House M.D. A Summary of House from a non regular watcher

babybell posted on Nov 01, 2008 at 10:47PM
"blah blah something medical blah blah blah bad american accent blah blah something sarcastic blah
ahhh my leg
no one cares
ahhhh i live cuddy but am too sarcastic to tell her
mmmmmm pain killers"

thats pretty much the summary my brother gave of house, hes barely watched anything and he stopped watching in season 4, after non regular watching. i just found it hilarious! lol *stops sharing*

House M.D. 7 replies

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over a year ago babybell said…
after that he said
" im right no?"
i said " not the accent"
and he said " your right the accent its pretty good"
over a year ago mimika_s said…
lol BB this is so funny!
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Well, he got that House loves Cuddy so your brother is officially awesome. XD
over a year ago babybell said…
yeh.... its weird that, 'cause i never even mentioned that i ship them to him..... i mayyyy have shown him the joy promo, but still...
over a year ago pure_rebellion said…
haha lol love the bla blah blah's haha and hte hosue loves cuddy but hes to sarcastic to tell her
if you ask me your brother is a genius :D
over a year ago youngblood said…
BB, ur brothers a genius!!! oh wait, i think PR already said that!*considers memory loss**goes to BB for a consult*
over a year ago babybell said…
*pats her on the head* its okay that you all think a 16 guy you don't knows a genius!lol