Heroes of Olympus RP Club The Trojan War

Nicolicious posted on Mar 26, 2013 at 12:24PM
This the Trojan War. Queen Helen has been 'kidnapped' from King Menelaus and the Spartens, they have sought the aid of their fellow 'Allies' the Athenians and all of Greece, except Cyprus, and are gathering on the beach of Troy.
You are a small group of Myrmidons that are under the command of the King of the Myrmidons Achilles. You're group is a mix of the bravest female and male Demigods from Greece. During the war you discovered that King Menelaus was only attacking Troy because it was an ideal trade route and was using Queen Helen's 'abduction' as an excuse to attack. Some of your group left to help the Trojans while others stayed with the Greeks preferring to fight with your own people.
You now have to choose. Which side will you be on?
Character Sheet:


Age:(16 or over)

Immortal Parent:(Cannot be Roman)





Side. Trojan/Greek:

Greek Nation:(I.E Sparta, Athens, Phthia, Crete, etc)

Acestes Cylon-Cratus-Alvin2442
Nikolaos Lycus Spiro-Phobetor-Spikegilfer1997
Isis Palasis-Bia- -Lionsmane-
Pyra Grigora-Ares-Blaze_of_Ares
Delia Sargonas-Thanatos-NicoL(Me)
last edited on Apr 01, 2013 at 10:15AM

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