High School Musical Love is a riddle

PrincessMae29 posted on Aug 06, 2012 at 08:18AM
#Sophie Roberts#
Hi!I'm Sophie Roberts
Im an 18 yrs old teenager
I live alone in my house in Bradford
Well mom and dad left with my grandparents but who also died but luckily mom gave my grandparents 5million and dad 5million so i have money to live.
So more about myself
Fav.food:spaghetti and chicken(hahahaha)
Fav.band:Big time rush(Srry but in this story she's not a total fan just love's their music,No hate kay)
Best friend:Hannah
Fav color:black and pink
okay I'm not goth or a punk I just like it cause black suits me
I have hazel eyes but i were contacts
(green contacts)
I think hazel doesnt suit me
Uhmmm and my hair is by my waist which is curly and brown
I am 5"4
UHHH im so short I have no accent i know i said i line in bradford but i actually live in america but my grandparents live in bradford do MOVEEEEE
Personality:nice,funny(a little bit)bubbly,smart(not bragging but I am the smartest one in my class)My house is a little big(Okay my dad is a billionare and mom fashion model so that)
Likes:Bunnies,cats ,dogs,dresses,flowers,birds stars(okay i just put dislikes cause i like almost everything)
Dislikes:bugs,Flirts and boys
well thats all and dont want boyfriends and never will
#Sophie Roberts# 
Hi!I'm Sophie Roberts 
Im an 18 yrs old teenager 
I live alone in my house in Br

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