed to marry. Posted over a year ago
missracoon commented…
Agreed :) over a year ago
-EpicCute- said …
The other day I saw two lesbians and their child. They looked so happy together. One was dressed like a guy, and she was playing with her daughter, chasing her around, laughing, and kissing her. Her wife smiled. It made me so happy that it nearly brought me to tears. They're just like everybody else. And unlike the straight couples that are always fighting, they were a very happy family. Whoever that family is, I wish you the best of luck in your life. Posted over a year ago
Heroine999 commented…
That sounds very sweet and awesome.And I wish you best of luck in your life too. :) over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Aw, that is so adorable. That child must be happy to have such a caring family :) over a year ago
mrssonnymoore commented…
That's so cute <3 over a year ago
fassmackey said …
As I said Jackie is a judgmental little Skunt, its your hell puta, go burn in it! Proud to be Bi !!!!! Posted over a year ago
AHeadlessDoll said …
Calling all Gays! (sorry if an insult) I need desperate help for the sonadow page. Homophobes are attacking that place and I fear the suicide deaths of many poor people. Please Help! SOS Posted over a year ago
Heroine999 commented…
What is the sonadow page? over a year ago
AHeadlessDoll commented…
It's for a yaoi couple of Sonic and Shadow. over a year ago
EmoSkaterBoy said …
but there needs to be more people joinin this club cuz yeh Posted over a year ago
Heroine999 commented…
Yeah. over a year ago
Jackiel_l commented…
no they dont over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
I would maturely ask Jackiel_I why, but judging by the other comments from her that I've seen, I doubt civil conversation would go far... over a year ago
EmoSkaterBoy said …
some people need to accept and stop judging cuz its just ugh...! Posted over a year ago
car0024 commented…
true every one is who they want to be over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
Lol, it's just 'ugh'! xD over a year ago
Jackiel_l commented…
no one is judugeing over a year ago
Heroine999 commented…
Yes they are jackiel. :| over a year ago
SkyDekeres700 said …
I surport all Join my club SkyDekeres700 Posted over a year ago
hetalianstella said …
I'm not gay, and I don't think I know anyone who is gay.
But i don't see anything wrong with it. I wish every one of them to be happy with the one they truly love.
I fully support you guys. Posted over a year ago
earthwoman65 said …
I'm not gay, but my younger sister is and I love and support her! Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
I just saw the anti gay spot on Tv, all I can say is Mitt Romney and the Republicans are the Nazi party of the 21st century! Posted over a year ago
jopageri13 commented…
i love you!!! over a year ago
KohakuJSMA said …
"what's the right type of guy for you?"

link Posted over a year ago
alwayschanging said …
I think there defiantly need to be more fans of this! Posted over a year ago
missracoon commented…
Agreed! over a year ago
EmoSkaterBoy commented…
agreeed over a year ago
mynameissonic said …
I met a not straight guy today for the first time :) it was cool he did a cartwheel in the hall ndd me ndd my friends were like oh that was cool then he came and hugged us and said thanks and yeah he went up the stairs as if he was looking for someone and he said ooh that guy over there is cute but hes a freshman Posted over a year ago
mermaidgirlH2OJ said …
I am not but they have their rights too Posted over a year ago
GirlLove21 said …
I Like Lesbican ♥ Posted over a year ago
demonchild_ said …
fan me plz im gay and single im so bored and lonely Posted over a year ago
SkyDekeres700 commented…
What?? I you trying to make him straight that what pisses me off I'm bi and girls begged me to be straight, it's not like Jeffery dahmer is going after him cause he's dead all ready. over a year ago
demonchild_ commented…
thnx leahandmeghan12 and skydekeres700 i have my reasons over a year ago
demonchild_ commented…
are u even fucking there over a year ago
AnnaBiersack said …
you don't fall in love with gender, you fall in love with a person. No matter who you are you should be able to love anybody no matter if you are the same sex. I am a happy Bisexual, and proud!!! Posted over a year ago
demonchild_ commented…
same here over a year ago
DramaQueen1020 commented…
AnnaBiersack said it doesn't matter what gender, not species. Btw angeeeeel, the way you're going, you can marry a pig or an ass, either one would be perfect for you. over a year ago
fassmackey said …
I think the str8s should mind their own bussiness! Wtf have we ever done to them? The Church is the reason these Neanderthals hate in the first place. They can't collectively make up their minds. They must be told what to love and what to hate. Str8s can be soooo pathetic sometimes. Posted over a year ago
lolfan88 commented…
I'm straight and I agree with you 100%! over a year ago
mj1forever96 commented…
im straight too, but i have a lot of gay friends. idc if your straight or gay, ill be your friend :) if your gay and like someone of the same sex, thats up to you who you love. no one can change that <3 over a year ago
Bladewarrior commented…
yeah here's alien in the bible "hate not" we don't hate gays we just don't support them christians don't ahte it's agaisnt teh religion and you'd know that of you weren't so ignorant over a year ago
alwayschanging said …
I'm straight but I believe that gay rights shouldn't even be something that needs to be discussed! Gay's, and lesbians are people too! So what if they can't have children, it's not like we really need more kids. Posted over a year ago
demonchild_ commented…
+ some people dont even want children but if they did they can abdopt any way over a year ago
DramaQueen1020 said …
I was on the Facebook page for gay rights the other day, and I saw people trolling. It's really awful. All the LGBT community wants to do is love, and be left the hell alone, but some freaks just can't accept that. One homophobe, let's call them 'ABC' said 'We don't want to see you two kissing out in public. It's sick' Oh yeah? Well we don't really care much for ABC lip-locking with their lover! Our sex lives are no-one's biz but ours and our partners! We don't want to be involved in ABC's. Posted over a year ago
Alchemistlover commented…
I agree people can be really stupid about it over a year ago
purplevampire said …
I love gays there the best, i'll love to have gay friends Posted over a year ago
AnimeMarluxia commented…
thats refreshing to hear, purplevamp, everyone i know HATES gays like me... awkward to know them over a year ago
Puppetmaster111 said …
I am Bisexual,

But my mom doesn't know it.

I can't tell her cus she already thinks my sexuality is discusting. Posted over a year ago
SierraDawnV2 commented…
Mom's suck. D: over a year ago
car0024 commented…
i know yea some people just dont get us over a year ago
demonchild_ commented…
this profile is incase i get hacked i havent yet over a year ago
Synthwave said …
I'm straight and I am proud to support gay rights.

link Posted over a year ago
Glambert2 commented…
Same here :) over a year ago
mj1forever96 said …
im not gay but i have friends and relatives that are, and i support them all the way! no one should have their rights take away cuz their gay or bi, we were all created equal <3 Posted over a year ago
DramaQueen1020 commented…
True dat! over a year ago
supergirl109 said …
im a fan because my best friend is bi Posted over a year ago
19987 commented…
Thankyou for supporting gay rights over a year ago
bobrien said …
GAYS HAVE RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Heroine999 commented…
So do! over a year ago
gothic_vamp08 commented…
so true over a year ago
car0024 commented…
true tat over a year ago
-EpicCute- said …
It's not your fault what gender you are drawn to. You don't have a choice. It's who you are. Be proud of it. :):):) I know that I am. Posted over a year ago
Heroine999 commented…
Hell yeah!!:) over a year ago
gothic_vamp08 commented…
same here. fuck what everyone else says!!!!! over a year ago
-EpicCute- commented…
Indeed, my friend. over a year ago
Deadheart3 said …
Hey guys, those who are homosexuals and those who are on the homosexual side. First, if you decided to not be christian because people act like it's a bad thing and against the bible, there is nothing in the bible saying that being gay is wrong.
2. There's a family that says God is against America because there are gays, and because of that America is a doomed country. They walk to a curb and hold up signs saying stuff like "god hates gays" or "gays eat feces"
p.s- I don't agree with no. 2 Posted over a year ago
KatyLovesYou commented…
it so does say thats its wrong in the bible. in the new testament...... however, i'm still not against gay rights over a year ago
car0024 commented…
wo gives a fuck what the bible says its all fack over a year ago
makorra327 said …
Omg i am so glad that there is a club for everybody can love who they want!! Posted over a year ago
EvilPineapple said …
Marrige is love not laws, people should not be judged by who they love but by what actions they make if I have to live in a world where people can not be with who they love and are judged for who they love then mabey I dont want to live in this world Posted over a year ago
NightFrog said …
*Sigh* Religion bothers me- okay rephrase, it bothers me when people preach one thing then ignore the others. If people are going to talk about how homosexuality is bad, they need say how the Bible also states that women are not to be higher up than men, eating shellfish is forbidden, touching pigskin is bad, trimming your beard is forbidden, you should stone someone for disobeying their parents.I brought this up to a Christian who was ranting about homosexuality- all she said was *facepalm* Posted over a year ago
ASHLEYJ14 commented…
Christianity is nothing like that! That waz how things were in biblical times not right now, maybe for Jewish people but not Christians. But yes it's true we don't approve of homosexuality over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
But why would homosexuality be considering a sin if all of these things aren't now? That's what I mean, people just pick and choose what's easy for them- not everyone, but a majority. If people are going to talk about what over a year ago
Navvia commented…
You left Christianity because of a few Christians? That's like if you stopped watching a show because you hate the fan base. It's ok to not like Christians, but don't abandon the whole religion just because of them. over a year ago
SaturdaySurpris said …
Go gays! :D And anyone who is against gay rights, go jump off a cliff and break your neck! xP Posted over a year ago
mj1forever96 commented…
im not gay but i believe they should have the same rights as the straights, people are way to judging anymore :/ over a year ago
DramaQueen1020 commented…
@angeeeeel, stop trolling. No-one wants you on this site. Besides, you can't even spell. over a year ago
car0024 commented…
yea just leav us alone over a year ago
seeuvocaloid3 said …
my computer has family safty and BLOCKS most of this club...i hate my computer -.- Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
That's stupid! There's nothing explicit on this club! Your computer "safety" is homophobic! Maybe talk to your parents and fix this problem? over a year ago
seeuvocaloid3 commented…
i MUST i hate homophobics and my computer is one WHAT THE HELL why is it blocking how is blocking gay/ les/bi stuff keeping me safe? it is showing me ignorence what is soo bad about being gay or bi or les ? NOTHING so there shouldent be ANYTHING to hide over a year ago
DramaQueen1020 commented…
You're PC is homophobic? WTF, that's messed up. over a year ago
awesomeblossom1 said …
Why woud someone an gay marriage? It's like any other marriage, I see no difference. If a gay person eats lunch that doesn't make it gay lunch. Seriously, I can't see what's so wrong about being gay. Love is love Posted over a year ago
awesomeblossom1 commented…
^why would someone be againist (sorry I was typing 2 fast) over a year ago
CatchEmAllXD commented…
You have a very good point. Its not a gay lunch or a gay shower or a gay handshake. Thats lipping stupid. Labels are so dumb. over a year ago
KKRiley039142 said …
hrm..ive alwayz wanted a friend who wuz gay/bi :I Posted over a year ago
seeuvocaloid3 commented…
i could be your freind over a year ago
Vicious_L-A-M-B commented…
Meez 2! over a year ago
KKRiley039142 commented…
@vicious_L-A-M-B yaayy over a year ago
car0024 commented…
me 3 over a year ago
hetaliaitaly said …
Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth. Posted over a year ago
seeuvocaloid3 commented…
WOAH wise one over a year ago
Boocon98 commented…
:) over a year ago
car0024 commented…
tru tat over a year ago
hetaliaitaly said …
There is just one life for each of us: our own. Posted over a year ago
car0024 commented…
tu tat 2 over a year ago
hetaliaitaly said …
The diagnosis of homosexuality as a "disorder" is a contributing factor to the pathology of those homosexuals who do become mentally ill.... Nothing is more likely to make you sick than being constantly told that you are sick. Posted over a year ago
seeuvocaloid3 commented…
that is sad DX over a year ago
car0024 commented…
same here over a year ago
hetaliaitaly said …
In itself, homosexuality is as limiting as heterosexuality: the ideal should be to be capable of loving a woman or a man; either, a human being, without feeling fear, restraint, or obligation. Posted over a year ago
hetaliaitaly said …
It's hard enough to be taken seriously in the struggle for gay rights without having a bunch of straight girls running around kissing each other to get the attention of boys and videocameras. Posted over a year ago
KatyLovesYou commented…
ewww o_o over a year ago
hetaliaitaly said …
It always seemed to me a bit pointless to disapprove of homosexuality. It's like disapproving of rain. Posted over a year ago
hetaliaitaly said …
When it comes to exploring the sea of love, I prefer boys. Posted over a year ago
hetaliaitaly said …
What is straight? A line can be straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it's curved like a road through mountains. Posted over a year ago
KatyLovesYou commented…
very true over a year ago
hetaliaitaly said …
Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? Posted over a year ago
big smile
hetaliaitaly said …
*girl + girl* Im sorry
*boy + boy* but i can't
*boy + girl* see the difference

Forever and always someone wont agree, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't be happy, just smile and be happy that you made that choice it makes you strong enough to know what choice means. Posted over a year ago
seeuvocaloid3 said …
i just told the girl i like' i like her Posted over a year ago
hetaliaitaly commented…
GOOD ON YOU! over a year ago
johnnyhcr77 said …
GAY AND BI PEOPLE ROCK!!!:) Posted over a year ago
Alchemistlover commented…
Indeed over a year ago
seeuvocaloid3 commented…
thank you im bi over a year ago
Nana13 commented…
I'm bi over a year ago
mj1forever96 said …
i am not gay, but i believe gays should be able to marry! who are we to chose who someone loves! womens rights 1919, civil rights 1957, gay rights 2012, lets make it happen :) Posted over a year ago
Glambert2 commented…
Same here why should they be stopped from finding love just because a few stupied people say they can't and that it is a sin. Who are they to say what's normal or not. over a year ago
cherl12345 commented…
I agree over a year ago
Boocon98 commented…
Same Here! over a year ago
dogface21 said …
where i live right now is illegal for gay marriage my fiancè hannah and i are looking to move we just want to be together forever Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
That's awful. I think Gay Marriage should be legal immediately, EVERYWHERE. over a year ago
seeuvocaloid3 commented…
THAT IS AWFUL you should be able to get married gay or not love is love WHEN WILL THIIS WORLD GET IT RIGHT over a year ago
Miwa11 commented…
awww :( GAY marriage should always be legal! I believe in gay marriage! over a year ago
johnnyhcr77 said …
you think think us government would have something better to do then to worry about who people merry!!! if i want to marry a guy thats my business!!! gay and bi people should have the right to chose and not have people tell them who to merry!!! Posted over a year ago
MenchacaLacka commented…
and i totaly agree...we should have the right to be with who ever we want to...yeah so what if were both girls or if there both guys.. Its our lifes and we should have the right to live it how we want to...with out getting hit in the face for our chioces over a year ago
johnnyhcr77 commented…
thank you!! :) over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
I agree. I mean seriously, how does it affect politicians or anyone else if two people of the same gender decide to get married? It's not like they're forcing others to do the same. It's ridiculous. I'm for marriage equality everywhere. over a year ago
johnnyhcr77 commented…
cool! now if everyone thought like that! this would a better world!:) over a year ago
larrah111 said …
I don't get the people that are against gay marrige. They're still human just as much as us and they still deserve to have someone to love and hold. They say its a sin or something ridiculous about God not wanting to people of the same gender to marry but I don't think he'd be so happy to know inoscent people that haven't done anything wrong are being discriminated against. They say we're horrible, they would look in the damn mirror. LGBT Ftw! :D Posted over a year ago
seeuvocaloid3 commented…
if that wall post was a potato it would be a REALLY GOOD potato over a year ago
larrah111 commented…
umm thanks XD over a year ago
DeathEater45 commented…
Thank you larrah111 over a year ago
larrah111 commented…
@deathEater45 your welcome hun im just standing up for what i believe in and speaking from my heart :) over a year ago
johnnyhcr77 said …
is there any gay people out there that feel lonely and invisible? i don't fit in anywhere!!:( sometimes i just want vanish!! no one would even notice!!! Posted over a year ago
DeathEater45 commented…
Awww that is sad child :( over a year ago
DeathEater45 commented…
yes well my father is Italian me mother is German, so yes i grow up speaking both languages, and my sister starts speaking english so she teach to me over a year ago
johnnyhcr77 commented…
cool dude!! luck with your english!! :) over a year ago
HoneyBadger0712 said …
I'm not gay but still think they deserve the same thing straight people have Posted over a year ago
tanalovesbotdf said …
gay people are fun to b around. you is what u wanna b
im straight doe _ Posted over a year ago
johnnyhcr77 commented…
thanks! we try to have fun!:) i'm the queen of the night!! over a year ago
tanalovesbotdf commented…
lol over a year ago
TheFan2000 commented…
:) over a year ago
Gothic-Cherry said …
I'm straight but I have many gay/bi friends and these friends I'm closer with then with my straight friends I call 96% of my gay/bi friends family I support the right 100% Posted over a year ago
FlightofFantasy said …
Obama just stated that he thinks same-sex marriage should be legal!
He's the first US President to support same-sex marriage! Posted over a year ago
ninjakitty50 commented…
people say that's the only good thing he's done.... and IT IS!!! over a year ago
DeathEater45 commented…
Who's obama I don't follow American things mostly over a year ago
larrah111 commented…
Go obama! :D over a year ago
XanteR said …
Being bi least for me. My dad kicked me out of the house, but my mom, my little sister, and my brother came with now my dad is all alone XD But still, it was hard to leave the place I loved. We're going to Volta Redonda now :) But I'm really gonna miss everyone I's going to be kinda far from where I grew up. But it's better than being near my father's death threats :) Posted over a year ago
AnimeFan66 commented…
I gotta say: I feel for you...:( Being kicked out of your old home just because of who you are. That is just ashame! I hope you guys have fun up in your new place and hope you make great friends and meet good people. :) over a year ago
XanteR commented…
Thanks :) over a year ago
8202 commented…
i love ur pics over a year ago
Tatyana_cutie said …
i am not gay but i do not have anything against gay bi or lezbo ppl Posted over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
Cool :) over a year ago
SamNotSammy commented…
Whoo! YEAH! Up top! ...Wait, we can't high-five because this is the internet. over a year ago
Tatyana_cutie commented…
lol over a year ago
seeuvocaloid3 said …
I finaly got the courage to tell my freinds i am bi and happy they all excepted me YAY btw three of them are also bi Posted over a year ago
XanteR commented…
Coolio ^_^ over a year ago
YoYoLover4Ever said …
MY MOTTO (ask if you want to use it, please)

You don't hate me because I'm gay...
You hate me because I'm free.


I <3 my girlfriend and boyfriend!!! Posted over a year ago
seeuvocaloid3 commented…
then you are bi not gay (just saying) but GREAT motto over a year ago
missracoon said …
Oh come on, this club needs WAY more fans... Posted over a year ago
XanteR commented…
I guess people aren't open minded :( over a year ago
missracoon commented…
I know right :( over a year ago
8202 commented…
im with u over a year ago
Blacksheep_o said …
I swear people are such fucking morons! Today, in my first period class a group of guys were chatting about gays saying they should die and all this other stupid crap. I got up and punched one of them in the jaw and gave him a piece of my mind and a tonguelashing (that I will not repeat for the sake of the kiddies out there). Anyway, I got five weeks of friday school and detention. My parents are pissed at me but I don't give a damn. I'm not going to sit there and let those douchebags insu Posted over a year ago
Blacksheep_o commented…
Lt my sexuality like it's a bad hair due or something. No sirrey that's not how I roll. And if those jerks don't like that then they can kiss my black ass because I don't care. Enough is enough! I will not tolerate this bull much longer!!!! over a year ago
ilovebilliejoe commented…
Good for you! Homophobes should just go out and die. You shouldn be punished for standing up for the oppressed, and if you are, they shoild be punished for using hate language. over a year ago
seeuvocaloid3 commented…
wait already a fan YOU ARE A HERO over a year ago
blendingfurries said …
Day of Silence is Friday, April 20th. It's to stop bullying in the LGBT Community. Or in other words, a Gay-Straight Alliance.
Wear Red, Rainbow pins, or Rainbow shirts. Or anything about the Day of Silence or LGBT Pride.
Stay Silent!! Posted over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
It's on my calender. XD over a year ago
FadedRose commented…
i forgot about today, so i got dressed and began with my day. turns out, i'm wearing a red tank-top, :) over a year ago
bvbmary15 commented…
i dressed out btw, my prom was that day over a year ago
big smile
hernandezgyrl9 said …
If you are gay,bi,or lesbian comment on my post and add me because i support gay rights Posted over a year ago
DeathEater45 commented…
I'm bi over a year ago
8202 commented…
not taken either over a year ago
car0024 commented…
8202 is me over a year ago
piperlovegood said …
So I came out to my mom today, she took it pretty well but I think she still just thinks I'm confused or going through a phase. The good news is she didn't reject me. Posted over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
I'm happy for you, just stay strong and prove her 'phase' theory wrong. you didn't just turn gay/bi, and you're not confused. She'll see that eventually. x over a year ago
DeathEater45 said …
I'm a guy and Bi can anyone add me Posted over a year ago
outcastDX commented…
i am too but im a girl over a year ago
purple10 commented…
Ewwwwwwwwwww <:U over a year ago
Tatyana_cutie commented…
@purple10 that is mean i am straight but that is fucked up so mean over a year ago
smkidd said …
If you are gay,bi,or lesbian comment on my post and add me because i support gay rights Posted over a year ago
DeathEater45 commented…
I'm bi over a year ago
VickyOfficer commented…
lesbian :) x over a year ago
smkidd commented…
congrats to all of you over a year ago
jacksellwood said …
im gay and proud , if anyone would like to talk to me add me on facebook , Jack sellwood , i would like to talk to anyone as not many people give me chance, thankyou :) Posted over a year ago
Fmfm65432 commented…
I am gay too, and not many people respect me. I added you as on my fan list, I do not have facebook, but I can talk to you on here over a year ago
joshuar commented…
same over a year ago
8202 commented…
sorry dont have fb like 2 talk 2 u over a year ago
Dyfedik45 said …
Im Bi im proud! and i dont get bothered. everyone in my country are so nice. Posted over a year ago
Gothic-Cherry commented…
You have my full support! over a year ago
blendingfurries commented…
i love you ray <3 over a year ago
DeathEater45 commented…
That's my old profile over a year ago
Fmfm65432 said …
okay, so I was with this girl that I really like and this person from my school that I barely know comes up to us and says that the person I am with and I are dating and that we should move somewhere else where gays can be gay, and they just kept going on about us, and I just needd to say this cuz its really bugging me and I hate people like this. Posted over a year ago
Fmfm65432 said …
I'm bi, and people pick on me all the time about it. but I don't care. I just tell them if they are talking about me, take me out of their mouths cuz I ain't no dick. Posted over a year ago
YoYoLover4Ever commented…
Nice! :) I guess you're my hero right now. I'm bi too; but I don't have that courage... over a year ago
Fmfm65432 commented…
Thanks. I'm also the youngest person at my school, so I guess I do have more courage than I knew I have. I am glad to know I am someone's hero. Thanks over a year ago
Fmfm65432 commented…
i dont have facebook but when i get it i will. over a year ago
kittiwitti said …
Hi, I'm not gay or bi either, but three of my bestests friends in the whole world are and you know what ME LUV THEM ANYWAY!
In reality I don't see the difference between a straight or gay couple. ITS LOVE!!!! LOVE IS LOVE! Love ~~~~~~ Posted over a year ago
jacksellwood commented…
add me on facebook please :) Jack Sellwood over a year ago
Dyfedik45 said …
All i want is a Beautiful lady. and Beautiful guy. but i cant hav both can I? i do not no. Posted over a year ago
tamilnna commented…
they so beautiful pick yes over a year ago
NewGirl14 commented…
i have a friend jessica she has bothh and she doesnt give a fuck what people say bout it over a year ago
BookWord123 commented…
^Good For Her :) over a year ago
jacksellwood commented…
add me on facebook please :) Jack Sellwood over a year ago
BellaMetallica said …
i'm not gay myself, but i still strongly support gay rights. it shouldn't matter what gender you are. if two people of the same sex love each other, then they have just as much a right to be together like everyone else does. Posted over a year ago
jessicamc26 commented…
so true over a year ago
Lillypad60 commented…
IKR! i'm not gay either but i still real the same way over a year ago
jacksellwood commented…
add me on facebook please :) Jack Sellwood over a year ago
Dyfedik45 said …
no one freak out. i turned bi Posted over a year ago
MsLatimore15 commented…
Im happy for u hun if u need me im here over a year ago
Dyfedik45 commented…
thank you hun over a year ago
jacksellwood commented…
add me on facebook please :) Jack Sellwood over a year ago
big smile
FlightofFantasy said …
CONGRATULATIONS, WASHINGTON!! Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
channyx commented…
WHY over a year ago
car0024 commented…
i dont mean to be mean or any thing jack but u seem like an atention seeker over a year ago
kitsune52 said …
we are people to we diserve the righ to do things sure we are not perfect no one is god made us who we are if god had not we would not be who we are today i love my girlfriend to death and no law or discrimanation agenst us well change my feelings for her. if people have so much problem then you know screw them we are who we are and god made us that way. Posted over a year ago
kitsune52 commented…
people who put gays down have no idea how sweet we really can be over a year ago
Blackrose26 commented…
its called prejudice. which seriously is trash. people just need to stop judging others. over a year ago
britneyspears1f commented…
i totally agree over a year ago
PimRengsi said …
I joined this club,but I'm not gay or bi.I just hate people picking on gays!!!! Posted over a year ago
xenriquegrl commented…
Same here! It's really tragic how people can be so cruel about homosexuality...and they blame it on religion. over a year ago
Blackrose26 commented…
Same here as well. people judge people because they don't want to know the person. that is soooo sad. I get seriously pissed when people bully other people just because they are gay or something. -_- over a year ago
cleo-mermaid said …
I'm bi. I like girls, and guys. We should all have rights with the people we love <3 Posted over a year ago
ilovesttrinians commented…
i so agree over a year ago
Fmfm65432 commented…
i agree 100% over a year ago
Kaseybear said …
im bisexual...and i support gay rights FULLY. If u love someone who are we to tell u cant be with them? same gender or not its ur life ur feelings and no one can control it. Posted over a year ago
Nana13 commented…
So true, agreed and im bi too. over a year ago
sexygirl677 commented…
me 2 over a year ago
wierdgem7 said …
You would think that cos I go to an all girl school, that there would be loads of lesbians? Well yeah, but one of my best friends is gay and people are mean to her. C'mon peeps, its the 21st century!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
coolie said …
2000th fan!!! ---I'm not gay but I support gay rights! Posted over a year ago
ilovecookies commented…
i am the same way. i would like to have 1 gay friend. i completly agree. over a year ago
wierdgem7 commented…
woooohoooooo!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
PerfectGem commented…
I'm fan #2031!I'm bi and I fully support gay rights.So does my only friend who is straight.(Not meaning she is my only friend who is straight,meaning she is the only friend that I have...) over a year ago
Night_Storm said …
hell ya all gays deserve right
one of my besties is gay ^_^
go gay peole
Posted over a year ago
big smile
Dyfedik45 said …
im not gay, but i do fight for gay rights because my sister is a gay. well this is Germany no one cares if your gay. Posted over a year ago
Bonegina commented…
thank you my brother, yup over a year ago
blazeandarose said …
I support gay rights. :D Posted over a year ago
iamfeeby1234 commented…
good. over a year ago
big smile
Heroine999 said …
I'm not gay but i support them.And i like the motto. Posted over a year ago
Hinata-Snow commented…
I feel the same way. over a year ago
Sonamy4Ever231 said …
Gay people are the best kind of people in my opinion. I love how gay guys talk. I especially love Africanoboi from youtube. Can I eat a damn cookae?! Lol. You gotta watch the video to understand... Posted over a year ago
laurenmichaela1 commented…
wow... i thought you were messed up b4 i looked at your clubs and found this!!! over a year ago
laurenmichaela1 commented…
jesus said for only men and WOMEN to b 2gether!!! he wudnt like this at all and neither do i!!! over a year ago
Sonamy4Ever231 commented…
........ I'm guessing you're another homophobe christian. Nobody knows WHAT Jesus said. And if God didn't want there to be gays, he wouldn't allow them on Earth, now would he. Stay off my wall with this crap. over a year ago
blup said …
I find it very important to support gays' rights. I didi not take it so seriously about a year ago, until I realised it is very important to take care of minority. Posted over a year ago
symmetryFTW said …
sure, i may not be gay, lesbian, bisexual, ect... but i think everyone is entitled to there feelings about eachother... no matter the gender... if you are lesbian, gay, ect, i support your decision fully and hope you have a happy life with whoever your with! :) Posted over a year ago
blup commented…
It's not like people can choose whether to be gay or heterosexual. over a year ago
symmetryFTW commented…
true... over a year ago
Nana13 said …
Every person should be thankful fo who they are, not everyone is same. God gave u a good reasin to live. Who cares if ur a homalsexual,gay, bi, or lesbian! God gave u a great gift. I'm bi and i'm proud of it. And everyone should enjoy being this way. We only got 1 life, use it wisely. Posted over a year ago
catsrock commented…
i joned over a year ago
Nana13 commented…
This isn't my club but ok. Thanks anyway over a year ago
catsrock commented…
nppp over a year ago
Nana13 commented…
Ok(: over a year ago
santannarocks said …
im lesbain and no 1 nos and its bout time some one gives us some respect oh and im 11 im to yong to be on thes web site XDDDDDDDDDDDD Posted over a year ago
taintedlove101 commented…
u go person hahaha over a year ago
rockEMOgirl said …
i need a gf. and like no 1 on here is single. yes i like boys and girls. i am gay i am bi, people make fun of me all the time. but yeah. i wanted to go on the club i love the most. so if u can help that would b great. Posted over a year ago
gayemokid said …
y do u make fun of me? u make me cry. u call me a fag. so what i am gay. no need to call me names and make fun of me. i am who i am. Posted over a year ago
cameronissexey commented…
nick. everything will b ok. over a year ago
gayemokid commented…
no! it will never b ok. i want to kill myself! that not ok. over a year ago
gayemokid commented…
ok thank u. over a year ago