House M.D. Discussion for the season premiere!

amberRocks posted on Sep 17, 2008 at 05:50AM
Hi guys!
Wanna have a discussion for the first epi?
This is the place to go!
So did you liked the episode?

House M.D. 30 replies

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over a year ago amberRocks said…
I'll start anyway!
I didn't like the epi.It was not awful but it was a little bit boring...
and 13 totally stole chases and camerons screentime!(and a little bit of houses...)
over a year ago amberRocks said…
and also lack of cotinuanity.
Cameron said that she came to work for house when her PDH died.
Camerons we know was 20-21 when PDH died.
She was still in college!!!Not even in med school!
over a year ago rosehustle1 said…
the whole episode was disjointed. I liked the scenes with cuddy/house/wilson but the patient's illness didn't interest me. Thirteen is an interesting character but I don't want to see almost a whole episode centering on her huntington's disease. I also didn't understand House's sudden epiphany. Nothing in his conversation with Cuddy hinted at the "pretty leprecy". Usually something is said that helps the viewer piece it together to. Overall, it was an okay episode but not that great. The next one seems much more densely constructed with a better plot. Whereas, the premiere felt rushed to me.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
you are right.The epiphany moment was barely a moment at all.
I just have this feeling..."Amber died for this?"
I mean my expectations were pretty high and now not fulliled.
Also are they kidding us?
Chase was BARELY for a minute!So by saying more scenes tha means cut the 1 minute one into 2 30 seconts scenes?LOL!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jameswilson said…
What I liked: I liked that House apologized and that Wilson finally stood up for himself.

What I didn't like: Thirteen was in this episode WAY to much. I found her to be annoying and a little bit immature. I feel like she was almost in more scenes than House, which is ridiculous. I wish we had seen a time sooner after Amber's death and I feel like House's apology came way to soon. I also feel like Wilson left to early on - I thought it would take several episodes for both of these events to occur.

The Upcoming Episode: I think that the private investigator thing is kind of dumb and seeing House showing up at Wilson's doorstep is starting to make me feel like I'm watching a soap opera.

I don't know, I think it's to early in the season to tell just yet.
I definitely hope it gets better though.
over a year ago mimika_s said…
c'mon aR,you are overreacting about Chase.It was 94 seconds!!
Cameron had 154.
I am pathetic I know...

There was unresonably too much they wanted to force us her.Her apperance didn't came out naturally.
I am not going to complain further about Chase's screentime.I am really sick of it.
And I have to agree with jw about the soap opera
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Also for anyone thant is interested the ratings have fallen.Slightily but they have.
season 5 had a 9/15 share.
(season 4 premiere had 11.3/17)

p.s: I don't really know how to read ratings but I do know that the if bigger the second number is (e.x the 20 of 4/20) the better.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I found that house's premiere ratings are 14.4 in millions amd last season was 18 million!Ouch!
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over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
Finally could watch the epi =D

Didn't really like that thirteen was some much in the epi, there just was too much thirteen...
I need more houssse...

I agree with jameswilson that everything happened too fast, house wouldn't apologize that quick.. but wilson how could he be so cruel to house :'( saying they were never friends and so *sniffs*

I think everything went too fast... house and wilson conversations, wilson leaving, I thought would take more epis for it too happen, don't take me wrong I liked the epi but I think my expectations were a bit too high..
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over a year ago Immunity said…
Annoying and immature? I want to see you when you got a death sentence...
But I guess whatever David Shore does, there will always be people who find something to complain. I'm sure they think much about their decisions and they try to create the best season premiere as possible, but they can't please everybody.

As for me, this was an episode in which Thirteen was in the foreground and I loved it because I like to learn more about each character. We know that there will be an episode which focuses on Cameron and Chase, and hopefully there will be episodes that deal with Huddy, Cuddy, Kutner and the others too.
For me it's not necessary that every character has the same screentime in an episode, I wouldn't complain when Chase had 1 minute more screentime than Thirteen or so. Oh god!
But now it really was Thirteen's time as well as it was Wilson/House friendship time and this was what they focused on in the first episode.
I mean, it may sound harsh, but Chase didn't find out he had a deadly disease and neither did he loose his one and only friend.

Well, you can say now: Ha, 13 is her fav chara, of course she has to defend her.
This may be right, but believe me, I also wouldn't like it if she had that much screentime in every episode. But this was just ONE episode, ONE episode which was about her and I think it's pretty unfair that everyone complains now... I want to see the other characters as well, like I explained...

And I'm sure you will survive it, people.
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over a year ago OhClip said…

First percentage is "how many televisions in the country were in use at that time"

Second percentage is "how many of those televisions were watching this particular show"

(Meaning first one is an average at any given moment and the second one is the total)
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over a year ago amberRocks said…
Chill out immunity.
We all like 13.
But this was the season premiere.
One the most important epis of the season.
And we didn't want her not to have a lot of screentime.
Just not more than House which she did have!
Thats the problem...Nothing else.
We all respect and hear your opinion.
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Well, having waited all summer to finally watch it, even if it were the worst episode in the world I would have loved it!! But...
I think they overused 13. As much as I love her, I have to admit they did push her on us far too much. They should just let her be a little more in the background so they can use her more in future episodes.
I think some scenes should have been more played out By this I mean, as has been said above me, that some of the things that happened could have waited for other episodes. For example, the Wilson out and out resigning, House apologising and 13's description of her own Huntington's.
On the bright side, RSL blew me away!!!!!!! That final scene with him and House was truly, truly stunning!! I am off to watch it again as we speak!!
There were many many lines that made me laugh, and in my mind i think it is one of the funniest episodes.
I wasn't so sure aboot...
Kutner's epiphamy moments. I think they gave him too much knowledge, if that makes sense. I think it is unlikely that he seems to have got everything before Foreman, Taub and 13, and that he has never really done that before.
Also, I found the medical side really dull this episode. I wasn't interested in the PoW, her story didn't draw me in. I hardly have any idea what she was diagnosed with, and I can't even remember her name. A rarity for me, I usually remember episodes by their PoWs.

Overall, I think it will get better, but I found this episode hilarious, as well as very moving.
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over a year ago adyingsomething said…
I am with you Immunity.
Thirteen wasn't annoying or immature, she was fighting to accept her death sentence. Death Sentence! Its not something you can just get over.
This was just one episode. Next week we will most likely be doing to same thing. Arguing over screen-time and complaining about scenes . . . .
over a year ago babybell said…
What i disliked

the amount of 13 was, as said before, waas just silly. i like 13, but it might as well be 13 MD for all the screen time she got.

What i liked

the use of the patient was clever, some scenes wer funny etc and CUDDY ROCKED MY WORLD IN THIS EP!!! she was amazing!!! rreallllyyyy reeealllly coool!!!!

Who i hated ( yes, who, not what

I HATE WILSOON!!!!! damn you to hell!!! he was a bastard, really really mean. i hated him.

What i adored t the point of obsurdedity

surprisingly, most of this stuff was not the point of the episide. I loved the remote scene, such flirting lmao. i reeallly would have wanted to find out what would have happened if wilson hadnt have walked in.

I know ive been over this, but cuddy was on a fricking ROLE this ep!!!!! i loved how she said " SIT" and how she said " GO TO HELL " and her speech to house.
over a year ago Immunity said…
Wilson wasn't a bastard. The scene was very sad but he had a point.
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Yes I agree with immunity there. Wilson's monologue at the end had definite points to it. I have been waiting for him to do something like that for seasons! House has had it coming!!
over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
It was cruel how he sad that to house, about them maybe never being friends... did you see the look on house's face *sniffs*
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I understand him...
I would have done the same thing.
Amber was too awesome for words!

On another note!
Couldn't they showed us a god da*n photo of her?Something?Anything!
I'm not even asking for a flashback!!!
Was that so hard?
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over a year ago Immunity said…
Lol but it wasn't really about Amber... that was the shocking thing
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over a year ago amberRocks said…
oh don't hurt me immunity...
Deep down on me I want to think that is all about amber....
over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
I want it to be about amber... it not possible that wilson really leaves because of house, I don't want that.. it makes me so sad :(
Come back wilson and be friends with house again soon!!
over a year ago Huddyaddict12 said…
that part really surprised me when wilson said he was leaving cause of house! i thought this was all because of amber! And i dont get when wilson said "i dont think we were really ever friends"?!?! They were like bestest buddies!!!
hopefully the next ep will be better since the PI is comeing XDD
over a year ago babybell said…
I still hate wilson. Theres nothing you can say to change that, it wasn't sad, he was just being a bitch ( bastard doesn't describe how bitchy he was being)... i mean it was sad, because house was actually genuinely sorry, but then wilson was like f*** the hell of, and thats just mean. Meany.
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
Wilson was in pain, pain makes you do and say dumb things.
He has a good point . . . .
over a year ago jameswilson said…
I agree with PLH. It's not as if I don't like Thirteen's character or have sympathy with what she is being put through, it's just that I feel like her character was weird and I expected her to be different about it, maybe immature was the wrong word - but I'm not taking back annoying. Hah

As for Wilson, he had every right to say all those things to House - true enough, they were harsh, but come on. House has treated him horribly throughout their whole friendship and everything Wilson said was completely justified.
I really liked that he said he didn't blame Amber's death on House, but rather it was simply House's attitude that finally pushed him over the edge.

I still think a lot of things happened way to fast.
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over a year ago jameswilson said…
I also think I would have liked it if the episode had taken place sooner after Amber's death, or at least if it had been a little more focused on that - like the season 3 premiere, which focused a lot on the finale that proceeded it.
But that's just me
over a year ago Immunity said…
Nice to see you again, btw ;)
over a year ago jameswilson said…
It's good to see you too!
over a year ago cocacola said…
Personally I thought it was a pretty good episode. Not the best but still pretty good. I kind of ignored 13's large amounts of screentime, I don't really get upset about that, I really liked everything between House and Wilson. And the discussion at the end was so sad, but kind of true, just that Wilson should be aware that House is a better friend than Wilson thinks he is. I thought that it was an interesting start to the season and that I can't wait for the next episode. I just hope I won't miss the first 9 minutes because of soccer practice again...