Heroes What are your thoughts on the season ender?

johnminh posted on May 22, 2007 at 02:11AM
I thought it was a bit anti-climactic, but it had quite an emotional punch with Nathan sacrificing himself to save the world. I did get *veklempt*.

Heroes 38 replies

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over a year ago pinstripewizard said…
i would have liked to see more of a fight at the end (sylar vs peter). the ending got me wondering if peter could have survived...like maybe he's suspended in space and could come back to life if he is brought back to earth.

also i think it is cool they left plenty of directions for season 2 (the guy that is "worse than sylar" and the sewer dude that got sylars body.

over a year ago tubby2002 said…
I really liked the episode. i dont think that could have killed Peter though, he exploded in the episode when they were in the future and he was still alive then. I really wish they would have shown what happened to him. I really thought that when Hiro landed it was Peter falling from the sky, I got all excited till I seen that it was Hiro (not that I was dissapointed he survived but I wanted to see Peter).

The guy that sees Molly when she thinks about him is a little freaky, I wonder who it is. I thought though that next season was supposed to have something to do with the past, not the future...so how does this new bad guy tie into the next season, I wonder.

Sylar getting away was a little disappointing. Now pinstripewizard has me thinking...was sylar still alive and got away or did he die and did someone steal his body, the new bad guy perhaps?

It was a good finale, I thought, just want to know what happened to Peter.
over a year ago harold said…
I'm pretty sure from all the things Tim Kring has said in interviews that Sylar lives and plays a role in season 2. Myself, I also prefer that from a story standpoint to some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle living in the sewer coming out to drag his corpse away.

Of course, either way it's silly that no one thought to look for or miss Sylar's body.
over a year ago hiro said…
I actually really enjoyed the finale. I think it was pretty awesome that they brought everyone together to fight Sylar. I loved that they introduced the existence of a super villian of Voldermort/Sauron proportions. Not sure about Richard Roundtree's (aka Shaft) conversation with Peter though...that whole love is the greatest power of all bit. And I agree with Harold, how could no one have been paying attention to Sylar's body or realize it was missing!? That seems a bit ridiculous.

Oh and hello?! Did no one else think it was awesome when HRG told Peter his first name was NOAH?!!? That was pretty sweet.
over a year ago tubby2002 said…
I know, i heard like a week ago that they were going to reveal his fist name in the finale and then i thought about it, we never learned what it was. I went the whole season without even realizing that we didnt know his name.
over a year ago papa said…
Solid episode, though I enjoyed some of the prior episodes leading up to the finale a bit more than this one. But that's more a testament to the quality of the final few weeks than an indictment against the finale itself.

*Loved that we got to find out HRG's first name, as others have mentioned.
*It was nice to see Nathan redeem himself at the end
*I'm surprised we didn't see a dead Isaac in the loft again this week. Oh well. No cameo!
*Anyone wonder about Mama Petrelli's power? I dunno if this is paranoia on my part, but the scene early on where she places her two hands on Nathan's back when she's trying to convince him of "the plan", I coulda sworn that she was doing some weird voodoo on him.
*I found it a little comical in the way everyone kinda showed up at the Plaza to get a shot in on Sylar (esp. when Niki walked over and gave Sylar a cheap shot only to have Peter wave her off to go back to her family).
*I do wish the Heroes battles were a little more interesting/involved.
*DL seemed to recover pretty quickly at the end there. Maybe Mohinder should've administered some of that first aid to Parkman too ;-)
*Nathan could've saved himself if he'd just flew Peter up and dropped him into the ocean or something. Alternatively, Hiro could've teleported Peter out to Nevada or something and tp'd back in time. Oh well.
*When Sylar was down I kept saying (uselessly) to the tv, chop off his head Hiro!!! chop off his head!!! Sigh. I guess they had to keep Sylar alive for "volume 2".
*Can't wait to see who/what this new uber-baddie is. Scary!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rookyboy said…
Sylar may not be alive anymore but his brain could still be taken by what ever took him. I think the next seasons going to reveal a lot about the parents of the heroes. Cause i think it was hiros dad on the horse in the ending why else did his dad always tell him the storys and show him how to fight.
over a year ago TARDIS said…
yeah i've always thought that kensei would be hiro's dad. I saw a quick video of Zach Quinto (Sylar) and he said he would be back next season. Wether he survives or lives on in another character we'll have to see.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Loaded said…
I thought peter had nathans and hiro's powers, so i dont get why he coultn just fly off himself.
over a year ago rob said…
Why didn't they just shoot Peter to stop him exploding bearing in mind he would have healed himself anyway? That was the original plan so what was the point of Nathan sacrificing himself?
over a year ago rob said…
Oh and why when Hiro appeared at the end and stabbed Sylar, did Sylar not just brush him away with a flick of his hand?
over a year ago jalapeno said…
I felt really bad for parkman when he took his own bullets, he always seemed like the noblest and nicest hero of all.
But this episode did a nice job of creating several different mysteries, which could be solved in the next season.
over a year ago kirauk said…
could mrs petrelli be the person that is worse than sylar or did they specify a male?
over a year ago pimpin1 said…
I dont think Sylar is dead definately. But i thought the whole idea of Nathan sacrificing himself all of a sudden was kind of fake. Why did Peter teleport away fly away or just get claire to shoot him why did Nathan have to kill himself
over a year ago panosjoydome said…
Very anti-climactic... jsut a few of the reasons:
1. Peter has the ability to fly..couldn't he just fly off himself
2. Peter also has the ability to bend space-time...couldn't he have gone...I don;t know to the Juraasic period?
3. Peter ALSO has the power to re-generate...so why was it such a big deal to shoot him?
4. How can nobody notice that SYlar's body is missing?
5. How about Charles (the old guy dying?) - Linderman had the power to heal. If they were on the same team and if Petrelli's motherreally thought of him as a "dear friend" then why not heal him (the only way out of this is if they had a major fight, and not on spoeaking terms, but still this is kind of a weak way out)

Now some thoughts:
1. What if Sylar has the ability to body jump from his body to the Congressman's...at no point have we seen both of them living and brreathing at the same time. (The congressman showed up after Sylar had died). THiw would also make sense since because Sylar was supposedly dead there was no reason for the bomb to go off because then everyone would know that it was eter who did it..and so bye bye any chances for the presidency
2. Why can;t the congressman also be the bad guy the little girl mentioned (instead of just having a power that makes him only a modern stewardess :-)
over a year ago terry374 said…
I havent seen the episode yet as I am in the UK, will watch it as soon as it is uploaded :)
However, my interpretation of why Peter wouldnt be able to fly away himself, is the same reason as why he needed Claire to shoot him, and not just shoot himself, he couldnt control Ted's Power, and when he started to lose it he couldnt control anything. Obviously I may be wrong, but that's how I interprut it.
over a year ago panosjoydome said…
maybe ...but in that case he should have died the first time sylar killed him (the same goes for claire and all her attempts) especially the one where she wakes up at the morgue all cut open
over a year ago Kirsty said…
They're only using one power then right? Then it's automatic I guess...
over a year ago linalin said…
I think Mrs Petrelli is the one Molly thought about, and the most surprising about the end was finding out Mr Bennet's name, it's the same as my dad's! and so his Mr Devaux's first name, weird stuff!
over a year ago Zaynah said…
Grandma Petrelli is such a witch! All that "I like Peter, but..." I wanted to leap through my TV and bitchslap her!
over a year ago yellowannmc said…
when hiro went back in time i think the person on the horse was his Dad because his dad knows all of the moves he told hiro the story and also he sayes about hiro's destiny as if he has gone through the same thing but in the past
just a thought
over a year ago gaviin said…
I thought it was interesting how at the end was the only time the Eclipse played a part~
over a year ago jimras said…
That was such an awesome episode! I think the reason Peter can't do anything like fly away etc. is because he can only use one power at a time, so he couldn't do anything. Mean when Matt got shot by his own bullets, that was sad : ( Looks like Niki can use enhanced strength now to, for some reason I found it really funny when she grabbed the parking meter from Sylar and gave him a good smack with it lol. And Nathan finally redeems himself. Yey, awesome.
over a year ago terry374 said…
No as the regeneration isnt an ability in the same sense as the other skills. For example Claire didnt have to think about regenerating her body just did it, there was no need to learn to control it. Ted on the other hand had to learn to control his ability to nuclear (he killed his wife while trying to control it) and Peter suddenly has all this power that he is trying to learn to use, and I took it that when he lost control of Teds Power, he mentally lost the ability to control the rest of his powers.
over a year ago kjunfood said…
just going to put my thoughts on not as questions (there are a lot of those) but possible answers:

1) yeah peter probably couldnt use more than 1 power at a time--he was losing it, maybe tapping into another would be like auto-blowup so no teleport, no fly
2) hiro would have teleported peter away but remember sylar shot him off and he teleported into the past--he has control over his power but at the same time, he doesnt (its greater than him) so when he freaked out, maybe it took him somewhere else
3) guy on horse in the past may not be his dad, could be grandfather or something too, and yeah, could be kensei (connection)
<note> remember there was a pic of hiro w/ sword fighting a t-rex a lot of episodes back? wtf?
4) heroes is known to not explain things and leave it ambiguous--sylar getting eden, sylar getting the doc then escaping via Noah Bennet, sylar stopping mohinder's drip to numb his brain...all explainable by little implications and guesses but, guesses nonetheless
5) yeah, why didnt linderman heal his friend, monique's father?? jerk lol
6) the final fight was a real let down, do they NEVER show peter vs sylar??
7) i loved there being a stronger villain too, but i dont like how sylar survived..he needs to die and then let there be a greater villain. interviews show that he's probably back next season hm...
8) how did sylar stop bullets in time (parkman's) but not hiro's sword in time? guessing hiro froze time there w/o us noticing (possible)
9) nathan and peter both probably survived, i think theyr'e both showing up next season so...

knowing heroes, i dont think these questions will be answered next season :)
over a year ago BuzzKill said…
So is Peter and Nathen dead?? I will be pissed if they killed off them two. No way they can do that! Does anybody think they are still alive? Bring on season two!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jalapeno said…
I think the reason nathan flew off with peter was to save peter's life. The way peter was suggesting was being shot in the head, which would have killed him (think about it, the glass shard only temporarily penetrated his lobe, and it probably didn't go all the way through. A bullet would leave a hole in it and would probably have killed peter before he regenerated). So, peter still explodes (and survives), but nathan sacrifices himself so that peter can live. At least that's my take on it.
over a year ago thecon said…
I think Peter is alive.... has to be. Nathan could turn up again, but if they left it with his sacrifice I woud be more than happy... thats a good emotional note to finish on.

I like the idea that Hiro's dad is Kensei... all the evidence suggests this to be true, i.e. his dad telling him the Kensei stories, teaching him the fighting etc... also having Hiro be scared of, and almost not understanding his dad at the beginning is quite a nice touch if it turns out that his Dad is the hero that Hiro has always admired.

Love the idea of someone 'worse than Sylar'... could we see a double team with this Mystery person and Sylar? That would be very, very cool.

Also... Niki has taken a lot of stick from us over the series, but I think I actually came out of this liking her... I wouldn't mind if she came back.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tubby2002 said…
Ok, I have heard people say that why did nathan fly Peter up and why not just have Claire shoot him so he didnt blow up. If Claire shot him he wouldnt have regenerated becuase he told her to shoot him in the back of the head, where the glass was, that way he would be dead.

The Kensei cant be Hiro's dad, maybe an anscestor but not his dad. It was a long long time ago that the Kensei lived, to long ago for his father to be alive.

And someone mentioned Sylar getting Eden. I dont think he did. I think he was about to but she blew off her head before he could take it becuase she didnt want him to have her power.
over a year ago dunderball said…
if you look at another forum post of mine i predicted the finale exactly... just from the pictures posted on nbc of all of them looking up into the sky... ya i rock haha
over a year ago Kuffmeister said…
Overall i think the Finale had a lot to live up to. previous episodes were very high quality. Sylar Vs Peter left me wanting more and slightly too much ambiguity than usuall in places.

Is anyone else wondering whats up with cockroach references, has Sylar developed morphing skills we dont know about???

over a year ago c3c3 said…
for someone having that many abilities like Sylar, i hope he would had a great fight between him and peter , not easily stab by hiro then finished.. so disappointed. I was too excited for heroes and i was let down. Now i have a thought, wats the meaning of save the cheerleader save the world then if the one blows up is peter? Sorry guys, but im really disappointed at heroes finale..
over a year ago kjunfood said…
sry, when i said "sylar got eden" i meant how he used his powers and owned her when he was supposedly "unable to" and why didnt she just use her power to stop him...i didnt mean him taking her power, i know he didnt get it

yeah i wanted a cool sylar vs peter fight too...alas...

yeah kensei being his father, year seems off unless his father's ability is living a LONG TIME

and saving the cheerleader did save the world; way i see it, its claire who changed nathan...w/o her, he'd be the selfish prick he was
over a year ago Genesisnine said…
well if hiros fathers power was to live a long time that would explain how he got on star trek .Second the actor that plays sylar said he would have a part in the second season but he didnt mention how big of a part personally i think when the season 2 premiere starts he will be in the sewers or leaving them and will end up bumping into this "scarier" guy and get killed in the first 5 mins.
over a year ago edache said…
I believe Claude taught Sylar how to use his powers, he said he had trained others before.
So Claude helped him get invisible and into the sewers as a good friend or paying him for something.
Thats my theory
over a year ago terry374 said…
First of all in regards to Peter and Nathan. We know that Heroes can temporarily pass their powers to others by touch; DL morphs Nikki through walls while touching her, Claude made Peter invisible before Peter could control his powers just by grabbing him, so I guess it is not beyond the realms of possibility that while being held by Nathan, peter would regenerate Nathan also after the explosion.
I agree I was somewhat underwhelemd by the final episode, although I put that down to the fact that it was originally intended as a 3 hour episode, which would have run really well, with the first two hours action packed and the last hour would have been tying everything together, as it was we waited a week for an episode that never really got going, it just kind of limped towards the finish. That said, Heroes is by far one of the best tv series I have seen in recent years (equalled only by "Life on Mars"), so I can forgive them not meeting their own high standars in this final episode.
Now just have a long wait for the next series :(
over a year ago jenoufan said…
loved it. great episode. i just wish mama petrelli would die she is beyond evil. and hopefully linderman will stay dead he was just about annoying as simone.
over a year ago g187 said…
I dont expect the action to be another attempted copy of the matrix or anything, but Peter Vs. Sylar had so much more potential.
My favorite character through season one had to be the Haitian. He was the only one that could truly stop Sylars powers. And what all of a sudden he just disappeared a few episodes back at the airport? Is there something else there that I missed? Or maybe he's the one that Molly is scarred of.....