Heroes List of characters and powers

harold posted on Sep 26, 2006 at 08:03PM
So far (in the first episode), we've met:
* Mohinder - geneticist (no obvious powers, but may know best what's going on)
* Peter - nurse (empath)
* Nathan - politician (flight)
* Hiro - office drudge (temporal manipulation)
* Niki - internet sex worker (alternate personality: brawler)
* Claire - high school student (regeneration)
* Isaac - painter (precognition)
* Ando - no obvious powers, fan of Niki's, Hiro's coworker (no obvious powers)
* Lyle - Claire's brother (no obvious powers)
* Simone - Isaac's girlfriend, Peter's employer (no obvious powers)
* Claire's stepmother - slightly vacuous dog breeder (no obvious powers, but may know some of what is going on)
* Claire's stepfather - villain (global resources/connections, probably knows most of what is going on)
* Micah - Niki's son (genius intelligence)

Heroes 42 replies

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over a year ago deymann said…
* Niki - internet sex worker (alternate personality: brawler)

You forgot to add that Niki is smokin' hot.
over a year ago greedo said…
Smokin' hot is definitely a superpower in my book!

Great list. I didn't think about Micah having any superpowers, but it would be pretty cool if he becomes the gadgetguy for a Heroes supergroup in the future.
over a year ago harold said…
I should add that Claire's stepdad is a *possible* villain - he hasn't actually been seen to do anything evil yet (though I think the show is not likely to go for that level of subterfuge, and that he is actually a heavy). Also, he seems to be in the employ of someone else, so he's not the main baddie if he is one.
over a year ago harold said…
OK, so I felt I should do a revised list of powers, now that several episodes have been seen.

* Mohinder - geneticist (no obvious powers, but may know best what's going on)
* Peter - nurse (power chameleon)
* Nathan - politician (flight)
* Hiro - office drudge (temporal manipulation)
* Niki - internet sex worker (Jessica, alternate personality: brawler)
* Claire Bennet - high school student (regeneration)
* Isaac - painter (precognition)
* Ando - no obvious powers, fan of Niki's, Hiro's coworker (no obvious powers)
* Lyle - Claire's brother (no obvious powers)
* Simone - Isaac's girlfriend, Peter's employer (no obvious powers)
* Mrs. Bennet - slightly vacuous dog breeder (no obvious powers, but may know some of what is going on)
* Mr. Bennet - conflicted secret agency executive (global resources/connections, probably knows most of what is going on)
* Micah - Niki's son (machine empathy)
* D.L. - Micah's dad (phasing)
* "the Haitian" - agent who reports to Mr. Bennet (memory leech)
* Matt - policeman (telepathy)
* Audrey - FBI agent (no obvious powers)
* Deidre - Niki's friend (no obvious powers)
* Eden - agent who reports to Mr. Bennet (persuasion)
* Jackie - cheerleader rival of Claire's (no obvious powers)
* Brody - date rapist, quarterback (no obvious powers)
* Ted - weaselly widower (pyrokinetic)
* Chandra Suresh - Mohinder's father, deceased (no obvious powers)
* Sylar - psychopath, familiar with Chandra (telekinetic)
* Soccer-playing boy in India - street kid (dreamwalker)
* Charlie - waitress (total recall)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sino101 said…
nice exhausting list you have there. I'd only add the waitress memory girl to that list.
over a year ago papa said…
yeah, good list - what about the radioactive man that matt was investigating?
over a year ago harold said…
Ah, crap, sino, you're right. I knew I was leaving someone out. I've edited the list to include Charlie. Papa, you're thinking of Ted, whom I was listing as a pyrokinetic. But I think you're right - that's too general. He is more of a radioactive guy.

Note that I don't include all the characters, just the ones I think may be important to the story. I don't actually think that Matt's wife or the detective she's sleeping with are all that important to the larger story, but I could be wrong...
over a year ago Warmachine said…
If you add the Radioactive Man (and you should), you have to add the waitress with the Enhanced Photographic Memory, after all, initially Sylar did kill her before Hiro went back.
over a year ago cheebong said…
hey mohinder says that there's only a limited number of "mutants" right? 32 or 36 or somethinng.
over a year ago clairebear said…
how about claire's real mother?? the snap-lighter-fingers
over a year ago papa said…
Invisible man needs to be added into the mix now.

I was assuming that Hiro's father might have some powers, but I guess the power his henchman alluded to was his money and business prowess.

Also - The Haitian's power in the list needs to be updated since it's become clearer since you originally posted this that not only does he have a memory leech ability, he also has a potent power leech/neutralizer ability.
over a year ago Budgyrl said…
You should add to Nathan that he is Clair's father, which I totally called BTW!

Great list too, it's sometimes hard to keep track of everyone.

Also, I think that Simone has a power we just haven't seen it yet. The reason I think that is because in Peter's vision of him blowing up, she is the only one in the vision without a power. I could be wrong, but you never know.
over a year ago MsPeterPetrelli said…
Hey Budgyrl, I had to create an account just to let you know that Mohinder is also in Peter's dream. Maybe he has a power, too. Something to do with narrating, maybe. :P Although I believe it was HRG's voice that said, "Previously on Heroes" for this weeks episode. Mohinder didn't even have any screentime. Oh well.
over a year ago lemming said…
Time to update the list again!

Hana: Wireless travel, communication, data interception
Welding Lady (dead): Super Hearing
Zane Taylor (dead): Ability to "melt" solid material

Zane's power probably goes further had he been able to fully harness his ability.
over a year ago Boyd_LeShay said…
very impressive list!
over a year ago harold said…
Yes, you all are correct - it's time for an update. In the updated list below, I've marked the ones who have had powers for 15 years with an asterisk (*). All the others have "blossomed" just before the series begins.

* Mohinder - geneticist (no obvious powers, but may know best what's going on)
* Peter - nurse (power chameleon)
* Nathan - politician (flight)
* Hiro - office drudge (temporal manipulation)
* Niki - internet sex worker (Jessica, alternate personality: brawler)
* Claire Bennet - high school student, Nathan's bastard daughter (regeneration)
* Isaac - painter (precognition) DECEASED
* Ando - fan of Niki's, Hiro's coworker (no obvious powers)
* Lyle - Claire's brother (no obvious powers)
* Simone - Isaac's former girlfriend, Peter's girlfriend (no obvious powers) DECEASED
* Mrs. Bennet - slightly vacuous dog breeder (no obvious powers, but may know some of what is going on)
* Mr. Bennet - conflicted secret agency executive (global resources/connections, knows some of what is going on)
* Micah - Niki's son (machine empathy)
* D.L. - Micah's dad (phasing)
* "the Haitian"(*) - agent who reports to Thompson (memory leech/power nullification field)
* Matt - policeman (telepathy)
* Audrey - FBI agent (no obvious powers)
* Deidre - Niki's friend (no obvious powers)
* Eden - agent who reports to Mr. Bennet (persuasion) DECEASED
* Jackie - cheerleader rival of Claire's (no obvious powers) DECEASED
* Brody - date rapist, quarterback (no obvious powers)
* Ted - weaselly widower (radiation emission)
* Chandra Suresh - Mohinder's father (no obvious powers) DECEASED
* Sylar - psychopath, familiar with Chandra and Mohinder (telekinetic/power acquisition/cannibal?)
* Soccer-playing boy in India - street kid (dreamwalker)
* Charlie - waitress (total recall) DECEASED
* Janice - Matt's wife, pregnant adulterer (no obvious powers)
* Meredith Gordon (*) - Claire's biological mom (pyrokinetic)
* Hana - mystery woman appearing out of nowhere (mental wifi)
* "Welder" (*) - machinist/mechanic (enhanced hearing) DECEASED
* Zane Taylor - schlub (liquefaction) DECEASED
* Claude (*) - drifter, Mr. Bennet's ex-partner (invisibility)
* Kaito Nakamura - Hiro's father, mighest level operative in Mr. Bennet's organization (no obvious powers, but knows most of what's happening)
* Thompson - Mr. Bennet's superior in the organization (no obvious powers)
* Candice - Thompson's flunky (doppleganger)
* Mr. Linderman (*) - extremely wealthy, eccentric megalomaniac (growth/healing field)
* Angela Petrelli (*) - Nathan and Peter's mom, Claire's grandmother (no obvious powers)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago free2watch said…
rah! well done u had time. good clean cut list so far, until some1 brings up something u forgot lol.
over a year ago papa said…
After this last episode it seems that the Haitian is in the 15+ year category (or at least very close to it).
over a year ago harold said…
Amended, papa. I've also added Hiro's dad and the Eric Roberts character.
over a year ago johnminh said…
Great list, harold. One small correction: Charlie is DECEASED.
over a year ago SouthernNYCgal said…
Sylar has another power too-he can freeze things...we've seen him do it a few times in the beginning.
over a year ago Dawntrader said…
Correction SouthernNYCgal We've seen the people who were frozen never actually seen him do it.

I think that there's another Sylar, who in the future killed Hiro and stole his time travel powers, that he comes back with them to get some other powers he might have missed. So the sylar we see fighting Peter is current day Sylar, and there's a much harder Sylar out there somewhere with flight and regen, and freezing.
over a year ago greedo said…
Time for another list update.

Angela Petrelli: Mother of Nathan and Peter, Grandmother to Claire - strong implication that she has powers, but power not yet revealed

Candice: agent who reports to Thompson, changeling

Linderman: mob boss, healer

And Isaac is now dead.

One interesting related thread topic, what are the known weaknesses of the above powers? Perhaps I will start that as a separate topic.
over a year ago harold said…
OK, thanks, folks. I've made the updates. I'm conflicted about describing Candice as a shapechanger, since she creates clothes and accessories, too, so I listed her as a doppleganger.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Timoklon said…
I reckon jessica's more than just a brawler, she must have super strength or something.

and you forgot about Sylar's scary voice power.
over a year ago dave said…
Haha...ah yes, how could we forget the scary voice power! That was kinda random when he did that. :)
over a year ago harold said…
Wasn't that just using Eden's power? I remember that she had that voice when she commanded people to do things...
over a year ago felipevito said…
doesnt peter have all the powers, or most of the powers on heroes, so far showed?

and u forgot to mention the guy who sylar killed, the one that can melt metals. sylar killed him b4 suresh could talk to him.

and also theres the girls who was neighbours with suresh, which later on was killed by sylar. she worked for mr. bennett.

there is also the guy who is invisible, the one that was helping peter learn how to control his powers, which later on runs off to somewhere.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tubby2002 said…
Now there is also the little girl who can find anyone just by thinking of them. Hiro's dad (if I remember right) said that he had a power or something like that but I dont believe that he said what it was.

over a year ago Cezza said…
adds and edits:

Molly Walker: little girl(ability to find anyone she thinks of)
Angela Petrelli:cold mother(visions of the future*)
*you may have noticed that peter had a vision of the future while he was in the hospital and that was when his mother was around.
over a year ago rookyboy said…
Thats because Issac could see the furture and painting it was just his way of showing it to remember.
over a year ago harold said…
OK, I grew tired of revising the third list, so I'm posting a fourth list. No additions other than Molly, but I've reorganized/re-labeled the list somewhat.

* Hiro - office drudge (temporal manipulation)
* Peter - nurse (power chameleon)
* Nathan - politician (flight)
* Niki - internet sex worker (Jessica, alternate personality: brawler)
* Claire Bennet - high school student, Nathan's bastard daughter (regeneration)
* Micah - Niki's son (machine empathy)
* D.L. - Micah's dad, Niki's husband (phasing)
* "the Haitian"(*) - agent who reports to Thompson (memory leech AND power nullification field)
* Matt - policeman (telepathy)
* Ted - weaselly widower (radiation emission)
* Sylar - psychopath, familiar with Chandra and Mohinder (telekinetic/power acquisition/cannibal?)
* Soccer-playing boy in India - street kid (dreamwalker)
* Meredith Gordon (*) - Claire's biological mom (pyrokinetic)
* Hana - mystery woman appearing out of nowhere (mental wifi)
* Claude (*) - drifter, Mr. Bennet's ex-partner (invisibility)
* Candice - Thompson's agency flunky (improved illusions)
* Mr. Linderman (*) - extremely wealthy, eccentric megalomaniac, influential part if not head of an international conspiracy/agency (growth/healing field)
* Molly Walker - little girl with genetic disease (instant person locator)

Mohinder - geneticist (no obvious powers, but genetically engineered by his father to heal a rare genetic disease)
* Mr. Noah Bennet - rebellious ex-Linderman agency executive (global resources/connections, knows some of what is going on)
* Ando - fan of Niki's, Hiro's coworker (no obvious powers)
* Angela Petrelli - Nathan and Peter's mom, Claire's grandmother, colluding with Linderman (no obvious powers)
* Kaito Nakamura - Hiro's father, highest level operative in Mr. Linderman's organization (no obvious powers, but knows most of what's happening)
* Thompson - Mr. Bennet's/the Haitian's superior in the Linderman organization (no obvious powers)
* Lyle - Claire's adopted brother (no obvious powers)
* Mrs. Bennet - slightly vacuous dog breeder (no obvious powers, but may know some of what is going on)
* Janice - Matt's wife, pregnant adulterer (no obvious powers)
* Audrey - FBI agent (no obvious powers)
* Deidre - Niki's friend (no obvious powers)
* Brody - date rapist, quarterback, memory wiped by Haitian (no obvious powers)

* Chandra Suresh - Mohinder's father (no obvious powers) DECEASED
* Shanti Suresh - Mohinder's older sister, key to Chandra's research into 'evolved humanity'. Died from the same genetic disease suffered by Molly. DECEASED
* Isaac - painter (precognition) DECEASED
* Simone - Isaac's former girlfriend, Peter's girlfriend (no obvious powers) DECEASED
* Eden - agent who reports to Mr. Bennet (persuasion) DECEASED
* Jackie - cheerleader rival of Claire's (no obvious powers) DECEASED
* Charlie - waitress (total recall) DECEASED
* "Welder" (*) - machinist/mechanic (enhanced hearing) DECEASED
* Zane Taylor - schlub (liquefaction) DECEASED
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
Woah, harold! Liking your beard, provided your pic is you. Cheers for this list.
over a year ago cjmullen17 said…
This list is very well combined and done up
there is a threasd or area in the heroes website but this one seems a bit more extensive
Good on ya bud.
over a year ago harold said…
Thanks. I got tired of posting new versions, so I moved the updates into link a while ago.
over a year ago rockwutiwear said…
flight - Nathan & Will
regeneration - Adam & Claire
strength - Nikki & random blonde
technopathy - Micah & Internet girl
mental manipulation -
-indian boy enters dreams
-eden hypnotizes
-candice changes appearance (of herself and sorroundings)
-matt & his dad can do all three, AND read minds.

is there just 1 real mental power? and different people have tapped into different parts of it?

and same would go for other catagories of power? like how regeneration is healing, growing back limbs, living loooong, AND having healing blood?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago 1995moorer said…
wat about hank the person with the ability to change color, or molly walkers' dad with ice generation or even claude with the ability to turn invisible
over a year ago 1995moorer said…
its not will, its west
over a year ago 1995moorer said…
adam...... or shoyld hiro say............ kensei, is immortal, he does not have rapid regeneration, like claire bennete/petrelli
over a year ago 1995moorer said…
not only peter, sylar and isacc can see/ draw into the future, but angela petrelli (claire's grandmother, nathan and peter's mother) can see into the future, not draw but seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago wisteriawoman said…
Great List Harold

The invisible Mans name is CLAUDE RAINS - However, this is obviously not his real name - its just a joke on his part as Claude Rains is the actor who originally played the Invisible Man way back in 1933.

So we are yet to know his real name - till then Claude Rains will have to do!!!

I really Hope Chris Eccleston makes another appearance as Claude - I really liked his character!
over a year ago wisteriawoman said…
Adam/Kensai is a healer just like Claire - although his cells have regenerated so many times that he is now immortal!