Harry Potter Fanfictions Harry Potter Fanfictional rehab (YOU KNOW YOU GOT AN OBSESSION!!!!)

LizPotter08 posted on Jan 28, 2008 at 06:12PM
I say we just be random and get to know everybody (if you don't know somebody already...)

So this is like rehab...I'll start.

Hi, I'm Liz, and I'm in love with Draco Malfoy. Touch...and die.

Harry Potter Fanfictions 13 replies

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over a year ago rosalinasnape08 said…
Ok, I might as well fess up. My name is Rosalina and I'm addicted to Severus Snape. Sicker all you want, but I love him. Say anything disrespectful to him and die a most horribe death.
over a year ago LizPotter08 said…
YAY, I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE ANYMORE!!! (in rehab, that is, you sickos!)
over a year ago Sappp said…
Hi, I'm Sap and I'm addicted to fanfiction.
I love the impossible
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
I'm Isabel and I'm addicted to Severus/OC :( HE'S A GREAT CHARACTER AND HE DESERVES SOMEONE! *pouts*

Me too, Rosalina, me too.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago abitofaLunaTic said…
I'm abitofaLunaTic and I'm obsessed with Lily Evans and Remus Lupin. I know they had something, I just know it!
over a year ago Timian said…
I'm Therese... and I'm addicted to HP-slash! Once, it was just the simple Harry/Draco and Remus/Sirius (which is practically canon according to me xD) but now I read every couple I can get my hands on! I'm trying to turn my male friends gay and I dressed up as Draco Malfoy at Halloween and tried hitting on them! xD It's BAD!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jadle811 said…
I'm Jaden.. and I think that Hermione Granger should end up with:

I also thin that Harry and Draco should be together, Ginny and Harry should be together (thank god they are), Ginny and Pansy should be together and Harry and Ron should be together.

Now that I've read a Dramione fanfic called When Love and Hate Collide (its really good and on fanfiction.net) I also think that Hermione and Theodore Nott should be together. (you have to have read it to get it).


And the worst part is, none of my friends know, so I have to keep it all in my head at danm school!
(Help me lord!)

Oh, and I'm in love with Draco Malfoy! (my friends begged me to tell them who my celeb crush was and now they think I'm crazy! yay, :(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lokhart said…
i am badly addicted to fanfiction
god swear i love H/Hr, R/Hr, D/hr
please can someone help me?

over a year ago angiii7 said…
Hi, I'm Angi and I'm addicted to James&Lily and the marauders, it's almost killing me.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I'm Johanna. Rather new to fanfics. I have WAY to many similarities to Harry. I also nearly memorized the books and movies.
over a year ago Makeupdiva said…
I am only addicted to Harry/Draco. That is all. I refuse to read any other Harry Potter fanfiction that isn't about those two together. Drarry all the way.
over a year ago MoonshoesPerry said…
Salutations. My name is Isabella (please do not call me that-- I prefer Moony or Perry). I like semicolons and parentheses. I am completely addicted to Neville Longbottom. I have created a character (Clemency Pocket) a magical version of myself with whom Neville is madly in love. I am obsessed with writing, sketching, and daydreaming about this character. I stubbornly refuse to publish fan fiction about her; I do not advise you to attempt to convince me to do so. Thank you for listening to me.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
To build on my response, I am at the moment writing what will probably be the largest HP fanfic you'll ever see. It centers around my own OC, Hailey Potter, who just so happens to be Harry's twin. She's very similar to me (no surprise there if you saw my first post).