House M.D. The scenes for 5x07..urghhhhh...

huddyx4xevax24 posted on Oct 29, 2008 at 10:15PM
Maybe it is just me but i am pissed at those scenes for the next episode. I really want huddy...wat is wilson doing. OMG i was so mad. but i know it will make a good episode. I love wilson but him and cuddy?!?! noooooooo!

House M.D. 17 replies

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over a year ago pumpkinpie99 said…
don't worry
im pretty definate he's trying to get her to realise her feelings for him (house) and vice versa
reli don't read anything into it, cause earlier in the promo wilson said that house should date her
he's just testing them both
he doesn't like cuddy that way
she is more like a sister to him!!!
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
As babybell has said before
over a year ago kalo_luvs_house said…
Hmm I'm curious about the "What did you do?!?!" (Chase to Cameron). Did Cameron kill the shut-in!??! Gahhh I can't wait for 5.7! This is suppose to be the Chameron episode, too ;) ;)!
over a year ago huddyx4xevax24 said…
thanks for that i feel better yea i think Cameron is gonna kill that guy=( it really seemed like that.
over a year ago youngblood said…
i agree with pp99 and EL. Wilson doesn't really have feelings for Cuddy. i didnt panic because i knew immidietly after the promo tht it wasnt true.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
If the "I always had feeling for you" is even slightly true I swear god I will fuck the shit out of wilson!
I love him and stuff but if I even suspect that he had feelings for cuddy when she was with my amber I will change his fucking skin without sedating him I promise!
And I say that with all the love of the world! :p
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago oldmovie said…
aR don't worry, I'm almost positive that Wilson is being his normal manipulative self. Wilson has found out about the kiss and is trying to understand what the hell is going on, since House frankly is not going to tell him anything. His asking Cuddy out is probably part of some elaborate scheme to get some info about how Cuddy feels about the whole situation.

I was really interested in the Chameron! I'm never really that interested in it lol, I thought it was cute but woah! Poor chase, I'm actually so interested about what's going to happen now with them.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
From the promo it seems that they are having problems and cameron is unwilling to commit and I assume it will change at the end of the epi when they move in together...
Probably because she is disapointed about the huddy kiss or house in general!(I believe that only wilson will found out about the kiss but I again I can't be sure!)
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over a year ago Hameronhearts said…
I actually think Cuddy and Wilson is pretty cute, but this is pretty much a bad time. haha
over a year ago oldmovie said…
I don't think Cameron will find out about the kiss, you can see how awkward House is with even Wilson discussing it so I don't think he will be blabbing about it.

Lol I like Cuddy and Wilson as well, always have.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I don't!I know its kind of harsh but I would prefer wilson with someone younger than cuddy...
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over a year ago Sheps88 said…
There is more to it. There always is. Wilson would do anything for House, especially if it concerned keeping him from getting hurt. Wilson, as an best friend should, has always known that House's relentless, cynical bombardment on Cuddy's self esteem is no simple matter. In fact, I believe House intends to keep her at arms length because he knows, better than anyone, that he has been hurt(Stacey) in the past and never wishes to relive it. But he can't resist. Why? Because her desperate desire for a child to call her own. House has always been able to give her the right answer and solve the riddle, but he doesn't know the answer to this. In my personal opinion, I think he has been offended by the whole "implantation and adoption" ordeal because somewhere deep inside, he wants to be the father of her child.
over a year ago babybell said…
i actually hate the idea of Wilson and Cuddy almost as much as i hate the idea of House and Cameron ( don't kill me either shippers, i lov you all i just don't agree with you) but for very different reasons, Wuddy because its more of a friendship, but if house weren't there thats what id ship. However if House weren't there that'd ruin the point of the show.
over a year ago babybell said…
and also... yey i got quoted!!
over a year ago pumpkinpie99 said…
i don't like the idea of wilson and cuddy either, mainly because i see them more as a brother-sister kind of relationship, and they do well keeping house at bay and also
house wouldn't be able 2 cope if they were together seriously he be reli screwed up
nah i dnt ship wuddy
over a year ago pure_rebellion said…
ahah nah im actually kinda paranoid that in the end wilson and cuddyget together :(

you no wuddy
and hsoue gets left alone with hsi vicodin and cane or worse...

Sheps88 << i love your insight of house your so right with the whole "he has been offended by the whole "implantation and adoption" ordeal because somewhere deep inside, he wants to be the father of her child. "

he so does and even if their relationship isnt going to work i think he would still want to ...
over a year ago Sheps88 said…
Well its been more than obvious that Cuddy and House have a history together. They've known each other since college, and for people their age, thats a hell of a long time. They know everything about each other, and when Cuddy runs to Wilson rather than House with her adoption news, how could he feel anything but offense? I think he is very protective of her in a distant sort of way and feels as though he cant protect her if she doesn't keep him in the loop. I think he was against the adoption from the start because he didn't want to see her get hurt and because Wilson knew about it before him, he felt betrayed. He(House) feels he has Cuddy's best interests at heart and wants no one else stepping on his turf, so to speak.
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