Harry Potter Fanfictions In The Background (coming summer 2012)

dragonsmemory posted on Feb 22, 2012 at 08:56PM
We all know the prophecy. For those that need a refresher, it can be found below.

The one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord wil be born to parents who defied him three times, as the sevventh month dies. Voldemort will mark him as his equal, but he will have power that Voldemort does not. Either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives.

We know that the prophecy referred to either Harry or Neville, yet it was Harry that was marked. There is no mention of what would happen to the siblings.
What if Harry had a sister? What if they both carried Lily's protection? What if this sister was there to help him through his toughest dauys at Hogwarts?
So, follow me back thhrough Harry's tale as we find out about his sister, who spent her life in the background, overshadowed by her brother.

Also, I would aplreciate if you would place your comments in the forum called In The Background Discussion over in the Fanfic club. Over there is where I'll talk about each chapter and answer questions. You'll find the club link on my profile page.
last edited on Feb 22, 2012 at 10:04PM

Harry Potter Fanfictions 6 replies

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over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Today's post is in homor of the late Remus John Lupin's birthday.

Tom Marvolo Riddle, Lord Voldemort to most of the Wizarding worlld, strode through the village, looking for something. No, not something, someone. Had the information his spy gave him be correct? Could this child really defeat him? In Voldemort's mind, it would be smarter to remove the threat before it becomes a threat. In this case, it meant killing Harry Potter.
He looked in the window of the cottage. They should have put teir trust in a different friend, one who would not be so easily swayed. No matter. He woud rectify that mistake tonight. He watched, waiting for the right moment. He was sure all of them would ggo quickly.

James Potter was the ffirst to die. It was easy, as he had discarded is only weapon. Just before he died, he yelled for Lily to take the twins upstairs. Twins? That had not been in the information his spy had given him. No matter. Just one more person to kill tonight.
When he went upstairs, the woman, Lily, threw herself in front of two cribs. The one on te right, which he could just see, held his quarry: the boy. She was standing in the way of his mission. So, he killed her.
Neither cild cried, which was just as well. He could never stand the crying of the young ones in the orphanage. He aimed his wand between the boy's eyes, and spoke the fataal curse.
In that instant, he was broken, nothing. He wasn't dead, thanks to his greatest secret, but close enough.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Today's chapter is in memory of a great man, James "Prongs" Potter.

Hailey Potter stood in King's Cross Station, unsure of what to do. She had with her a large trunk, packed with spellbooks and wizard robes. She checked hr ticket. Platform 9 3/4. "It should be right here," she muttered to the ticket inspector's stand. A rather surly-looking guard stood nearby. Hailey grimaced and started to walk away. Seemed all the guards were in a sour mood today.
Just then, a large family came bustling into the station. They were followed by a skinny boy with untidy black hair. Hailey pushed her oval glasses farther up her nose to get a better look at the boy.
He also worse glasses, but his lenses were perfectly circular. Curious. She sat on the end of her upturned trunk, as she hadn't gotten a trolley, and watched the family and the boy.

The oldest of the boys walked towards the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Confused, Hailey took off her glasses to clean them. Just as the world went blurry, the boy vanished. Shocked, she shoved her glasses back onto her face, determined to see what was going on.
The next two boys, who looked identical to the last freckle, strode up to the barrier afte a short argument with their mother. Just as they reached it, a crowd of tourist arrived, obscuring hher view. Hailey hopped down from her seat, determined to figure out what was going on. All three red-headed boys were nowhere to be found.
Just as she went to dragg her trunk up to the barrier, the boys' mother indicated the last of the boys. She leaped behind her trunk as the redhead and the black-haired boy came running at the barrier. They just passed right through! Before the mother could lead a young girl through, Hailey jumped up and followed the boys.

Next thing Hhailey knew, she was draging her trunk across a platform that certainly hadn't been there before. The sign above her read "Platform 9 3/4. Hogwarts Express. Eleven o'clock." She was in the right place.
Ignoring the hordes of other students on the platform, Hailey started looking for an empty compartment. She was used to being on her own by now. She had grown up not knowing her family. She knew her parents were dead, but that was all. She had never seen even a picture of them.

She came to a relatively quieter spot on the platform. Here, the twin redheads were helping the strange black-haired boy with his trunk. She heaved her trunk on board, then stoped to listen to the boys' conversation.
"Thanks," said the black-haired boy, pushing his hair out of his eyes. The twins started staring at the other boy's forehead. It was hard for Hailey to see, but if she moved a bit further to the left…
"Blimey," said one of the twins. "Are you--?"
"He is," chimed in the other. "Aren't you?"
"What?" asked the black-haired boy.
"Harry Potter," chorused the twins.
"Oh, him," said the strange boy. "I mean, yes, I am."
Hailey stood there in shock for several moments while the boy called Harry settled into the compartment.

That's where I'm stopping for now. I'll write more later. I'll hold the notes until the entire chapter is up.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Ok, everyone. I know it's odd, but today and tomorrow, there will be posts in honor of the Weasley twins.

Hailey hauled her trunk into the compartment after the twins left. As she did, she made quite a racket, which caught Harry's attention. He looked at her with bright green eyes that looked vaguely familiar…
"Here, let me help you with that," he said, standing up.
"Thanks," she replied, whishing her hands would stop shaking. Together they got her trunk stowed away just before one of the redheaded boys showed up with the twins.
"Anyone sitting there?" he asked, pointing to the empty spot next to Hailey. "Everywhere else is full."
"Nope. Go ahead," Hailey replied, while Harry just shook his head. Hailey watched the boy glance at Harry as he sat down.

"Are you really Harry Potter?" Ron blurted out after they all introduced themselves.
Harry nodded.
"Oh--well, I thought it might be one of Fred and George's jokes," said Ron. "And have you really got--you know…"
He pointed at Harry's forehead.
In answer, Harry pulled back his hair, revealing a curiously shaped cut--like a lightning bolt--on his forehead.
"So that's where You-Know-Who--?"
"Yes," said Harry. "But I can't remember it." Hailey sat there in silence, watching the boys.
"Nothing?" said Ron eagerly.
"Well--I remember a lot of green light, but nothing else."
Hailey stared blankly out of the window. She, too, saw the green light. She had never known what it meant until today.

Nothing of interest happened until after their improvised lunch.
A girl entered the compartment. Se was already dressed in her robes.
"Oh, are yhou doing magic? Let's see it, then."
She sat down.
Hailey looked closely at her. She certainly sounded bossy. She also had lots of bushy brown hair and rather large front teeth.
Ron started the spell.
"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow." Nothing happened. The girl launched into a very fast speech, of which Hailey caught almost nothing.
"…who are you?" she finished.
"I'm Ron Weasley," Ron muttered.
"Harry Potter," said Harry.
"Hailey." She felt it would be best not to mention her last name.
"Are you really?" said Hermione, launching into another speech. After a while she left, leaving the two boys and Hailey to talk.

Then came what looked to Hailey to be very bad news. A pale boy entered with two huge ones flanking him.
"Is it true?" he said. "They're saying all down the train that Harry Potter's in this compartment. So it's you, isn't it?"
"Yes," said Harry. Hailey took one glance at the three newcomers and knew they meant trouble.
"Oh, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle," said the pale boy carelessly. "And my name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."
Ron tried hiding a laugh.
"Think my name's funny, do you? No ned to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford."
He turned back to Harry. "You'll soon find out some Wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." Hhe held out his hand for Harry to shake. Harry only glared at him.
"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks," he replied.

And that is the end of the chapter.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Since today marks the one year anniversary of the end of HP, I decided to start the new chapter. Please follow the discussion for more exclusive content.

Hailey followed the boys into the Great Hall. Next to her, Hermione whispered, "It's bewitched to look like the sky outside. I read about it in Hogwarts, A History." Hailey nodded, impressed by the other girl's knowledge. The ceiling was pitch black and dotted with the bright pinpricks of stars. It almost seemed as if the Great Hall was open to the sky.
Professor McGonagall had the first years line up in front of the High Table. She then brought out an ancient hat, patched and frayed. The hall fell silent.
<I wonder whatwe're supposed to do with it,> Hailey thoughtto herself. She heard another voice in her mind, a male voice. It certainly wasn't her thought-voice.
<…try and get a rabbit out of it,> the voice said. She noticed Harry shift nervously in front of her. The voice sounded like his, strangely enough. She was about to say something to him when the hat began to sing.

And that is where we stop for now. Check the dicussion for the date of the next post.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Happy birthday to Harry Potter and his "mother", the wonderful J.K. Rowling. Please follow the discussion forum for news, updates, and exclusive content.

Everyone, even the first years, clapped after the hat finished its song. <So we just try on the hat. Easy enough,> Hailey thought to herself. She could still hear the other voice. Whoever-it-was didn't want to try on the hat in front of everyone. He was also wishing the hat had mentioned a house for those that felt a bit quesay.
It wasn't long before Professor McGonagall started calling names.
"Abbott, Hannah!" she called.
Said girl approached the stool, the hat dropping low over her eyes. There was a moment's pause,during which Hailey was sure the hat was making its choice. Then--
"HUFFLEPUFF!" it shouted.
The Sorting continued. Hailey could almost hear Ron's stomach growling.
"Pocket, Everell!" Finally, the Ps. Hailey watched as a small, thin, purple-haired girl pushed her way tothe front.
"RAVENCLAW!" shouted the hat.
"Potter, Hailey!" McGonagall shouted to the room at large. Harry turned around slowly, a look of confusion on his face. Hailey said nothing as she approached the stool.
She sat down, her heart pounding furiously. The hat dropped low over her eyes, obscuring her view of the hall.
"Ah, yes," said a little voice in Hailey's ear. She was sure it came from the hat. "VERY interesting mind. Clever, like your mother. You would do well in Ravenclaw. Hmm, what's this? Keeping secrets are we?"
<No, of course not,> Hailey thought.
"Your own brother doesn't know who you are. You would do well in Slytherin. And yet…you are loyal and a hard worker. The makings of a true Hufflepuff." By this point, Hailey was getting impatient. The hat was starting to mutter to itself.
<Just get on with it!> Her mental shout caught the hat's attention.
"Well, impatient are we? I know EXACTLY where to put you now. GRYFFINDOR!" shouted the hat to the room at large. With a sense of relief, Hailey hopped down off the stool to join the Gryffindor table.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Sorry about the delay, folks! Anyway, the fanfiction.net edition of thiss book will be an extended edition featuring a lot of stuff I cut from thhis version. So, on with the story.

She sat across from the red-haired twins from the train.
"That was--"
"--thed longest Sorting--"
"--we've ever seen." Hhailey felt like she would get whiplash from talking to the twsins. Thankfully, Professor McGonagallsaved her.
"Potter, Harry!" Whispering broke out all around the hall. Hailey watched Harry walk up to the stool. She could see his hands shakingg slightly as he gripped the stool. She almost jumped when she heard his thoughts.
<Not Slytherin, not Slytherin,> the thought-voice said. So, the thought-voice she had been hearing was his. Strange.
There was a pause, then the hat shoured, "GRYFGINDOR!" Hailey cheered along with everyone else for Harry. The rest of the Sorting passed fairly quickly, as there were only a few people left to be Sorted.
"You could have told me," Harry said, sitting down between Hermione and Hailey.
"I wasn't really sure myself. To be honest, I was expecting you to be a bit more…" Hailey trailed off,noticing the look on his face. She decided to slightly chhange the subject. She was about to keep talking when Dumbledore stood up.