Happy Tree Friends Is It Love?Or Is It Something Else.

Hime666 posted on Mar 02, 2010 at 06:06PM
Ok so this is my HTF fan fic^^Hope ya like it^^

Is it love?Or is it something else.

PART 1!!!!
I was walking on the streets and it was pretty peaceful until Disco Bear walked up. "Hi Kara!"He shouted to me with a big grin. "Go to hell Disco Bear...."I huffed to him and tried to walk past him.Disco Bear stopped me. "Hey come on is it that bad to talk to me?"Disco Bear asked still grinning. "Yes it is.."I mumbled and tried to walk past him againg but he stopped me. "Come on Kara."Disco Bear said and his face was only inches away from my face. "GO AWAY YOU PERV!!!!"I screamed out and slashed him with my claws. "Ouch!You're one beautiful raccoon girl with sharp claws..."Disco Bear said and coverd his wound.I huffed and walked past him."I really hate him..."I growled and i walked towards the forest.As i walked towards the forest i found a medallion on the ground.I picked it up and opened it.I gasped as i saw the pic in it. "M-Mom...Dad..."I said with a sad tone and hold my tears back. "Why....Why did you leave...."I cried out and tears fell on my cheeks. "I....I just want you back..."I cried and sighed throwing the medallion to ground breaking it.I continued walking and i saw a candy bar kinda place named "Schocolate dream".I walked in the candy shop.

As soon i was in a looked around and saw a green squirrel.I walked over the counter and sat down on the chair. "Can i have a milkshake,please?"I asked from the shop assistant.He nodded and went to get the milkshake.I looked at the green squirrel. "Hi."I greeted him and he looked at me smiling. "Hi I'm Nutty!"He announced and grinned. "Uhh...Ok I'm Kara The Raccoon."I told him smiling. "Nice to meet you."Nutty said smiling.The shop assistant bringed me the milkshake. "That'll be 10 dollars."The Shop Assistant told me and looked at me.I took out 11 dollars and throwed it to the shop assistant. "Here..Keep the change."I said and drank some of my milkshake.Nutty looked at the milkshake and grinned. "Can i have your milkshake!?Can i,can i,can i!?!?!?!?"Nutty begged from me."No it's mine!"I yelped and stood up from the chair and walked further from Nutty.Nutty sighed. "Awww dang..."Nutty mumbled and looked at the ground.I drank more from my milkshake and sighed.I heard someone sit on the chair next to me and i looked beside me.I saw a green bear with an Army suit.He looked at me and smiled. "Hi."He greeted still smiling. "H-Hi..."I stammered and smiled. "I'm Kara The Raccoon."I said with a smile. "I'm Flippy."Flippy told me and grinned.I felt someone tap me on my shoulder.I turned around and saw....

Who Kara Saw!??!!?!?Find It Out Next Time!

Happy Tree Friends 5 replies

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over a year ago tailsthefox said…
that was very cute i like it babe
over a year ago Hime666 said…
Thank you^^
over a year ago Danikit said…
maybe lifty or shifty she is a racoon
over a year ago MF114 said…
Nice beginning. :)
over a year ago citrusella said…
The one who grabs her is Disco Bear...OR IS IT!?