House M.D. I need your help for my thesis

CatiItaly posted on Oct 30, 2008 at 08:45PM
Hi guys, my name is Caterina and I'm and Italian student; I'm doing my thesis about House MD and I decided to write in your forum because you are the very motivated fan of this serie and your help could be very important for my research; what do you think about house md, what is your opinion, and why do you like or not this show?
If you want and if you can help me please send me an email at or answer in this forum or with a private message!!
Thanks in advance
Greetings from Italy!

House M.D. 3 replies

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over a year ago Miss_Cinic said…
[sorry for answering in italian, I will translate my reply at the end of the italian text]

Ciao caterina! Sono anche io italiana di Torino.
Posso dirti che è veramente il mio show preferito dal punto di vista medico e dal punto di vista di "relazioni tra personaggi".
Mi piace come ogni personaggio possa sembrare reale.
House è dotato di un carisma immenso. é affascinante ma bastardo, ma in fondo in fondo (mica troppo però) è umano, fragile, dolce e capace di amare[vedi il bacio con Cuddy]. Mi piace come viene gestito il rapporto medico paziente nei diversi casi (cameron è apprensiva, wilson è il medico modello, foreman vuole emulare house ma è troppo buono, house è house!!!!).
a parte qualche strafalcione dei traduttori italiani House è la mia serie del cuore..
ed è una delle poche serie che continua a coinvolgermi dopo diverse stagioni, lasciandomi sempre sorpresa e facendomi mettere in moto il cervello su alcune questioni di etica (come ezra powell, lo ricordi vero?quello dell'eutanasia)
spero che tu prenda un voto altissimo!!!!
Chiara aka Miss_Cinic

PS:i just told cati that house is the perfect "round character". Bastard, charming, but also sweet, fragile, a bit to love!
It lso makes me think about ethics like eutanasia (ezra powell...can you remember him?)!
over a year ago cocacola said…
Hi, I'm Katie. Personally I like House because unlike most medical shows it doesn't center around insane pairings and a ton of lovey dovey crap. House focuses on the patient with the socialties revolving around it. It also manages to focus on very deep subjects while still managing to make things humorous and witty. House if you ask me, is a very complex show...THAT KICKS GRAY'S ANATOMY'S ASS!!!! YEAHHHH!!!

greetings from New Jersey,
over a year ago pumpkinpie99 said…
Hi im charlie
There are sooo many things that i love about house. The detail that it goes into is incredible. The writers have displayed house as sarcastic ass, who is incapable of displaying his emotions. Instead, he bottles them up, and occasionally gives people glimpses of his sorrow. This is what I love about his character, he always seems to remain a mysery to us, like there is a little detail that we will never discover, so there is always an air of mystery and suspense around the show.
The character relationships are also one of my favourite aspects of the show, he differs in his attitiudes towards his co-workers, but never stops being a sarcastic bastard.
The medical approach to the show is incredible. The precision and detail that goes into every show is always amazing.
The writers always have a way of leaving us suspended from a cliff, and never fail to suprise us.
Unlike scrubs, it doesn't just focus on the characters lives (in fact, it shows us very little of their personal lives), but focuses more on the medical side of the show. Houses witty comments and snarky attitude is what keeps me watching this show, and i would say in all honesty, that i would not change a thing!!!
greetings from the UK