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Harry Potter Question

which character do u think is most hated though it don't deserve it?????????

i think..............snape
mr-cullen posted over a year ago
Yeah definitely!
MichelleWeasley posted over a year ago
SNAPE easy
hall6794 posted over a year ago
 mr-cullen posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

zanhar1 said:
Biased answer; Bellatrix, she was just trying to gain love and affection, but from the wrong guy.

Unbiasedly; Cho, she's just a teenage girl. Most teen girls cry over break ups, Cho was crying over a dead boyfriend and people call her a cry-baby. She doesn't deserve the hate she gets at all.
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posted over a year ago 
i completely agree
bella_4_ever posted over a year ago
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
kittyraven posted over a year ago
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
peppergirl30 said:
Ginny Weasley.
What did she ever do?? She was only the youngest Weasley kid and never really did anything bad.
If anyone has any reasons as to WHY you hate her..
I would be glad to hear.
Because I honestly don't know what she EVER did wrong.
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posted over a year ago 
i dont think she's much hated
mr-cullen posted over a year ago
Probably it
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Harry liked her out of nowhere.
KitKatLex posted over a year ago
dracofan001 said:
i think draco...
i mean yeah he bullied the trio but that how he was raised! i mean his aunt was Bellatrix!
then in the sixth year he didn't even bully the trio... he was way to stressed out... i mean he was 16 years old and he had to kill dumbledore and even voldemort couldn't do that!
and then he didn't kill dumbledore because he didn't want to harm someone that never did anything to him.
then later he saved the trio twice!

he doesn't deserve all his hate!!!!
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i think draco...
i mean yeah he bullied the trio but that how he was raised! i mean his aunt was Bellatrix! 
then in the sixth year he didn't even bully the trio... he was way to stressed out... i mean he was 16 years old and he had to kill dumbledore and even voldemort couldn't do that!
and then he didn't kill dumbledore because he didn't want to harm someone that never did anything to him.
then later he saved the trio twice!

he doesn't deserve all his hate!!!!
posted over a year ago 
he changes his side at sight of defeat............
mr-cullen posted over a year ago
PS. I like the pic.
camib6 posted over a year ago
Draco isn't hated, he'd swooned over
LunaNotLoony posted over a year ago
laura071197 said:
All of the characters who aint from the evil side. Voldemort and his followers deserve all thae hate. The persons who love this ppl its ok by u, but u also know they deserve to b hated. They were mean to everyone.
About Ginny n Cho, everybody hate 'em just because they were the ones Harry liked, ppl creates the hate from some stupid places I can't even imagine, its unfair

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posted over a year ago 
Snape, Ginny, Cho, basicly these r the ones ....
laura071197 posted over a year ago
Bellatrix doesn't deserve hate!
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
ok, thats fun, but i dont feel like doing that hahaha
laura071197 posted over a year ago
PrettyGal said: know who obviously
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posted over a year ago 
mr-cullen posted over a year ago
totally agree with stlouisfan
mr-cullen posted over a year ago
Lol why?
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
FleetingFancy said:
Ginny or cho, maybe..
A lot of fans hate them for some reason
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posted over a year ago 
cho for sure but not ginny......................
mr-cullen posted over a year ago
PotterLambert93 said:
A lot of characters actually don't deserve the hate: Snape all along was only trying to protect Harry and was on the good side, in his own terms. Cho, even though I can't stand her at times is just a typical teenager who had a good reason to cry often and Draco was just unfortunate to have a messed up backround who had high expectations for him on their side. I really don't get why Ginny gets all the hate because I see nothing wrong with her. I think that Petunia is also misunderstood because the whole reason why she hates her nephew is because he reminded her of Lily, whom she had many regrets with.
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posted over a year ago 
Haley97 said:
Snape doesn't deserved to be hated just because he's a grumpy man it's all because he is still trying to get over Lily's death and he can not find someone who is his equal that he loved as much as Lily since she was the only one who respected him and did not make fun of him.
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posted over a year ago 
dragonsmemory said:
Unless you're a Muggle or live under a rock, you probably know all about the Wizarding Wars. Depending on who you ask this to, you'll get different answers. In general, all of the characters are hated at one point or another. Voldemort is the only one who deserves every bit of the hatred directed at him. Death Eaters like Bellatrix are hated, but we like her too, for some odd reason. Our opinion of something will almost always change over time. Just look at how we saw Snape over the course of the series. He never changed, just our opinion of him.
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posted over a year ago 
kittyraven said:
Bellatrix. I dont hate her even though she killed Sirius. But alot of people really do hate her mostly for that reason alone. But Bellatrix is really an interesting character.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree at least we can come up with other reasons fir hating Molly
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Honestly, of the death eaters, I find Bellatrix the least interesting- she just acts evil all the time. And she didn'tt just murder Sirius, she tortured Neville's parents, and hundred others. As for Molly killing Bellatrix, Molly was defending her children, and it was a war!! Bellatrix was evil, and would have killed others, I'm sure, had Molly not killed her instead
LunaNotLoony posted over a year ago
xHardcoreBunnyx said:
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posted over a year ago 
lil_lycanthrope said:
I don't think Cho should deserve all the hate she gets. I blame it on the films since when she is in a scene she's a mess. Though in the book she is a lot of a stronger person. Even with the moments where she is crying her eyes out.

Though I am going to disagree with all who have said Snape. I honestly believes he deserved all the hate even after reading The Prince's Tale chapter. I could go on telling you why I believe he does but this isn't the post for it. Well unless you want me to.
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, I agree. Snape might have reasons to act why he did, but he still bullied his pupils. That's unacceptable, really.
LunaNotLoony posted over a year ago
camib6 said:
I could name plenty: Snape was acting for good, and Bellatrix was trying to gain attention and affection... But I have to say Malfoy. He was acting for his family's lives, and I can definetly respect that. (Besides, he's cute.)Like in the scene in the bathroom in the sixth (you can see a pic from the movie bellow), he's pitied by Murtle and the poor guy lets it all out.
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I could name plenty: Snape was acting for good, and Bellatrix was trying to gain attention and affection... But I have to say Malfoy. He was acting for his family's lives, and I can definetly respect that. (Besides, he's cute.)Like in the scene in the bathroom in the sixth (you can see a pic from the movie bellow), he's pitied by Murtle and the poor guy lets it all out.
posted over a year ago 
I agree, particularly with your Bella point.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Has JKR ever said Bellatrix just wanted attention and affection, or is that just fanon? Because I can't remember reading an interview where she said that, and I have read a lot of interviews, and been through Pottermore as well. But even if she has, this is a murderer. She killed and tortured and is shown as being downright cruel in the books. She doesn't seem like she was pressurised into it; she was doing the pressuring for Narcissa. You know, without Bellatrix, I imagine that Narcissa would have been a whole lot nicer. Anyway, I honestly don't mean to attack you, but where did you find out that Bellatrix was 'just trying to get attention and affection?'
LunaNotLoony posted over a year ago
alexisn10 said:
Sirius and Snape
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posted over a year ago 
Sirius isn't hated, really! He's another swoon-over, well in his youth.
LunaNotLoony posted over a year ago
Rizta said:
I think Malfoy, or Snape, or Lucius, or Bellatrix, or Voldemort ???? all of them.
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posted over a year ago 
Yes Bellatrix :3
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Malfoy= swooned over. Because Tom Felton is hot
LunaNotLoony posted over a year ago
Gracieygrey56 said:
SNAPE because everyone despised him and wanted to dance on his grave but all he wanted was Harry to be safe and his last piece of Lily to live on.He never wanted things to end up the way they did it just happend so really Snape is it 🌺
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posted over a year ago 
emmaisobsessed said:
I say, Draco, Snape and Bella.
They are great characters.
'nough said.
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posted over a year ago 
Flickerflame said:
I think the most unfairly hated character, for most of the fandom, is Cho. She just reacted normally to Cedric's death and people hate her for it.
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posted over a year ago 
WinterSpirit809 said:
Ginny, she did absolutely nothing to be hated, but everyone acts like she's a villain a lot of times.
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posted over a year ago 
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