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Harry Potter Question

which char repulses u the most?

which one makes u annoyed and whom do u feel repulses u and u cant bear to watch them at all!

well no one repulses me like Wormtail,though sometimes

i get annoyed by Ginny

i really dislike mundungus -how dare he steal sirius....

hey i forgot one important - Cho chang!
emilykuru posted over a year ago
What about Bellatrix? SHE KILLED SIRIUS!!!!
klilia posted over a year ago
Umbridge. Hands Down.
Daydreamer24 posted over a year ago
 emilykuru posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

lilcherrywine said:
Again, Dolores Umbridge.

For being a Ministry-loving, power-crazed, bitchy hypocrite, for torturing Harry, for screwing up Defense Against Dark Arts lessons for a whole year, for insulting Hagrid, Grawp and the centaurs and calling them "half-breeds", for framing and torturing Muggles, for sticking with unjustice, and telling lies like a bitch.
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posted over a year ago 
AaronHaley4ever said:
I know she has a lot of fans but I really don't like Lily Potter. I just think it's a bit ironic that she's hailed as kind and saintly when she basically destroyed Severus Snape by refusing to forgive him. What he said to her may have been wrong, but I, for one, don't think being unforgiving and assuming the worst of him from then on was any better.
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posted over a year ago 
its been a while...when did it say she held a grudge against Snape.
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
Ah, someone I can realte to.
Angel-Trix posted over a year ago
Sheetal1256 said:
Wormtail....he sucks
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Atlast somebody agrees with ya sweety or sweeto!
Sheetal1256 posted over a year ago
now if anyone is a coward....its wormy.
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
No one knows for sure why he was in Gryffindor.
Poseidon3 posted over a year ago
Barneysmeg said:
Repulse is such an ugly word, I would apply it to many people, but I would have to say out of the Harry Potter characters it would have to be The Dursleys, the ignorant muggles how they mis treated Harry, especially in the film because in the book Dudley was supposed to be redeemed and he owed his life to Harry after saving him from the Dementors but I hated him in the film. All the pure bloods (scum) dolores umbridge, lucius malfoy i really don't like them, those who think that they are better than everyone else and have no consideraton for those they hurt with their mean pig headed comments.
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posted over a year ago 
Vixie79 said:
I actually don't have a character that repulses me. I have ones that I dislike and hate.
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posted over a year ago 
Darkshine said:

No one. :D
Repulse is a pretty big word, not really fit for these types of questions.
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posted over a year ago 
Whoa, I was about to karate chop you...XD
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
Wormtail - he's a gross looking traitor
Umbridge - she makes Harry use the emo quill
Greyback - he gets a kick out of being a werewolf he loves changeing people
Dementors - they suck your soul and good memories out no matter who you are and just generally torment people
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with you!
linhousepotter posted over a year ago
Completely!But I have to add Bella and Voldemort.
I_want_prongs posted over a year ago
I would probably have written the exact same answers, lol. :)
ThePrincesTale posted over a year ago
klilia said:
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posted over a year ago 
And she killed Tonks, her own niece, and she tortured the Longbottoms!
Poseidon3 posted over a year ago
I love bellatrix
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
I love Bellatrix too....But she is fucked up. Woman needs a thorazine drip and a straight jacket.
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
TheDon0603 said:
Greyback disgusts me. Nothing grosser than a cannibal. Yuck.
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posted over a year ago 
LinaHarrow said:
I'm going to have a lot of people who disagree with me here but:

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posted over a year ago 
Bella and Greyback come next.
LinaHarrow posted over a year ago
Lina...How. DARE. you....why? he was such a good man! behind all those black robes is a true kind hero in my mind. ////=== plus i tink he is handsome.
ImBooOK posted over a year ago
Snape is AWESOME! How can you hate after all he did? He was so brave...
ThePrincesTale posted over a year ago
thejokercard said:
All 4 of the marauders. They were so mean to snape :(
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posted over a year ago 
To a certian extent I agree
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
I agree totally. Maybe not Lupin so much, but Sirus and James are douches.
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
people change...
cassiopeiab posted over a year ago
mflorida said:
1)wormtail( backstabbing traitor)

2)umbridge(i have nothing good to say about her)

3) goyle (the stupid weirdo)

4)crabbe(the fatzo who called hermione a mudblood in book 7)

5)pansy ( ick )

6) mundungus fletcher( nothing good to say about him either)

7)zacharias smith (he's just so annoying)

8) lockhart( he's a narcississtic,egocentric phony)

9)lavender brown ( that girl SERIOUSLY needs to get a grip)

10)cormac mclaggen( he's just as vile as hermione says he is)
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posted over a year ago 
Angel-Trix said:
Ginny (Mary Sue) Weasley. Oh wow, she's so perfect. Everyone loves her. She's so pretty. She's so smart. She's so sporty blah blah blah.

James Potter. Okay, get this. The guy who spent his school years tormenting people for being in a different House...Gets everything. Wow.

Lily Potter. She sacrificed herself for her son! Wow! How unheard of. What an unbelievable response! NOT! Yet, she's treated like she's a hero. She's so smart. So perfect! OH MY UGH! COME ON!

Hermione Granger. Wow, youu guys probably hate me now. But Hermione really is perfect if you think about it. She's smart. She's really beautiful. But JUST LISTEN TO ME!

I know what you're going to say. "Oh, but Hermione's muggle born. She's a role model. She has so many hardships. She's soooooo like us! What are you saying? How could you hate her?"

You know why? Because you just said it. Hermione's so brave. She's so independant. She's sus a great role model! She's bossy, but that's her. Oh please, to me, that's perfect.

Yes, she has hardships. Yes, she's disliked for being a mudblood, but seriously! She is...It's the fact she's so great. I hate it. And I hate her. Plus, I REALLY and TRULY hate her narrown mindedness.

Please understand. I LOVE all the villians. I love all the Slytherins. And I love Cho Chang even though you guys hate her for being "whiny, and breaking Harry's heart".

One, Cho is loyal. To her friends, to her loved ones...
And two, she was confused about herself and her relationships. Breaking people's hearts and getting your broken is part of life! GET OVER IT!

Plus, I love Pansy Parkinson (even though you guys hate her), because, well...She's just her.

Understand, please, that my way of thinking is different. Agree or disagree if you want. And I know, I said wayyy, more than intended, but I just HAD to let it out.

Oh, and try not to say villians. Why do you think they're all villians? What would happen if they didn't do those things. Everyone would be good. What a terrible story that would be. So please understand.
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posted over a year ago 
Oh, and I happen to find Lockhart funny. Seriously, he's hilarious! But the Dursley's piss me off, though I kind of see where they're coming from.
Angel-Trix posted over a year ago
@Angel-Trix--You stated "Lily Potter. She sacrificed herself for her son! Wow! How unheard of. What an unbelievable response! NOT!" If you think every mother would do that, then you probably aren't aware of the Diane Downs case.
Pensieve_Seeker posted over a year ago
My opinion only people. Nothing's going to change it. I know you're all trying to contradict it and all, but it's JUST MY THOUGHTS, NOT FACT! Let me be please. It says which characters repulse you the most, and Lily doesn't repulse me, but I don't like her either way. My gosh. And I'm not saying it wouldn't have been good if Lily was never born, I just hate her personality and how she was portrayed. If someone could just point out a flaw, I admit, I still wouldn't like her, but it's JUST ME!
Angel-Trix posted over a year ago
ElenaCarballo said:
Bellatrix Lestrange, she is completely insane!!!
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posted over a year ago 
That's why I love her
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Poseidon3 said:
Voldemort, because he doesn't love or have an interest in friends. Plus he's the most dangerous Dark wizard and his face is.... strange.
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posted over a year ago 
Persephone713 said:
Nagini....he now takes the cake. Mother fucking snake. Excuse my french.

Dolores Umbridge.

Cornelius Fudge
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posted over a year ago 
Fudge was basically just corrupted by his fear of Dumbledore attacking the Ministry. Therefore, he turned against Harry and all others who supported Dumbledore. He wasn't truly bad. Umbridge is a different story. She is a sick, foul old hag. I'm glad she was sent to azkaban.
Poseidon3 posted over a year ago
yeah...I liked Scrimgeour more though. Fudge was an idiot. He saw what he wanted.
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
You liked Scrimigeour more? That's saying something!
Poseidon3 posted over a year ago
Nagini is female, lol.
ThePrincesTale posted over a year ago
AMoRPoP said:
Mine is Cho Chang. She seems very weak and superficial to me, and if she was so hung up about Cedric's death she shouldn't have dated Harry in the first place. Plus she insistently supported Marietta even though she betrayed the DA. To me those are very repulsive characteristics.
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posted over a year ago 
What? Cho was loyal, and stuck by her friend. She's wonderful that way. And she was confused. It's part of being a heart broken teenager. Besides, Harry got over her pretty easily. And she really did like Harry, but wouldn't YOU be confused or feel guilty after liking someone after your boyfriend's death?! I know I would.
Angel-Trix posted over a year ago
I would too. All I'm saying is that if she was so confused, she should have waited too see where the relantionship was headed before kissing Harry. She should have waited to understand her feelings better. Also, being loyal doesn't make you good. Bellatrix was loyal to Voldemort. I dont see you defending HER.
AMoRPoP posted over a year ago
Oh, I like Bellatrix too (she's so crazy that it's funny), but I meant that she was a good friend that she stuck by Marietta. I admit, I would acctually do that too. Cho knew it was wrong, but it was someone she cared about.
Angel-Trix posted over a year ago
I guess so but everyone's entitled to their own opinion. :D
AMoRPoP posted over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge said:
Repulse is such a strong word, but there are a few characters that I dislike

Peter Pettigrew: He betrayed James and Lily and killed Cedric (we all know what happened to Rob after that *smh*)
Dolores Umbridge: Straight up bitch
Lavender Brown: She was psycho, nuf said
Bellatrix Lestrange: She killed Sirius (I like Helena, but I don't like Bellatrix that much)
Percy Weasley: I never liked him in the books. He was a prat and he cared more about his ranking in the Ministry then his own family
The Marauders: They were horrible to Snape, especially James. I liked Sirius and Remus when they grew up, but not the teenage versions

There's more, but those are the main characters I have a problem with.

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Repulse is such a strong word, but there are a few characters that I dislike

Peter Pettigrew: He betrayed James and Lily and killed Cedric (we all know what happened to Rob after that *smh*)
Dolores Umbridge: Straight up bitch
Lavender Brown: She was psycho, nuf said
Bellatrix Lestrange: She killed Sirius (I like Helena, but I don't like Bellatrix that much)
Percy Weasley: I never liked him in the books.  He was a prat and he cared more about his ranking in the Ministry then his own family
The Marauders: They were horrible to Snape, especially James.  I liked Sirius and Remus when they grew up, but not the teenage versions

There's more, but those are the main characters I have a problem with.
posted over a year ago 
Cyfell said:
1. Wormtail
2. Dolores Umbridge
3. Rita Skeeter
4. (lol somebody will hate me for this but...) Ron Weasley
5. Lily Potter
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posted over a year ago 
Shame on you for hating Ron. Tsk tsk :P
Jenna4093 posted over a year ago
healingsprings said:
Dolores Umbridge, Wormtail, Pansy, Argus Filch and Greyback
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posted over a year ago 
i-luv-one-D said:
Umbrage totally

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posted over a year ago 
Jenna4093 said:
Umbridge- Do I have to explain why?

Snape- I don't exactly hate him, but I don't exactly like him. I'm just neutral about him. I think he's a bit overrated, and find that annoying, since he's not THAT great. Yes, I know, he was actually one of the good guys, but he was still a jerk throughout the series. And just one moment in the books doesn't change everything to me.
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posted over a year ago 
cassiopeiab said:
Wormtail - He betrayed the Potters...disgusting rat!
Ginny Weasley - JKR says in the books that she's funny, kind and independent, but where is their actual proof? She gets away with everything! She's really mean to Ron, and Harry just ignores it! Hate her!
Cho Chang - Ugh...She just...infuriates me! I think - and this is my opinion - that she was sub-consciously using Harry because he was the one who saw Cedric die, and it felt like closure to her.
Pansy Parkinson - Fan girl...need I say more?
Dolores Umbridge - A sadistic b!tch! I hate her so much! She was well written, though, no complaints to JKR!
Severus Snape - Basically everyone love him! But I can't see what's so great about him! He hated Harry because he had a grudge on his father! He favoured his own house and was almost cruel to Gryffindors! I don't know about you, but I HATE people with favouritism. He sold Lily and James to Voldemort so he could be in his favour. I despise him! And Harry named his son after the jerk? Shame on you Harry Potter, shame on you... What about Remus? The werewolf who died fighting for him, who worked hard to be rid himself of the predjudice against his condition, a condition which he could not control. He taught us to never judge a book by it's cover. Sure, Snape was brave when he had to be, but he made too many mistakes, sometimes you just can't forgive someone, I wouldn't be able to forgive someone who made my life hell for six years just because he had a school-kid grudge!
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posted over a year ago 
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