Heroes What do you think Molly's power will be?

papa posted on May 01, 2007 at 06:12PM
Alright Heroes fans, what do you think Molly's big power will be?

(here's the preview if you didn't see it: link)

I was joking with Dave that Molly's power will be the ability to exude love. That she'd get near Sylar and be able to eliminate his desire to kill or be violent (and then Thompson could pop him with a bullet). Kinda silly.

I think she might be able to heal him though. If Sylar can figure out what makes people tick. Maybe Molly can fix things that are "broken" (assuming that there's something "broken" with Sylar).

Beyond that, I still assumed (we had another thread on this) that people who could potentially take out Sylar, or would be instrumental in doing so, include: The Haitian, Hiro and/or Peter.

Heroes 12 replies

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over a year ago Davidkelly said…
Mollys Power Is The Power Of Ice To Freeze Sylar When Sylar And Peter Battled In The Future Sylar Tryed To Freeze Peter And He Didnt Get That Off Anyone Else
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
I think Sylar has killed people before strange capitalising Davidkelly, he may just have not needed to use that power before.

Molly's power may be 'love' as it is usually the fake out ending to most sci-fi things.

She may also be able to cause pain to others, but she suffers it too, hence why she is in a hospital bed.

For example, she could stop Sylar's heart beating, but only if she did the same to hers, and then Linderman could heal her and Sylar'd be gone for good.
over a year ago harold said…
I interpreted the blue glow of Sylar's hands not as ice but as radiation (so Sylar's got Ted's power), while Peter "flamed on" (showing that he met Meredith at some point).
over a year ago simsandwich2 said…
I too think its to freese things;

At the crime scene where they first find her, there is a body that is completely frozen.

Sylar hasn't shown freezing abilities yet.
over a year ago pyrogyul said…
wat if molly's power was the ability to REMOVE power... therefore disabling sylar from ANY power and there for enabling them to kill him...possibly O_o?!
over a year ago pages said…
Well Molly's parents power was to freeze things as shown when Mohinder went into that dreamstate thingy with the Indian kids who could enter dreams , you can clealy see a frost/freeze power being used in that scene.
and the ability to remove power kinda seems like what the hatian (sp?) can do and they seem to go for vastly different powers in this show
over a year ago risingphoenix said…
Maybe Molly's ability has something to do with what Mohinder was saying. You can't change the DNA, genetically they are what they are and you can't change it. Maybe she has the ability to tamper with DNA? With that she would be able to take away his abilities, he wouldn't be special anymore!
over a year ago G00fydad said…
I too believe Molly's power will be "love". I read somewhere (no, I don't remember where. Ive been looking everywhere) that it was leaked that Sylar goes good by the end of the season and becomes one of the "heroes" for season 3. Maybe taking Peter's place as a "Jack of all abilities". Tim Kring said himself that there will be at least ONE MAJOR character killed off.
over a year ago MsPeterPetrelli said…
To make something clear, Sylar has had ice powers as long as we have known him. He uses his ice powers in the graphic novel Running Scared to make the road icy when police cars are chasing him. I believe he gained this ability from one of Molly's parents.
over a year ago percypigs said…
On Wikipedia it says:
'As of yet, her power according to sneak previews is the ability to track and sense other Heroes. It is called "The Walker System."'

And for the next episode:
"Bennet, Matt, and Ted go to New York to destroy the tracking system, but discovers the Company has a new tracking system called the Walker System, which doesnt use computers or radio isotopes to locate heroes. Molly Walker's power is revealed."

But then you never no how reliable Wikipedia is as people can edit it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rookyboy said…
In episode 2 parkman finds a girl under the staris was that molly?
Because rember that the bodys where frozen with heads missing wll sylar doent have that power so she could and sylar went back to the cop station to get her so she may also have the tracking power aswell. You just never know
over a year ago boggart said…

who is molly?

in the philippines, were just on the 10th episodes... lucky me... i got a dvd which contains 18 episodes....

again... who the hell is molly?
last edited over a year ago