Great Britain World History Assignment: Interview someone from Great Britain. Anyone up for it??

London posted on Sep 21, 2009 at 10:16PM
Okay, so I am doing a power point on Great Britain and I need to interview someone who lives there. I actually live in Ireland which doesn't count. Obviously. So here are a few questions that I had to come up with and if there is anything else that you would like to add about your country feel free. Thank you so so so much if you are responding to this. I will be forever in your debt and I will definetly give you a prop!

1. What do you do for fun?
2. What is popular there? Clothing, music, movies?
3. What is the most common food eaten?
4. Most popular singers, shows, things to do?
5. Any slang language or unique sayings?
6. Popular books?

Please feel free to add more and thank you so so so so so much!!

Great Britain 1 reply

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over a year ago LoopyLuna96 said…
I don't know if you still need this, but I'll answer anyway.
1. I read, go to the park, go to the local town center and geneally do things. Sometimes, my frinds and I go to the cinema and just normal stuff like that.
2. When the X factor is on, it creates warfare. Soap operas and popular, but I don't like them. Half-hour comedies like the IT crowd, and loads of people love Blackadder. For some reason, people love Pauls Boutique. If you can afford it, Chanel and Burberry are nice.
3. Well, it seems everyone I know loves things from the chippy. Indian and Chinese food is popular too.
4. As I said, the X factor is very popular. People generally like American singers like Tyalor Swift or Lady Gaga.
5. Where I live, we say Mither (meaning to bother), but I don't know if that's unique to the North or not. People say things like 'Cheerio' to mock. No-one actually says things like that, contary to the steroetype. Well, if you are posh, You might. But I live in Manchester.
6. Harry Potter, Twilight, Agatha Christie, Terry Pratchett.