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Harry Potter Question

who in the harry potter series do u hate?

hey guys, here u can tell which char you hate the most and be sure to mention why!

i hate - peter for being a filthy traitor and an unfaithful git and,,....... well it goes on!
theres no one whom i hate as much as him!

sometimes i hate ginny but u cant really call that hate.

i'm repulsed by fenrir greyback!

emilykuru posted over a year ago
and voldemort
devialy55 posted over a year ago
Oh right!!! Thanks!!!
klilia posted over a year ago
 emilykuru posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

lilcherrywine said:
Dolores Umbridge.

For being a Ministry-loving, power-crazed, bitchy hypocrite, for torturing Harry, for screwing up Defense Against Dark Arts lessons for a whole year, for insulting Hagrid, Grawp and the centaurs and calling them "half-breeds", for framing and torturing Muggles, for sticking with unjustice, and telling lies like a bitch.
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posted over a year ago 
emilykuru posted over a year ago
lilcherrywine posted over a year ago
I hate that woman!
alexthedog posted over a year ago
louvreangel said:
Ginny Weasley. She's the only one I hate the most. Then comes Voldemort, Lucius Malfoy, Umbridge...

First reason why I hate Ginny is because her cold, arrogant behaviour makes me sick. And the way she got Harry on her side was so cheap. I mean, making him jealous? And for God's sake, since when did he really liked Ginny? Where the hell Cho went? Or what about Hermione? In my opinion, J.K.Rowling changed his mind about them so sudden so the things got in this way. I read all the books sooo many times and I still cant figure out why J.K.Rowling made Ginny&Harry a couple.

I dunno. I just hate her. Maybe I think wrong, but these are my opinions.
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posted over a year ago 
you are right:)
BittenGirl posted over a year ago
thanks :)
louvreangel posted over a year ago
I agree with you 110%
Angel-Trix posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
Molly Weasley
Lavander Brown
James Potter
Vernon Dursley
Ron Weasley
Gildory Lockheart
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posted over a year ago 
XxXGinnyXxX said:
I really can not stand:

1. Umbridge (duh)
2. Fenrir Greyback
3. Voldemort/Tom Riddle
4. Luius Malfoy
5. Bellatrix Lestrange
6. Wormtail
7. Snape (sorry to all you Snape lovers out there. but.. Yeah he's a jerk)
I hate all of them because they are filthly detestable Voldemort supporters who killed, Tortured, bullied or mamed anyone who ticked them off.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree so much. I hate Snape and don't buy him as a "hero". He was a double agent, he stalked Lily, he was ok with her husband and her newborn son getting killed and only cared about his obsession over her. Such a horrible bastard! Yeah, he helped Harry, but it does not make him a hero. I won't deny he was a very interesting chatacter though. And Umbrifge of course.
maryksand posted over a year ago
XD his Paris Hilton wig
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Bellatrix and Snape were great :D I didn't think Lucius was all that bad either.
MarlenaLovett posted over a year ago
emthom7665 said:
profeser snape
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posted over a year ago 
*.* yay
Darkshine posted over a year ago
LiptonGold said:
Pansy Parkinson. I haaaate Pansy Parkinson. When we had to create a country in school, I banned her from it.
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posted over a year ago 
^^^ohhh i second that!
Lightning98 posted over a year ago
She's like the meanest girl ever.
alexthedog posted over a year ago
meanest filthiest stupidst sidecick evr!
emilykuru posted over a year ago
i-am-mariella said:
Umbridge, for obvious reasons... I hate how prejudiced she was and her little sniffs made me want to kill her with my bare hands, let alone a wand.
Fenrir Greyback, for obvious reasons (poor Remus!) and he's extremely creepy, especially around children.
Vernon Dursley.
Zacharias Smith. Sit down and shut up.
Pansy Parkinson - trying to sell out Harry was the epitome of pathetic, and calling Hermione uglier than a chipmunk when you resemble a PUG is just...
Cormac McLaggen - arrogant brat. Only Malfoy can get away with that line.
Crabbe...I really don't like to speak ill of the dead, but he did deserve it. Like Ron said, "I'd probably feel sorry he was dead if he hadn't just tried to kill us."
Wormtail, for being cowardly and pathetic.
I don't HATE Cho, I think she's a good girl really and I don't blame her for crying a lot after Cedric died, but when she raised her eyebrows at Harry sitting with Neville and Luna, I wanted to hit her, the sniffy brat. I mean, it's NEVILLE and LUNA. Anyone would be honoured to be in the same COMPANY as them!
Aunt Marge, but Harry took care of her...
Voldie. As much as he's a great character and I kind of love to hate him, he was so evil and prejudiced uggghhh.
Cornelius Fudge...trying to turn everyone against Harry...and what's the point of going all-out to prove Voldemort isn't back when the evidence is staring you right in the face?
YOUNGER James Potter because I don't support bullying or condone it any way, but I think he more than made up for it. I know he made Snape's life hell and that was evil but that was only one side of him and we never got to see any others as he was dead when we were first introduced. I mean, he was obviously a good friend coming up with the Animagi idea for Remus, and he really did love Lily (like Snape), and he tried to fend Voldemort off so Lily and Harry could escape. But yeah, younger James Potter can go dive off a cliff.
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posted over a year ago 
magic18 said:
In no specific order:

1. Umbridge cuz she's an evil ministry loving, muggle hating, cruel, unfair bitch

2. Wormtail, he's the reason Harry has no parents and sirius is in azkaban and he's a traitor and coward

3. Fenir Greyback - he purposley bites people!!!

4. Gilderoy Lockhart cuz he's stuck up and stupid. He deserved what he got.

5. Voldemort. Pure evil

6. Aunt Marge because of what she say's about harry and his parents and she has puppies drowned if their small :(
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posted over a year ago 
What about Bellatrix? SHE KILLED SIRIUS!!!!
klilia posted over a year ago
Not everyone has to hate Bellatrix you know.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
^ same, it serves her right, shame she has her memory modified. she might have been nicer to harry about his parents if she knew he could do magic on her.
magic18 posted over a year ago
Darkshine said:

and Greyback, Umbridge and Fudge.
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posted over a year ago 
snape turns out to be good in the end though, but I agree with he other 3.
magic18 posted over a year ago
lilith84 said:
Dumbledore the most, for being a manipulating bastard and for using people. And Ron a bit, for being boring and whiney.
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posted over a year ago 
Vixie79 said:
James Potter because I don't support bullies or make excuses for them.
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posted over a year ago 
oh, him I don't like too :)
lilith84 posted over a year ago
Hate him too
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
I still hate him. It funny how James can be excused for his actions, but Snape is still seen as a huge d bag for calling precious Lily a mudblood and treating Harry so awful...awww.whatever...
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
Scourgestar said:
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posted over a year ago 
i second u! but i only hate her for marrying harry. it was all trushed up!
emilykuru posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
James Potter - arrogant, bullying toe-rag
Lily Potter - back-stabbing "mean girl." She's also sue-ish, imo.
Dumbledore - manipulative
Percy - irritating birk who cared more about his own ambition than family
Umbridge - er . . . do I need to say why?

I also very, very much dislike
Sirius - immature little boy who cares more about what he wants and what he's going through than anyone else.
Ginny - another sue, imo. She just . . . irritates me. She came out of nowhere, was good at everything, and got Harry without even trying.
Wormtail - again, do I really need to say why?
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posted over a year ago 
I totally DISAGREE!!!
klilia posted over a year ago
bri-marie posted over a year ago
i support ur calim of ginny
emilykuru posted over a year ago
Lackson4ever85 said:
Mom Draco Malfoy
Malfoy senior
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posted over a year ago 
just call Dracos mom Cissy... its what people called her in the book
Lightning98 posted over a year ago
Agree with Peter and Umbitch. <.<
Darkshine posted over a year ago
why sirius? :(
emilykuru posted over a year ago
055555555 said:
I hate Ron cuz he dume
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posted over a year ago 
WOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx :O
Albiee posted over a year ago
You can't call Ron dumb until you get the brains to spell it right.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
XD exatly and she or he called Ron dumb rather dume
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
klilia said:
I hate Bellatrix Lestrange. Here is my reasoning:
Also, I hate Umbridge. How is what she did legal?
I would totally sue her if I was a Harry Potter character!
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posted over a year ago 
I love Bellatrix. Yes she killed Sirius I like him to have any better reasons, the only reasons I here are she killed Sirius she's a killer.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Why are there so many Bellatrix haters? She's awesome, or, at least entertaining.
ThePrincesTale posted over a year ago
yeah but i only hate her for killing sirius and no other reason!
emilykuru posted over a year ago
ecpjll said:
I hate Greyback, Snape, & Ginny.
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posted over a year ago 
Agree. I don't really hate Ginny but I don't like her at all.
Darkshine posted over a year ago
me ginny too!
emilykuru posted over a year ago
CallinMeBlondie said:
Cormac McLaggen
Michael Corner
Peter Pettigrew
Dolores Umbridge
Cornelius Fudge

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posted over a year ago 
oh you picked good people!
Lightning98 posted over a year ago
Someone remembered to pick Cormac
Darkshine posted over a year ago
i hate fudge too, the ministry loving fool
magic18 posted over a year ago
Lightning98 said:
1. Voldemort (for killign so amny people and for making Harrys life harder than it could have been)
2. Bellatrix (for being so loyal to Voldemort and for making Nevills parents go insane)
3. Umbridge (for being her)
4. Wormtail (for betraying Lily and James and for supporting Voldemort)
5. Lucius (for being an idiot and for supporting Voldemort)

all of these people are spazes that I really hate... more than I hate the Devil... all betrayed, hurt, and killed others that ment most to me
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posted over a year ago 
You also picked good people! Bellatrix, see I love Helena Bonham Carter (cuz shes amazing as Bellatrix) but I hate what she did to Neville...and she killed Sirius! =( I think most of us were right along with Mrs Weasley "STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" lol
CallinMeBlondie posted over a year ago
Helena is awesome
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
lol... i like Helena too... she is ne of my fav too
Lightning98 posted over a year ago
boolander25 said:
Harry, James and if I'd have to say a third.. then probably Zacharias Smith.
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posted over a year ago 
klilia posted over a year ago
Because Harry makes everything about him and plays the "my parents are dead and you don't know hwo that feels so shut up and let me yell and brood at you a lot" card. He's too annoying.
boolander25 posted over a year ago
hey dude if u were harry u will feel the same too! he;s my fav char!
emilykuru posted over a year ago
I'm not him though, so I don't have to like him, lulz,
boolander25 posted over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said:
In no specific order:
Umbridge: Normally I don't mind villains, but Umbridge....she hides it behind pink doilys and citty cats *shudder*
James Potter: I absolutely DETEST him. Being 'young and stupid' is no excuse for bullying. He is, as Lily describes so well. an 'arogant toerag'.
The younger Sirius: for the reasons stated above.
Wormtail: Especially in the movie. I just hate his ratty little face, and how he betrayed his friends for power.
Fenrir Greyback: He is, I don't know ...unbelievably repugnant.

I've noticed many people hate Snape and Bellatrix. They are in my top ten characters, no, make it top five. They are awesome!!!
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posted over a year ago 
They are awesome
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Hate what you hate and love what you love :D Yes Snape and Bella are awesome :D
lilith84 posted over a year ago
YES! Finally someone who doesn't hate Bellatrix! Way ot many people who hate her! Plus Snape is amazing too!
MarlenaLovett posted over a year ago
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Renarimae said:
Umbridge. Hate her with a passion!
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posted over a year ago 
scarxtardis said:
Greyback, Peter, And Umbridge.
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posted over a year ago 
Lisseth said:
Well, I can't call this hate, really. It's just that I can't stand with the following characters:

Lord Voldemort: HE'S SO EVIL! He hurts my Harry! I can't like or love someone who hurts my Harry! You know!

Cho Chang: she wasn't evil but I LOVE HARRY♥GINNY so I hate when Cho was with Harry.
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posted over a year ago 
I know right? Cho broke Harry's heart.
alexthedog posted over a year ago
Yeah, I didn't like Cho all that much either.. She kind of annoyed me :P
MarlenaLovett posted over a year ago
I like Cho. She's one of my fav's and I hate Ginny. Wow, our minds think REALLY differently.
Angel-Trix posted over a year ago
simplea7s said:
voldemor .yack:D
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voldemor .yack:D
posted over a year ago 
simplea7s posted over a year ago
doesnt he brush at all?
emilykuru posted over a year ago
MarlenaLovett said:
Molly Weasley >_<
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posted over a year ago 
i like her - "Not my daughter you BITCH!!!!!"
magic18 posted over a year ago
just becoz u luv bellatrix u cant..
emilykuru posted over a year ago
No no I see where your coming from I personally disliked her from the start I hated her after she killed Bellatrix.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Angel-Trix said:
Ginny Weasley
Ron Weasley
Lily Potter
James Potter
Maybe Hermione, but I'm not sure about her.
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posted over a year ago 
*sobs* i only agree with you on your 5th one...
Lightning98 posted over a year ago
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