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Harry Potter Question

Why exactly do people hate Ginny so much?

I really don't understand. Ginny is one of my favourite characters in the series, and I think her and Harry make a great couple.
If you're going to respond, please don't say that she's a slut or a mary-sue without any evidence.
Ginny has only had three boyfriends. Three. And the last one she married. I bet that in the real world, there are a bunch of teenage girls who have had more boyfriends than that. I understand that people will point out that she was just using them to get Harry's attention, but perhaps you could come up with something new? I just clearly wish to know why breaking up with two other boys is being a slut.
I also know that people don't like how J.K. Rowling just sort of forced Ginny into the last few books and how she seems like a mary-sue since she 'has no flaws'. But seriously, if the books were from Ginny's point of view, we would probably see clearly how her personality is. I have seen comments that say that she's a mary-sue because she's 'perfect' in every single way, including popularity, Quidditch, supposedly grades, and etcetera.
Adding onto the mary-sue factor, if Hermione wasn't a main character, I think people would call her a mary-sue too, for being such a 'know-it-all'.
I think J.K. Rowling just needed to Ginny's personality in depth inside of the book, like she did with most of the other characters.

Your thoughts?

I'm somewhat prepared for the contradictions.
It's also people have opinions, like you don't expect everyone to like her, I think she's annoying, unattractive, surely not good enough for Harry, but that's just my opinion. :/
Tamar20 posted over a year ago
^ agreed
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
I don't hate her. :)
dooodle posted over a year ago
 dawn54321 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

GleekFreak18 said:
I dislike Ginny because her name is Ginny, that name's stupid. Because I think she's a nuisance, and an unnecessary character. Because she's a Weasley, which doesn't necessarily mean I hate every Weasley ...well sometimes Ron. But that's for an entirely different reason. I hate her because -to me- her character is underdeveloped. However I don't believe she is in anyway a slut. It is perfectly alright to have three boyfriends. Ginny is not promiscuous, and does not sleep around.
I swear, her character came out of nowhere, and was just thrown into the mix for the soul purpose of being Harry Potter's love interest. I mean, in the chamber of secrets she was all shy and crap. Then they ditched her for a while and introduced Cho, and then brought her right back again. All brave and un-shy. What the heck was that about? As well as the fact that nobody seems to call her out on her faults. She is portrayed as the perfect girl for Harry. Perfect at everything..bleh. My extreme dislike of her also stems from the fact that Harry chose her. I love Harry. He went on so many great adventures, fought battles, made friends etc, etc. Where was Ginny throughout all this? Umm she wasn't there. It would have made more sense had he ended up with Hermione.

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posted over a year ago 
I agree with you that it would have made much more sense that Hermione end up with Harry, but that would have been the obvious choice. I don't dislike Ginny, but I thought that even Luna would have been a better partner for Harry. After all, she stuck up for him in OotP when so many of his other friends were shunning him.
jester616 posted over a year ago
I agree with you entirely. Best answer.
MoonshoesPerry posted over a year ago
You're a complete idiot. Seriously, even that very first line screams "I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING BETWEEN MY EARS!" You...dislike her...because of a choice her mother and father made? Really. And she's a nuisance? How? Also, she is a VERY necessary character, but not in terms of the plot. Have you, perhaps, considered, I dunno, HARRY? Have you considered the fact that he lost his parents when he was FIFTEEN MONTHS OLD, was ABUSED and NEGLECTED for ten years, faced a PSYCHOPATHIC MURDERER MULTIPLE TIMES throughout his adolescence? Have you considered that he's witnessed more death since he was one year old that you probably have in your entire life? Have you considered that because of all these reasons, he NEEDS somebody who doesn't weep like a motherfucking hosepipe? Hermione's cool and all that, but she's not as sturdy as Ginny, and Harry NEEDS sturdy. YOU try going through what Harry's been through and see if you can handle it!
FelineFriendly posted over a year ago
alexisn10 said:
She's dull and very boring unlike the other Weasley's. She doesn't do much until Half Blood Prince and even after that, she barely does anything yet she's still a main character. Apparently she's part of the "silver trio". Neville and Luna have done WAY more than Ginny. I think Draco should be in there instead. I mean, he did save Harry in the end, anyway.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree.
Tamar20 posted over a year ago
I voted this best answer!
dooodle posted over a year ago
surbhi-sm10 said:
I dont think Ginny is a slut or a Mary-Sue whatever..
She is a great character and has a great personality..
How would you feel if your friends are away from you and can die any second,any time? How would you feel if the person you love was going to leave you? and if you aren't even sure if you are going to meet him ever again?
To face all that you require courage..and Ginny had all that! She didn't cry even once!
She is great though i just think sometimes she is a bit rude..
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posted over a year ago 
ItComesToThis said:
I agree. Maybe Ginny seemed a little too perfect, cos really - her character wasn´t brought to such depth. And I think if Ginny was real, I would like her. By the way, I never though there was something wrong with her character when I read the books, just opinions of the fans I read later made me feel her character wast that good. And one important thing - I think people can´t separate their opinions of the character and the actress - cos I feel like many people don´t like Ginny just because they don´t like Bonnie Wright. :p
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posted over a year ago 
ArcticWolf said:
I don't hate Ginny. I just find her a sort of dull character sometimes.

However... although I agree with you about Ginny not being a slut, there are many reasons why people consider her a Mary-Sue, most of which you already listed. I see where you're coming from when you say it would be different if the books were in her point of view, but the fact that she *could* have flaws isn't enough because we as the readers don't even see them. Flaws don't count if they're not acknowledged by the author. If Ginny was more of a side character this would be a different conversation, but since she is pretty much a main character now (at least in my opinion she is) her flaws are supposed to be noticeable. Since they are not, we as readers have every right to assume she doesn't have any, even if that may not be true.

And I'm not sure why you used Hermione as an "example" of a Mary-Sue, because her being a know-it-all is one of the reasons why she is not one.
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posted over a year ago 
Pith said:
For me, part of it is the Mary Sue factor. Another part is that, to me, it basically felt like she was included as a way to make Harry officially part of the Weasley family. Hermione marries Ron, Harry marries Ginny, and thus the trio are bonded for life. (Also, the fact that she idolized him when she was younger is just sort of... awkward for me.) The number of boyfriends she had has no bearing on my dislike for her.
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
People are probably gonna hate me for this but;

- Mary Sue
- Weasley
- Annoying
- Partly responsible for Bellatrix's death
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posted over a year ago 
*nods* I agree!
GleekFreak18 posted over a year ago
@Hermione12353: opinions, respect them, I prefer Bellatrix instead of Ginny anytime. But that's just my opinion, don't bash people for their opinions. Gee, and Zanhar, yep, usually that happens and the annoying characters stay alive, not fair.
Tamar20 posted over a year ago
Some people just can't grasp the opinion respecting concept.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
hattie5v5 said:
I don't hate her per say but I don't exactly like her. She seems quite full of herself to be honest and a very manly woman, like when she play quidditch with Harry she does sort of over bear him. But I ship drarry so... yeah. I do think she is a very demanding girl. Which is also why I don't think she would work out with Harry, I doubt he'd want the dangerous life after the war, he hated having his life in constant risk so I don't see why he would settle down with ginny and be an auror. He needs some sort of conflict in his life which I believe would come from being in a relationship with Draco and plus I think he would still want to help people which is why he would become a healer or run an apothecary in diagon alley or Hogsmead with Draco after the war. Back to ginny though, I don't think Harry would want the damsel in distress which is sort of what she would be, she is very co-dependent, while Harry would want someone who could stand on their own.

I don't think Ginny is a slut or anything like that or a Mary-sue, I just don't think she's a very nice person. She didn't handle her relationship with Dean well did she? I mean going off to his friends and crying about him, while flirting with Harry? No that isn't very nice for Dean. And what about Neville? I personally think they fit each other better than anyone else. I don't know. I even think Ginny would have suited Hermione personality wise. Herm' doesn't like very daring people who put themselves in danger for no reason or immature people and neither does Ginny, I think they suit very well as well.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with you but I would NEVER ship darry just the thought is offputting
Hermione12353 posted over a year ago
That's your opinion and I respect that but I really can't see how those two together are off putting
hattie5v5 posted over a year ago
I agree with you I shudder as well when people pair Hermione and Harry together. They wouldn't work like draco and harry.
hattie5v5 posted over a year ago
Emseeem said:
I wouldn't say I hate her, it's just that I she never had an impact on me like the other characters did. I barely noticed her for most of the series and then her character suddenly changed and Harry suddenly had feelings for her... It was just rushed and kind of forced. There was no real development towards a relationship. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't hate Ginny, but I do hate the fact that she and Harry got together. I wish the epilogue never existed... :/
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posted over a year ago 
Tamar20 said:
Oh yes, I am a Harry Potter fanatic. I suffer from an obsession so powerful that, upon finishing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I promptly flipped to the first page and read the entire book again. I am now on my third reading. Is this obsession ever awkward to discuss in the presence of non-obsessed, mentally sound individuals? Not really, unless the topic of Ginny Weasley comes up.

You see, my loathing of Ginny Weasley is so profound that it often causes me to foam at the mouth. Like, actually foam. Think Frodo Baggins in Return of the King after he got pwned by Shelob. Such powerful abhorrence requires some explanation, so please allow me to list the many reasons I have for detesting Ginny Weasley.

Reason Number One: I hate fangirls. When she's introduced in Book One, she's nothing more than a swooning Harry Potter fangirl. She continues to fangirl all over Harry through Book Two, in which she also happens to almost succeed in resurrecting Voldemort's evil overlord ass. For the next two books, she basically drops off the face of the Earth. When she reemerges in a blaze of Quidditch-playing glory in Book Five, she's suddenly hot shit and ballsy to boot. No more Harry Potter idolization for her! She's now too busy putting the "ho" in "Hogwarts", which brings me to...

Reason Number Two: She's a slut.

Reason Number Three: She's a moron. Not only did she make friends with an interactive diary (that told her to strangle roosters and set a giant snake on her school chums), she very kindly told Harry that he had nothing to worry about, since Voldemort wasn't possessing him in Book Five. Wrong-o, Ginny. Harry WAS getting possessed and SHOULD have been shutting his mind to Voldemort; if he had taken his own concerns seriously in the first place, my darling Sirius would be alive. Stupid red-haired harlot!

Reason Number Four: We're consistently bashed over the head with how amazingly incredible she supposedly is. Other characters inform us that she's smart, hot, athletic, funny, wonderful, tough, not weepy, able to cure cancer, etc. However, the only thing that I'm able to infer from her negligible amount of "on-screen" interactions with Harry is that she's a good kisser. And she eventually gets knocked up at least three times, which, given her reproductively-inclined Weasley genes, isn't really that much of an accomplishment.
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posted over a year ago 
Reason Number Five: She probably put out during those stolen hours in the lonely places of Hogwarts. (This goes along with Reason Number Two). I'm not going to get on a soapbox and criticize ALL easy girls, but hello. At the age of fifteen, she shouldn't be putting out for anyone, not even the Boy Who Scored. Reason Number Six: J.K. Rowling tried so hard, in the space of Book Six and Book Seven, to force us to like Ginny. She made it clear that Ginny isn't a weepy basket case like Cho, because who needs that? She emphasized Ginny's athletic ability because I guess lots of boys like sporty chicks. And of course, she made it clear that Ginny is now a total fox, in spite of the fact that none of the rest of her family have been described as particularly good-looking. Whatever, it can happen. The point is, most of these descriptions are just that: DESCRIPTIONS. What we actually see of Ginny is laughably unmemorable and devoid of substantial character development. I don't appreciate being coerced into liking a character; if I'm going to like Harry Potter's love interest, there should be enough scenes involving the little minx to convince me that she's worthy. ...Now that I've foamed all over my keyboard. Long live Dobby.
Tamar20 posted over a year ago
Omg OMG you're entirely to funny. I really like that your hatred runs so deep, AND especially the "foaming from the mouth" part xD
GleekFreak18 posted over a year ago
Glad. :)
Tamar20 posted over a year ago
heshallbemine said:
What the heck is a Mary-sue?
The people who don't like Ginny either have a secret crush on Harry or think they have a better idea of who he should end up with. Unlike many Harry Potter lovers on this site, I have absolutely zero interest in any teenager's love life and would be just as happy if the books were written without any romantic elements and therefore, I have no problem with Ginny and actually think she has great personality. Also, i am not a fan of the movies so I just "know" her from what I'm reading... I guess some people might not like the actress who plays her.
People have a problem with her being "perfect" but I don't think JK Rowling wrote enough about her to actually know her well. She was very much a secondary character - I mean look how little screen time she got in the movies.
As for ppl thinking she's a slut for having three boyfriends.. That's rediculous. She didn't change guys every month, she didn't go sleeping around, didn't cheat on the guys she was going out with... Even if she had been trying to get Harry's attention with them, she was not "using" those boys. He genuinely liked them and had a good time. It's just like if a kid wants to be friends with someone but can't manage it -- does it mean the kid is using the friend he has now?

That's just what I think:-)
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posted over a year ago 
mary sue is a term for a needy, whiny perfect girl. Basically bella swan XD
Alchemistlover posted over a year ago
Hermione is a Mary-Sue
SarahPotter78 posted over a year ago
A Mary Sue is an overly perfect character who either has no flaws at all, or doesn't have enough flaws to balance his or her good points. The term was originally used for fan fiction characters, named after a character in a satirical Star Trek fan fiction, but now it's also been extended to use for a canon character people dislike and think is too perfect.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
Papa_Roach98 said:
i completely agree with dawn54321. all u h8ers who think Ginny's a slut wish they could kiss daniel radcliff
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posted over a year ago 
You got a problem with Dan? And no, I DON'T think Ginny's a slut.
FelineFriendly posted over a year ago
Alchemistlover said:
I don't hate Ginny but she's not my favorite. I agree with that it seemed like she and Harry got no screen time or in the books just dialogue together. She's definitely the better or Harry's tow girlfriends ( uggh Cho) but isn't really well developed. It would have made sense with Harry getting with Hermione but i love her and Ron so no to that XD i was fine with Ginny marrying Harry though. I don't think she's a Mary sue and definitely not a slut.
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posted over a year ago 
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