Harry Potter Fanfictions Magic Meets Mytholgy

sparkles3 posted on Jan 16, 2012 at 09:25PM
Rating: um general audiences
Summary: CHB was invaded by a big swarm of monsters, so they look for another place to stay while some campers try to fend off the monsters. The only place willing to take them in is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, provided that the campers don't cause much of a disturbance. In this, there is no next great prophecy, and Mcgonagall is headmistress.
Characters: People from Hogwarts: James, Albus, Rose, Scorpius,and Teddy + all the professors
People from CHB: Grover, Percy, Annabeth, Chiron, Mr.D, Lia (Lia is an oc), and some other people.
Disclaimer: The only thing that I own is Lia, the rest is all J. K. Rowling and R.R.

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