House M.D. Discussion for the new 13 shipping spoiler!(You know what!)

amberRocks posted on Oct 01, 2008 at 09:58AM
Ok Foreteen is happening!Ausiello said it!
And I just wanted to say FUCK!Thats awful!
There is no GOD!NO GOD!
Apart from foreman getting a ship which is wrong for reasons that I can't explain its also that...its wrong!
In season 5 we have chameron,huddy and now foreteen!Thats like the worst compination ever!
Anyway thats my opinion you don't have to agree with me...
Fell free to discuss the new spoiler here and save the 13 fans from multible suicide attempts!

House M.D. 46 replies

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over a year ago la_nina said…
Totally shocked and speechless! I can't believe it's gonna happen! I always thought Foreteen was just a fans' joke. I want Thutner or at least Wilteen(and Wameron)!

But Huddy's coming soon, so there's still hope for me in season 5.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Its a bad joke!A really bad joke!
Also I think we should make an intervention for the writters!Their drug problem should not be ingored!!!

Also:POOR 13!First you have huntigtons and then you're hooking up with Foreman!
over a year ago Olivine said…
This is sooo wrong...there is NO chemistry between them.... Foreman is always sooo serious and stiff, he never laughs, except in that one episode where it was a symptom!!
13 doesn't need something, and yes, I say SOMETHING, like that right now...

Kutner could have made her laugh and that is what she needs.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Reactions about the spoiler from other sites:

Television without pity:1)"Really, writers? Really?!"


I can taste the acidity of my own vomit. :("

3)"I think I almost rolled my eyes clean out of my head."

House's house of whining:"Dude. No. The end."

Fox house forums:"Makes me want to put myself in a coma. I am so going to go nightclubbing instead."
over a year ago Olivine said…
=D wow that helped :)
over a year ago amberRocks said…
and FWI these are the nicests comments I could transfer to you here...
There were a lot of bad bad words around!
Take a trip to the forums and see for yourself if you want...
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over a year ago babybell said…
Okay I LOVE FORETEEN!!! * comes out of 14 closet*
over a year ago PotterGal said…
I really don't think that Foreteen is that bad either. I think there's just such a negative view about it from some people because they don't like Foreman at all and therefore think he should have no love life. Foreman deserves a love life just like anyone else.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
*bangs her head against the wall*
Why god?Why?
over a year ago la_nina said…
To PG, I love Foreman and I want him to have a relationship, but I can't accept Foreteen because I always considered it as a joke or a fans' imagination not something that's gonna happen. So yeah, I was shocked, totally.
Anyway I've found something good about Foreteen: it's much better than Thouse!
over a year ago mimika_s said…
I like Foreteen and I'm happy it's happening.
However I am sad about you ,13/sth else fans
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
This is the best news that I have heard about season 5. I think it is a great relationship to explore. They had some great scenes together in season 4 and I am totally looking forward to some Foreteen lovin'!
No hater can spoil my mood today!
over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
wow! so foreman isn't asexual after all :P
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Just shoot me!Please!Be my guest!Shoot me!
Nothing matters now!
over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
*tries to shoot aR but seems to be invincible*

Sry aR! I tried, you just have to try and live with it :P
over a year ago amberRocks said…
No I won't!I will be gone!
I won't stay to watch these ships!
When they will happen I will get off!
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over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
Then I will tape you to a chair and make you watch house. Don't stop watching House because of the ships ;)
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over a year ago youngblood said…
*glares at the screen* this cannot be happening. absolutly not.i'm having a nightmare. someone please confirm this for me. that or let me sufficate in my absolute shock... i thought that foreteen was as likly to show up in house as a case of lupus.
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
But Lupus already happened.
That magician had Lupus.
Lupus is awesome.
I'm still pretty shocked.
I was thinking before s5 started:Oh Thutner or Wilteen would be perfect!
But Foreteen?
I like Foreman.Hell,I like everybody on the show now.Okay maybe not everybody,but the other 8 people.

amberRocks I love you!
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over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
If there is anyone who likes/loves the idea of Foreman/Thriteen, there is a link (set up by the wonderful mimika_s!) in the link! For lovers only though, so if Foreteen is not your cup of tea, then don't bother visiting the forum.
over a year ago rosehustle1 said…
I think it's an interesting couple. I like Foreman and always thought he should be with someone. His character deserves some growth in that department. I mean we only saw him with the pharmaceutical representative in season one and then nurse Wendy.
over a year ago la_nina said…
13 is good. Foreman is good. But when they get together *shivers* it's just OMFG and WTF!
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
*agrees with la_nina*
*is going to start calling la_nina,LN*
If that's alright ^^

But I will learn to accept Foreteen.
Hell,I might start writing a fanfic about them.
Who knows?
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Well I won't accept it!I'm not that abjusting housecuddy4ever!
I'm just not!
EW!Foreman is gonna make-out with 13!
With tongue and everything!
And you might write a fanfic for that?
I could never do it!
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Just wanted to add my little two-sense

Has anyone considered the fact that it may not be a romantic ship? The spoiler didn't neccesarily indicate romance, all it said was they would be spending a lot of time together. It could just be a deep bond/ frienship forms between them, it doesn't neccesarily mean they'll be shacking up in the janitor's closet anytime soon.

I think it will be an interesting storyline but I repeat, it actually doesn't mean romance. I hope that helps things a little.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Who gives a spoiler for friendship?Seriously?

"Oh wanna here something spoilery?These two,yes these two,are gonna be such good friends!I know spicy!They are gonna talk and stuff!"

The spoiler clearly meant romantic relationship but I relly wished that you are right and its just friendship!I would thank you for ever!

And its not that I hate that ship more than other ships.
I just wanted Thutner and Wilteen really bad and this is screwing things up for me completely...
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Thank you oldmovie for being awesome.

I agree with you. I don't think it specifically has to be a "dinner-movie-naked-and-sweaty" relationship. I think it might just be like a Wilson/Cuddy-type relationship where they bond over something. Don't get me wrong: I would love a romantic Foreteen relationship, but a great friendship would also be cool for these two characters.

And just a reminder, if there are any Foreteen fans who on't want to be around all this Foreteen negativity, there is a forum party in the Foreteen Spot that you are more than welcome to come along to!
over a year ago Olivine said…
And for those who remain loyal to Thutner and don't let the idea of this amazing ship go so easily, and I really appreciate that, come to this forum :

<3 The dream is only dead when the last one has stopped dreaming it
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over a year ago amberRocks said…
Foreteen is starting at epi 5...
Check the press release if you want to see it you're selfs...
So what do you think?
over a year ago Olivine said…
What I think?
I think: Holy crap, Kutner, do something!!!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
And I got to say that I actually feel sorry for 13...
That poor girl is gonna have foreman as a love interest!
And we all know how sweet and caring foreman is in his relationships...
poor 13...
I think she pays that way for all the screentime that she got!
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
don't worry, I'm sure that SuperKutner will come out of somewhere and kill Foreman with his SuperMegaDefibrillator!!!

I don't want 14...I want Thutner!!!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Me too!*cries*(and/or Wilteen!)*cries again*

I don't want to see Foreman make-out with anyone!!!

*cries some more*

I want to see Kutner and Wilson shirtless!

*plans ways to kill foreman*
*thinks of a kutner/wilson ship*
*feels better*
over a year ago Olivine said…
It's just that I see so much more chemistry between Thirteen and Kutner.... that makes me sad :(
I really think I should write an article about why I love Thutner so much.. :/
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Yay!Please write!

I would write a "foreman sucks" article with great pleasure but people will go nuts so I won't!

I really don't like foreman in general not for hooking-up with 13...
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over a year ago Olivine said…
I will write it =D
over a year ago amberRocks said…

And I could write why I love wilteeen so much!
I love Wilteen so much!

Oh epiphany!At the end of the season when foreteen has broken up(if they become an item) and wilson has gotten over amber we could have Wilteen!

*has gained hope*
*is happy!!!*
over a year ago Olivine said…
yaaay!!! =DDD
over a year ago amberRocks said…
You see there is some hope!
Besides since foreman is supposed to be house-lite he is destined to be alone!
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
Well, the factis that we don't want House to be alone...I want House to be with Cuddy and you want him to be with Cameron...
WOW can you see this ??we're always arguing about Huddy and Hameron and now we've found something in common: Foreman has to be alone or better not alone, but with someone that's not someone from the team or something else, but a new character!!!Maybe he could be nice if in love!!!;)
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Foreman should stick to what hes doing best:Rolling his eyes!

I want wilteen!
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
lol I prefer Wameron!!but Wilteen isn't that bad too!!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I want wilson to hook-up with someone anyone!I really need this!

Wilber was my serious ship!And now that its gone I can't have another serious ship until I have my rebound ship!That ship must include Wilson!
I'm doomed!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
And could you people stop fucking with my ratings?
I made a funny article and it is rated with 2!
over a year ago Olivine said…
I'm sorry that people rated it low :(
I liked it^^
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I liked it too!
Its just a funny story...It doessn't deserve 2!
Anyway thats life I guess...
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