House M.D. I had an interesting thought today in regads to Huddy and Hameron

oldmovie posted on Oct 31, 2008 at 12:03AM
NOW...before I start, this is not an excuse for anybody, including myself, to bash any ship, or to bash any person who wants to come in here and discuss this. I just had this little brain-wave while sitting outside a dressing room waiting for a friend to try on a dress...anyways sorry you don't care about that, onto my thought.

I have noticed that Huddy and Hameron are complete opposites of a ship. Here are the "clues" I guess you could call them to why I they are opposite:

1) House is Cameron's boss, while Cuddy is House's boss. House is the dominant character in the Hameron relationship (power wise) whereas Cuddy is the dominant character in Huddy (again powerwise).

2) Cameron pushes Hameron relationship, House pushes Huddy relationship. FIRSTLY THIS IS NOT A BASH, I'M JUST POINTING OUT FACTS. Most of the Hameron moments result in Cameron talking to House about something, trying to edge him on, I mean she kissed him and asked him for a date. In the Hameron relationship, Cameron is the driving force, or the female is the driving force. Whereas in Huddy, House is the driving force, or the male is. The only reason, most of the time, Cuddy goes to see House is either to give him a case or to tell him off about something. Thier "social" visits are because House has come barging in her office or apartment.

3) Cameron wants the relationship, Cuddy is scared about the relationship. Cameron wants the relationship with House, she asked him for a date. Cuddy on the other hand, seems almost frightened of being close to House (the new promo seems to hint towards that).

4) Hameron tends to be about Cameron examining House, whereas the Huddy tends to be about House examining Cuddy. Cameron likes the probe House, find out more about him. She asks personal questions about him and has been scolded by Chase or Foreman on several occasions for doing it. House does the exact same thing to Cuddy, only his are less, how shall I put it, sugar coated.

So those are the biggest points I could think of, I just found this interesting. What do you all think about this, anything more to add? Or how about similarities....I personally couldn't think of any except the obvious things like "they both care about him". But I must repeat before thi discussion, I repeat, NO bashing! From both sides. I want an interesting conversation please..oh and limit the cap locks on your answers, it can be kind of painful to read sometimes.

House M.D. 84 replies

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