House M.D. House md Season 4?

a1213w posted on May 31, 2007 at 12:16AM
I googled house season 4, and got nothing. Anyone know if it is officialy said anywhere that there will be a 4th season?

House M.D. 53 replies

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over a year ago emilee24 said…
I'm sure spoilers will start mid-summer
over a year ago kat78 said…
Yes, check out tv guide May 7-13, David Shore talks a bit about next season, reassuring that Foreman will be back (however no mention of Chase/Cameron, maybe because their removal from the team was to come as a season finale surprise). But yeah, there'll be a 4th.
over a year ago tvfan555 said…
They announced back in February 2007 that there will be a fourth season. I am not sure how everything will turn out, but there will be a Fourth season. I am guessing it will start to air in August.
over a year ago Rosiie777 said…
Ok as a HUGE lover of house I have to add a few predictions. House will kiss Cuddy, and Chase, Foreman, and Cameron will come back to House.
And did anyone else here know that Chase and Cameron are enganged in real life!! How coool!
over a year ago emilee24 said…
Here is my prediction.... I love doing this

1. Foreman will return just like nothing ever happened

2. House will call Chase back because he needs him

3. After Chase comes back he will tell house that he wants Cameron back

4. Cameron will come back

No Cuddy and house yet, that will just be a funny little flirting thing again this season.
over a year ago DuMaurier said…
I heard that season 4 will be the last season of house. is it true?
over a year ago James12321 said…
Hugh laurie is trying to get out of his contract because it is binding him body and soul. He wants to spend more time in England with his kids.
over a year ago PeppeJones said…
:D its comming.
over a year ago house100 said…
House M.D will definatly be coming, around about august 2007 and Foreman will not return and Cameron might return along with Chase.

This reply was brought to you by House M.D official script writer
over a year ago jerome_ said…
Inspite of emilee24 and the "official House M.D. script writer" 's opinions I do not think any of the ducklings will come back next season. They were fired/quit. If someone quits a job they have reasons to do so.

Foreman is too proud to come back and Cameron will have too many opportunities at her door step (beauty and brains) to return. Chase would be the only one to have an excuse (ironically enough Chase is the least proud of the three).

Honestly, I don't think that the show will be nearly as good without them, but I am trying to acknowledge the character development which we, as the audience, were shown. Foreman has worked very hard to get to where he is. He has always been extremely driven. He didn't want to just not be poor like those living around him he also didn't want to have their morals. He's afraid that if he stays he won't be the person that he set out in the first place to become. He will continue working extremely hard to become the person he invisioned himself as. And that work won't be at House's side.

Whether Cameron considers House to be someone hurt who she can love (her norm) anymore or not she clearly has strong feelings for someone else. Her feelings for House would have been something to bring her back -now she has feelings for Chase. Cameron is too moral to cheat so she won't be going back to House for romantic reasons. Also, as mentioned, she will have a lot of job opportunities awaiting her.

Chase would be the only one who might go back. He didn't want to leave the job and he isn't too proud to return with his tail between his legs. Due to a lack of personal motivation and drive to be better he may not spend a lot of energy looking for a new job either. He could return. But would the fans be happy if only one of the three were there? Especially if it isn't Cameron? No. The writers won't have Chase returning alone.

We, as fans, might have to get used to three new ducklings who, hopefully, have equally as good a group dynamic.

Just my opinions. Maybe I am being negative hoping to be pleasently (extremely) surprised by their return in the fourth season.

If anyone has anything (internet article etc.) which negates my hypothesis please let me know.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pucstpr39 said…
Foreman has already said in an interview with TV Guide that he will be back next season but they need to change the dynamic of the show. Its a good show but three years of the same basic plot.

My guess it that Foreman takes Cuddy's offer to head a team of his own. He hires both Chase and Cameron and all three of them are back but not working for House. House then gets a new team with a different dynamic that he can mess with as well as having an open competition with Foremans team.
over a year ago jerome_ said…
I will look at old TV Guide interviews on-line to see what I find. If it is anything good I will make sure to post it.

Your guess, pucstpr39, is good, but don´t you think it leaves the show with a few too many main characters? Namely nine of them. If House hires three new doctors to work under him (the dynamic proven to work the best), Foreman, Chase, and Cameron all come back, and Cuddy and Wilson continue to involve themselves in the everday duties of both departments (as it was in the last three seasons) we would have a lot of main characters. Reviews and never place the ducklings on a higher character level than Wilson and Cuddy. Additionally, Cuddy is important romantically and protects House´s job and if House M.D. is infact based partially on Sherlock Homes then Wilson (Watson) is also very important. As exemplified, nine is a lot to keep up with.

Furthermore, the audience knows that Foremann and House cannot compete. Everytime House comedically negates a neurological hypothesis we know Foremann wouldn´t stand a chance on such difficult cases alone. Besides, Chase doesn´t like Foreman and probably would not work for him and Cameron probably has other, perhaps better, opportunities.

Lastly, if Foreman had an open competition with House that would more than likely degrade his morals (his reason for quiting). Likely to prevent him from reapplying for a job.

I hope all three of the ducklings come back, I am just not sure that it will be at Foremann´s lead.
over a year ago jerome_ said…
What if the ducklings did come back and House got a new team. BUT -the ducklings worked as a team instead of Foremann leading them and somehow in too diferent of a department than to be able to comptete with House. AND House´s new team was made up of rotating students (each episode mixing ethnic, class, and female male ratio), as after all, plainsboro is a teaching hospital.

That would give at least Foremann the excuse to come back and allow the show to avoid having too many main characters. Also, Cuddy and Wilson would be the link between the two departments.

What do you all think?
over a year ago hotties22p said…
yes chase nd cameron are engaged he proposed to her in france under the eiffel tower. nd idk wat season 4 will b like but if they dont bring chase forman nd cameron back the shows gonna flop
over a year ago hulahoopgoddess said…
i dont want foreman to come back. at the end of the season, he didn't really do anything. unless they want to use him as a CPR machine(season finale), i dont think he'll be much help. he didn't even contribute to the group dynamic or differential diagnosis anymore- when was the last time he had a descent idea!?
besides, the puppets and the show got too predictable, they need a breath of fresh air. Did anyone notice House knew all their ideas before they did? did he even need them?
camerons too mushy, foremans too annoying, and chase was a pric. however, chase is the best dr.(always coming up with original/outside the box solutions, and keeping house from chopping off 5 year olds limbs), and house doesn't mind working with prics(just not for them). Chase is the only one i want back next season.
over a year ago allison_ said…
cameron has to come back!! it won't be the same without her!
or chase or formann, but i just can't imagine that the show will be that great without them. :(
over a year ago F1_11 said…
when season 4 comes out dose anyone know how long it will be before you can post episodes on the fourum, coz I can't be aresed wait years for it to come to England
over a year ago jumpi said…
Hi everyone, I'm House lover from Bulgaria, first of all sorry for my bad English, I have a question have you tought about the last episode in Season 3 when House, change the guitar does't that means that he is changing the team, i think the the writers had to refresh the show.

For Contact:
Kamen Pavlov

over a year ago war_n_peace said…
Like everyone says, yes it had alot of what the last few seasons had and that why the big cliff hanger season finally. Yes they will all be back, how? We wont know for a bit, but David Shore and the writers have managed to keep are atention this long with a a good story.
over a year ago McTitties said…
well jumpi i'm from bulgaria too and i think you are right
over a year ago willyoe said…
I think that the three students from the second to last episode of season one will become his new ducklings.
over a year ago rigadon said…
I would imagine they'll all be back but will need a good reason. Maybe something like one of the team becoming ill and they need to get the old team back to get the gist!
over a year ago HP333 said…
***Official Scoop***
Season FOUR SPOILERS below:
(in the order released)

May 29, 2007 - From USA Today:
"Tonight's delayed season-finale cliffhanger (9 ET/PT) will shake things up and 'address what has been the cumulative experience and how has that impacted each of them,' [executive producer Katie] Jacobs says. 'Next season will be different. We're not saying who is coming back and who is not, just that it'll look very different.'

"Actually, Jacobs confirms that one resident, Dr. Foreman (Omar Epps), whose future has been in doubt the past few episodes, does leave the hospital ‹ but it doesn't necessarily mean he's gone.

About House and Cuddy,
"Producers are talking about plotlines for the fourth season that will deal more with their mutual attraction, Jacobs says. 'I can't see them pairing them in a permanent fashion. But they are close; they have gone through a lot together. Might there be a moment of weakness in which the two might explore their chemistry? Maybe.'"

June 9, 2007: TV Guide's AskAusiello had this:
Question: "I am willing to fork over $10 million if you'll give me any bit of House scoop you have. Because I can't take this anymore. Everyone leaving? Cameron actually liking Chase? Anything you have, please fill me in. It'll keep me from defenestrating myself." — Sam
Ausiello: "It's my understanding that everyone will be back, although they probably won't be taking orders from House anymore. I'd like the $10 mil in small bills, please."

June 13, 2007: TV Guide's AskAusiello had this:
Question: "I am a huge fan of House. Any scoopage would be awesome." — Jeffrey Horne
Ausiello: "You know that group of interns Cuddy was leading around in the season finale? Expect to see a lot more of that type of thing next season."

June 20, 2007: TV Guide's AskAusiello had this:
Question: "Now that Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars are over, I've directed all of my attention to House. Got scoop?" — Alison
Ausiello: "It's official: Replacements are being sought for Foreman, Chase and Cameron! Producers will be introducing four new underlings ‹ two male, two female ‹ at the start of the new season. But before you freak out, keep in mind what I've been telling you every week for the past month: It's my understanding that Jennifer Morrison, Jesse Spencer and Omar Epps all will be returning, making for one very crowded canvas."

June 28, 2007: TV Guide's AskAusiello had this:
Question: "There's been a lack of House spoilers lately. Think you can give me a tiny glimpse into Season 4?" — Sara
Ausiello: "New details are emerging about the four new underlings joining House's crew who I first told you about last week. Of the two women, one is described as being in her thirties and "mysterious," while the other is in her twenties and a "real go-getter." The dudes, meanwhile, consist of a plastic surgeon in his thirties and a possibly single dad in his early forties. Also, two of the characters will be on for multi-episode arcs, and the other two will stick around as series regulars."

over a year ago HP333 said…
Looks like four new people will be working for House.

According to Ausiello, House is bringing on four new cast members to play four new underlings, two male and two female, and they will be starting at the beginning of next season. But what about Foreman, Chase and Cameron?

Ausiello spills that all three are supposed to be returning next season as well.

Wonder if the four newbies will be temps to be recurring characters on the show or brought on as full regular cast members?
over a year ago nellylover said…
supposedly there are four new underlings....for the first couple of episodes anyway....then in episode 3 or 4 or something house falls into a coma somehow; and it causes chase/foreman and cameron to return...

well thats what the rumour are around pinewood studios england :P
over a year ago alechiocciola92 said…
I'm Italian. Sorry for my very bad English, but I'm going crazy... I haven't seen the third season yet (Here in Italy it's like beeing in Africa). So... what the hell's happened? Why should they leave? I mean I don't love particulary any of those 3 characters, but without them it wouldn't be the same. I just hope Nelly? is right. But... when will we (I'd better say you) know?
over a year ago Mucuscicus said…
Ohh Lisa Edelstein said that the writers are working on the House-Cuddy relationship...:)
over a year ago luvscruff said…
As far as I know there will be at least a season 5 as the ducklings are not gone,,they will be back with a few newbies, I am really excited
over a year ago dunja said…
does someone knows how many seasons will be made in the future ??
over a year ago HP333 said…
It is said that season 4 will be the last. (but this could change)

Hugh Laurie has mentioned in numerous interviews that he hates being away from his family being that they are still in England, and that although he loves doing the show, he doesn't know that it is worth it.
over a year ago hulahoopgoddess said…
if hugh wants to go home to the wife and kids, let him, but let him finish season 5 first- am i right!?
over a year ago dunja said…
you are defenitly right :P but I hope that there are more seasons than 4
over a year ago Chasina said…
well i read that you will see more of Chase,Cameron and Forman. Chase is going to be in Arizonia with Cameron and Formen is leading a group.
over a year ago LisaS said…
the headlines link also tell us about the five new cast members
over a year ago neel said…

in the first episode.. house will be trying to do the cases on his own but cuddy convinces him he needs a team... so, like house, he sets up this competition... he makes all the candidates wear numbers on their backs and such.. he ends up with 4 or 5 team members including KAL PENN (kumar from harold and kumar), and OLIVIA WILDE......
eventually though, the original team will be back.. but they will have changed in some way

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greyhouse said…
season 4 will begin on 25th september go to
over a year ago HP333 said…
• July 28, 2007 Doris Egan writes in her Blog/Journal:
She and Leonard Dick wrote the second episode of the Fourth Season
• July 27, 2007 House Daily has
Pictures from the first Fourth Season Episode, which they say is named. "Alone". We should get more on this in the next couple of days.
• July 25, 2007
Video Clip with Jennifer Morrison, Jesse Spencer and Hugh Laurie. Contains discussion of what color Cameron's hair will be this coming season.
• July 24, 2007 (3rd): from The Chcago Tribune: "'House' cleans house and shakes things up"
"'House,' which has ridden its clever blend of fine acting, moral excavation and tightly plotted medical mysteries to the top echelon of the Nielsen ratings chart, is a success for a reason — it usually finds ways to zig just when you thought it was going to zag.

"I will add that the first three scripts that I read of this season are not only three of the best 'House' scripts I've ever read, they're three of the best scripts I've ever read,² Laurie said. 'It may be that in the execution of it, we'll make a dreadful hash of it and you'll go, 'Well, I don't see what the fuss was about. That was a terrible piece of television.' But purely as scripts, I find them absolutely phenomenal.

"'I've never read anything that so ambitiously tries to mix broad comedy and gut-wrenching tragedy and philosophical musings and bizarre literary references all in the space of five seconds,' Laurie continued. 'The speed with which it jumps from tone to tone is quite phenomenally ambitious.'"
• July 24, 2007 (2nd): Buddy TV reports on the House Panel held July 23 as part of Fox's Television Critics Press Tour:

* "The inner dynamic of the unique drama will be eviscerated."
* "Spencer, Epps, and Morisson.... will all return, but they will be drastically scattered away from the center of the season's action."
* "House will be attempting to go it alone, but it will be Cuddy who convinces him he needs to put together a new team. The beginning of the season will see House auditioning team members. Ultimately House may end up with a larger team.... House will be particularly rough on his new team, referring to them by numbers instead of their names."

• July 24, 2007 (1st): Kristin of E!Online: "TV Press Tour '07: Doctors and Ducks in the House" had the following

* House tests out replacements. "Exec producer Katie Jacobs pointed out that while all the candidates are creditable physicians, what appeals to House might not necessarily be medical bona fides. She noted, 'He might be interested in a veterinarian...or just someone he can't get a handle on.' For example, the new guy played by Peter Jacobson appeals to House because his years of experience in the plastic surgery field give him insight into human behavior and psychology."
* Omar Epps, Jennifer Morrison and Jesse Spencer all appear in the early episodes, but it seems that House may see them only in his head. Chase and Cameron are in Arizona at the start of the season... Foreman is doing diagnostic work at Mercy.... Cameron, Chase and Foreman will definitely return to the Housian fold but not immediately or gratuitiously."

• July 21, 2007 (2nd): "oscarsgiant" posted on the Television Without Pity's House Forum some speculation as to what the name Thirteen (the reported name of one of the new doctor's) could mean

* The number of steps, according to Egyptian lore, between life and death.
* The number of Norse gods (there were 12) at a banquet that was crashed by the evil spirit Loki (making 13) who killed one of the guests with a poison arrow.
* Christ and the Apostles.
* Maybe she was the thirteenth kid in the family.

• July 21, 2007 (1st): TV Guide: "House Builds Up and Cuts Down New Team"
executive producer Katie Jacobs says House will, "'struggle to decide if he needs a team. He'll call in more [doctors] than he can use and whittle them down over the weeks in a very Survivor-like fashion.' But expect some of the 'contestants' to be left standing. 'We'll have new cast members,' assures Jacobs. 'We're going to have a lot of fun with it.'"
• July 17, 2007: A. Dudas emailed us the following link and information:
E!Online - Exclusive: New Docs in the House? "Peter Jacobson (In Justice, Transformers) and Anne Dudek (Big Day) have been hired for a minimum of eight episodes of the coming season!"
over a year ago emilee24 said…
I just want the season to get started!
over a year ago LisaS said…
me too!
over a year ago iluvjesse said…
September 25, 2007
over a year ago TTHogs said…
Okay so what I am thinking is that yes Foreman will come back but he won't hire Chase and Cameron. Just remember he said how much he hated them. Oh and in the comercial where House say "Bring it on" I don't think he's talking to anyone of the ducklings, because don't you remember that in "Act Your Age" they said that the little girl had a secret and it was that she wanted juice, well I think thats whar there doing here.
over a year ago TTHogs said…
I really don't think that the show is ready for a House and Cuddy relasnship. Right now I think Wilson likes her just a little bit and House dosn't know it yet but he likes her too. I can't wait to see the fireworks for that stoy line! As for Chase and Cameron, I hate to say it but I think they will stay together. I don't know how House will find out there together, but knowing House somehow he will. I'm not sure Cuddy will hire them to work together if they are together just because of their relasnship. Don't you remember how angrey she was about them before? So we will just have to and watch! The first episoide is called Alone and under the actor list it only says Hugh. I wonder how that will be?
over a year ago TTHogs said…
I don't think that anyone has concitered what I have thought up. Oh and remember this is just an idea. What do you think would happen is Chase or Cameron got sick and House had to treat them? It's a shaky idea but it would add good twists to the story line!
over a year ago maggs1994 said…
It is supose to air september 25
over a year ago cadena9601 said…
starts sept 25th from what I is confirmed...
over a year ago cadena9601 said…
and the cast is the same


season 4 promo pics :) that's wassup...
over a year ago rez1860 said…
I know now its officially confirmed that there will be season 4. According to insider sources Where chase will be hired by Cuddy but not under House.Foreman will have his own department.Nothing clear abt Cameron.I dont think cuddy & house will be a good one. Ithinks wilson likes her.They will be better together.ANd i heard Kahl Pen was signed.
over a year ago cents4spence said…
over a year ago cents4spence said…
over a year ago softcentercb said…
Please Help
when is season 4 being shown in the UK? does any one know????