Hogwarts House Rivalry! Slytherin common room

Lord-Voldemort posted on Dec 18, 2010 at 10:55PM
You follow a winding tunnel down into the dungeons, below the lake. The light is eerie and green and skulls seem to stare at you from the walls.
"Basilisk!" you say, and a stone door concealed in the wall slides open.
You are home.

And inscription over the fireplace flickers in the dim light:

"In Slytherin, you'll make your real friends, these cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends"

Draco Malfoy smirks at you from his seat by the fire,

"Get in here, you wouldn't want to make friends with the wrong sort of wizard, if you get my drift."

last edited on Mar 09, 2011 at 02:52AM

Hogwarts House Rivalry! 500 replies

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over a year ago Merribelle said…
Let's do what the Puffs did and make a detailed description of our common room, just so we know where we are :)

I'll go first (I'm looking at CoS right now)

The walls are roughly hewn stone, presumably grey.
Eerie green light flickers from lanterns hung on the ceilings, they burn with cool fire.
Ebony furniture is padded with emerald green fabric, and there are long tables for studying and reading.
The walls are hung with green and silver silks and the floors are polished marble.
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Good idea Merri!

I'll do the dorms.

To the left and right of the fireplace are tunnels leading to the male and female dorms, which are both the same, except that they have passwords that only the girls/boys know.

The dorms are circular rooms with hot springs bubbling up in the centre (good for relaxing while plotting!) From the main chamber, there are doors leading to smaller rooms with two beds in each room. The beds are made of ornately carved ebony and have black silk bedspreads. The stone walls are covered with deep green fabric and there is a richly woven tapestry on the floor. Torches sit on the walls, burning steadily. Dressers and other furniture are decided on by the occupants of the dorm.

(Trix and I are dorm mates!)
over a year ago Merribelle said…
Bathrooms...do we really need them?

Also, do we need/want prefects? I kind of think we should (LEXA should be a prefect XD)

We could have all sorts of fun with that...
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
I just realized, the Puffs have a mascot! We need one too! Obviously it has to be a snake, anyone have good (real) snake pictures? And then we can choose a name.
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Green or black is good, nothing red. And big and scary is good too >:)
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
I found this in green and blue and edited it into black/green/red.

He's kind of creepy, but I don't really want a silly mascot.
I found this in green and blue and edited it into black/green/red.

He's kind of creepy, but I don't
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
We could name him Versilius
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
Sanguine is my name suggestion
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Versilius = Of Royal Birth (Greek)
Sanguine = Pure Blood (Latin)
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
I'm kind of leaning towards Sanguine on this one. Versilius is too...human, if you understand what I mean.
over a year ago Merribelle said…
I like both, but I think Versilius is better because Sanguine is really obvious. Lots of people will make the connection between Sang and Blood, but Versilius is more secret.
over a year ago terhenetar said…
It might be obvious, but Sanguine sounds a bit better. When I think "Versilius" the images that come into my mind are not of a Slytherin snake but rather an ancient ruler or warrior (I can't help it that I imagine him to be Leonidas' right hand man xD). So, I agree with the Dark Lord on that. :)
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
And Sanguine the Slytherin Snake has ALLITERATION!
over a year ago Merribelle said…
Sanguine's fine with me, shall we post the pic officially now?
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Yep, I just did, hey, found a pic of our common room online!
Yep, I just did, hey, found a pic of our common room online!
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Oh yes, and I'm happy to be a prefect if everyone agrees :D
over a year ago terhenetar said…
I certainly do :)
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Mission: Find and post as many Slytherin pics as you can!
over a year ago terhenetar said…
Starting now?
Starting now?
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Yep, starting now >:)
Let's show these muggle borns who's on top!
over a year ago terhenetar said…
My pleasure :)

Is it necessary to be politically correct here?

Image found on Google.com.
last edited over a year ago
My pleasure :)

Is it necessary to be politically correct here?

Image found on Google.com.
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Political correctness is of no importance to us. We have our own rules.

Post them in the images section of the spot! We want to dominate with Slytherin pics!
over a year ago terhenetar said…
Good, because I have no wish to call mudbloods "muggle borns".
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Thank Rowling! Me neither! I was treading carefully before, but now we can let loose.

over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
Yea this is our common room. FILTHY MUDBLOODS!
Yea this is our common room. FILTHY MUDBLOODS!
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
Would it kill you to help Lexa?
Would it kill you to help Lexa?
over a year ago Draco--Malfoy said…
Man I was hot!
Man I was hot!
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
The Puffs have a Christmas tree and I thought that we should too.
The Puffs have a Christmas tree and I thought that we should too.
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
'Scuse me Melody, I posted 15 photos.

As for the Christmas tree, does everyone here celebrate Christmas? I don't, and neither does Trix. I think we should have an Elder tree, and we can celebrate the Dark Lord's birthday on December 31st!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Well, it IS a religious holiday (I'm totally anti-religion) so maybe we should celebrate separately? We can have, like, a tree, a menorah, all sorts of other religious stuff, and then Trix and I will celebrate the solstice and we can all celebrate the Dark Lord's birthday!
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
you guys celebrate Hannhakuh? OK yea. I agree.
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Gods no! We celebrate the solstice! We're both atheist (we don't believe in God, gods, or any other divine power) but I wanted to be accepting of Jews :)
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Lol, it's fine, I just find religion quite offensive.
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
Lol OK.:)
over a year ago terhenetar said…
Oh, but celebrating Christmas when you are an Atheist is so much fun. :) And, obviously, by "celebrating" I mean a tree, presents and lots of food. ^^
For me Christmas has nothing to do with Cristianity, which I dislike to say the least, but with listening to songs you would never consider listening to otherwise (Last Christmas xD), the said tree and presents and an almost magical atmosphere around.
over a year ago terhenetar said…
I was thinking about music.
What do you think about choosing a few "Slytherin-like" songs? I have always associated some classic heavy metal and hard rock with our house. The Number of the Beast, Highway to Hell, All Hell Breaking Loose or Some Heads are Gonna Roll, you get the idea. xD

Oh, and since it's Christmas time, the hilarious "heavy metal christmas"...
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
"Gives you hell" by Hedley!
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Kay, we should get to know each other!
I'm Lexa, I do karate and I sing (NAC baby!) My favourite colours are green and black, my favourite animals are horses and cats. I live in Southern Ontario, I'm 14 years old. Trix is mah bestie.

And thank God I'm an atheist ;)
over a year ago Merribelle said…
Following the lead of our esteemed prefect:
My name is Giatrix (call me Trix) and I too do karate and singing. My fav colours are silver and blue, animals are swallows and horses. I live in Southern Ontario and am 14 years old. And yes, Lexa is my bestie :D

I too, am an atheist.
over a year ago terhenetar said…
If you wish :)

My name is Kaja and I live in Poland, in Cracow to be exact. Damn it, I feel old! My favourite colours? Let me think, black, black and ... black? Ok, joking, I like blue and red as well.
As I have mentioned before, I love hard rock and heavy metal, but, unfortunately, I can't sing.

And yes, I am an atheist as well. xD

Is it only me, or is it interesting that most, if not all, Slytherins here are atheists?
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
I think it's the Slytherin ambition. We don't like responding to higher powers.
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
I just keep posting so that we don't fall into the second page of forums...
over a year ago Merribelle said…
Ohmygod I'm so exhausted, but Lexa, we have karate at from 8 to 9!
Last training session of 2010 and I am so psyched! Think Sensei'll let us spar?
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
I almost forgot about the Solstice (stupid me, we had the party today and everything) SO HAPPY SOLSTICE!
IKR Trix! I really wanna spar Mick, he's such a jerkwad. I perfected my spinning combinations and I really want to try them on him!
over a year ago Merribelle said…
LOL! I call dibs on Troy, the fat loser. I bet he likes Twilight too! I was experimenting with starting to jump for a hammer to the head, and then at the last minute ducking and throwing an uppercut. Seems to work well.
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
big smile
That does sound like it'd work. I'm practicing bo staff right now, and I think my parents are getting me a punching bag for "The-birthday-of-some-random-guy-who-­is-­not­-ou­r-L­ord­-an­d-s­o-h­is-­bir­thd­ay-­doe­s-n­ot-­get­-a-­spe­cia­l-n­ame­-li­ke-­CHR­IST­MAS­&qu­ot;

So excited!
over a year ago Merribelle said…
I actually just read the welcome text for the forum, I love the Draco part! Actually I love it all, you did a great job :D
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Thanks Trix, I'm gonna go suit up for karate, and now that you know how to tie your belt properly, you should probably do the same :P