amberRocks posted on Nov 05, 2008 at 10:12PM
Second spoiler form Tv-guide (Watercooler column) about huddy:
Call us cynical, but did something seem a bit eh about House's big kiss? After years of sexual tension between the curmudgeonly doc and Cuddy, the smooch should have stirred something more than heebie-jeebies. Granted, Cuddy had just lost her adoptive baby, but the kiss just didn't have spark. SPOILERWord is this twosome is gonna crash and burn, and we can't say we're sorry

Spoiler from tv guide:

Young Doctors in Love: Yes, Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) and Chase (Jesse Spencer) are still doing the deed. This week's episode reveals House's former protégés "have been dating this whole time," says Morrison. "It also reveals that they are getting more serious." Cameron doesn't make that easy. "She is willing to try to be more vulnerable," says the actress, who was formerly engaged to Spencer in real life, "but I think her admiration of House will always make it difficult for her to fully love anyone else. Without her realizing it, unrequited love has a very powerful hold over her." As for a Cameron/House hookup in the future: "I'm not sure if it will ever happen, but I'm pretty sure that Cameron would not deny him if he were to make advances." Sounds like it's time for a House (booty) call! - Ileane Rudolph
last edited on Nov 06, 2008 at 10:05AM

House M.D. 74 replies

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over a year ago amberRocks said…
And btw Morrison is a total hameron fan!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Noone is commenting because a)you don't care?
b)you want to be unspoilled?
c)you want to kill morrison?
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
Well I don't know how long it's been since you posted this, but I just found it. It's good news for the Hamerons, that someone on the cast still has hope. :)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
lol I just found it as well aR.
Great news for you guys, lol but I would assume JM would be for Hameron if she were going to be for a ship, after all Chameron does make things awkward for her.
By any chance, do you have a date for this spoiler?
over a year ago amberRocks said…
its todays fresh spoiler!(or anyway when the latest tv-guide was posted!)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
oh kk well that's good news for the Chamerons amongst us, I hadn't figured they would break Chameron up after the Itch since that was what had been speculated.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Actually,we don't know anything about chameron after epi.8.And I assume the moving forwrd in the realationship is the moving in.And in epi.8 they seem happy in a pic.Thats all we got.After that...
We'll see...
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Yes we will see.
But they did look pretty happy, I'm assuming the moving in is what happens at the end of episode 7 yes? Well here's to hoping we get to see a little bit more of them, after all this is the first episode since the end of season 3 that Cameron and Chase are actually getting significant screentime. I'm really interested to see how numero 7 plays out.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
And if anyone has seen jen's watercolour(?) interview something!(I don't know the show at all!) she definately implies that she is still hung up on house and she says that they might had sex before but the writters won't give her an answer on that.(and she says that maybe she was lying in "half-wit when she said she never had sex with him..)
I love Jen!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Actually I found the interview and its a tv-guide one!Just youtube jennifer morrison and "date added"!You know the drill!
over a year ago kellinator said…
But when would they have had sex? I'm thinking about the timeline in half-wit and it just doesn't make sense that they could have had sex in that ep or in any other ep from season 3.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
She says that maybe cameron was lying in half-wit(when she says:"thank god we didn't sleep together") and that they might have actually slept together!Nobody knows!
over a year ago oldmovie said…
I personally don't think they had sex either the only reason I think that is because if they did IT WOULD HAVE BEEN HUGE and the show wouldn't have let that storyline go on in the background. I take the same stand to the Huddies that have speculated that House and Cuddy may have been sleeping together in season 4, mainly because again it would have been huge and wouldn't have been left on the backburner. Plus aR if they did have sex, wouldn't you have felt cheated as a shipper to not have seen that? (I feel really pervy writing that)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amberRocks said…
You do have a point but let me remind you that cuddy had a misscarriege and it was not seen on screen.And this was huge too.Sometimes the show don't show (2 shows,lol!) big stuff...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago oldmovie said…
hhhmmm that is true about the Cuddy miscarriage, way to play to my weak spots lol. Well I guess we'll have to wait to see on the if there was ever Hameron sex.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I think its one of those things that we'll never find out...I believe that...
And as long we never EVER see Thouse sex and/or kiss I'm cool with the show as it is...
over a year ago Fabouluz said…
Emphasis on the unrequited love part of it XD Hameron will never happen; just be thankful she has Chase-he is way out of her league.

over a year ago kellinator said…
I agree with OM and I feel the same about the season 4 Huddy speculation, if they were having sex I would want to know, and see it!!! And if House and Cam had sex, why would she need to sleep with Chase? House and Cam didn't seem to act any differently or awkward towards eachother in season 3, and I see Cameron as someone who would want to talk her feelings because she it probably wouldn't be "just sex" to her.
over a year ago oldmovie said…
lol that's big of you aR, yes I would prefer not to have a Thouse kiss either....

Fabouluz, what you wrote was bashing so tone it down. That's just asking for a fight. Thank you.

Edit: Oh nice points there kellinator! Cameron would seem like someone who would want to talk about that sort of thing. Especially to make sure if he was jerking her around or something.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I don't mind huddy or any other ship (well,I try not to!) but just don't give me shit(not you the producers and stuff) that hameron is dead and cameron is over him and stuff!
I love that jennifer morrison said those things.
I know that a hameron relationship never gonna work(because no relationship with house involved is ever gonna work) but don't fuck my ship that had hints and moments over the last 3-4 years!
I'm glad they suddently did not delete it!
Thank you Jennifer!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amberRocks said…
And please its pointless to discuss if they ever had sex.They will never tell us...
over a year ago amberRocks said…
This is the happiest day ever!
over a year ago PotterGal said…
I'm really looking forward to seeing these Chameron scenes in ep7. I just thought that pic of them smiling at each other from ep8 was so cute. XD
over a year ago amberRocks said…
"Word is this twosome is gonna crash and burn, and we can't say we're sorry"

TV guide rules!!!!!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Noone really cares about a bad-huddy spoiler but thats ok cause I'm happy!
over a year ago MinnieMcG said…
"Question: Any info you have on House and Cuddy would be great! Will there be another kiss? -- Kourtney

Ausiello: No kissing in the immediate future, although there will be some light fondling."

Ausiello rules more! XD *does her own dance*
over a year ago amberRocks said…
The light fonding that you mention is a pic that was leaked on the net that shows cuddy fixing something on house's hair!Nothing more!
over a year ago Huddyaddict12 said…
Wait, what!
Where did you see that pic?
over a year ago PotterGal said…
It's link picture Huddyaddict12 but we don't even know whether it's real. It looks a little photoshopped. :)

Ooh..and welcome to the Spot MinnieMcG! :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blaukat said…
her hand is on the door, not his hair! XD
over a year ago Fabouluz said…
aR seriously stop with the bad mouthing of Huddyness!

over a year ago babybell said…
i think with that spoiler up there, the two are going to crash and burn one, it might as well be you writing it aR ( i know you didn't, but the bias...) if they say " ....and we can't say we're sorry " i really couldn't care less about that they think about are awesomeafied kiss or our ship because of the one sidedness of there opinions.
over a year ago Fabouluz said…

over a year ago kellinator said…
Thank you BB, that's exactly what I was thinking!!
over a year ago cocacola said…
yeah spoilers are different than speculations.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Well,their opinion its true that it doesn't matter but the spoiler its real!They are gonna crash and burn!And I'm really happy about that!And where exactly in this forum I bad mouthed huddy?Just to be clear nowhere...
And anyway,I brought you an official bad-huddy spoiler and you choose to neglete it.That your choise and I respect that.But that doesn't mean I can't be happy!
p.s:Jenifer Morrison rules!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PotterGal said…
bb - i love you hubby. I was thinking the exact same thing. What these "watercooler" people say really doesn't affect my view on the way Huddy is going to turn out at all so i just say Bring. It. On. :)
over a year ago amberRocks said…
bring what on?They are gonna talk about it in the "Itch" and then you know the usual stuff...
No big deal...
over a year ago salemslot said…
aR,xalara!Min pesei ksilo pali!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
re min me pareksigeis!den tha plakothw!Alla mou tin spane pos kanoun oti den katalavainoun!Afou to'xw to spoiler apo tv-guide!Tous malakes paristanoun?(sorry gia tin ekfrasi...)
over a year ago salemslot said…
OK,glad to hear that!You are absolutely right!Strouthokamilizoun!
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Okay, i have no clue what you just said but when i said "bring it on" i meant the tension, banter, snark, etc that just makes Huddy so wonderful. From the spoilers and promo clips and all it looks like there's going to be a lot more of it. :)
over a year ago amberRocks said…
everybody lies...(in reference to the promos and the previews...)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Fabouluz said…
aR...u badmouth Huddy, like u did just then. To quote: "Well,their opinion its true that it doesn't matter but the spoiler its real!They are gonna crash and burn!And I'm really happy about that!..."

tht if i'm not mistaken is just nastyness; no-one says that about Hameron-I admit ppl may shoot down any chance of Hameron in the future, but at least we don't do what you do. Be more respectful to this community please because I just want us all to get along and be happy, with no arguments.


over a year ago amberRocks said…
Well, as many people has said it you can't always get what you want!
over a year ago Fabouluz said…
Same to you! You can't keep putting this stuff out, about Hameron and Huddy crashing and burning etc etc and hope it will all come true the more you write about it.

I'd appreciate it if you just keep your forked tongue to yourself please, and do this bashing in your Hameron spot.

over a year ago amberRocks said…
I did not write it myself!Its a spoiler from tv-guide!How could you say such thing!Shame on you!
over a year ago Fabouluz said…
It was you who posted it on this spot-which isn't Huddy or Hameron its House MD in general.Shame on you for continuing to act so immature. All we all want is to enjoy House every week without the likes of you being nasty. I stand by every word I say.

over a year ago amberRocks said…
Oh god you did not just picking on a fight with me!
over a year ago Fabouluz said…
You misunderstand aR. I wish to prevent a fight with you for the simple reason that I believe we are all smart enough to calm down and just ENJOY THE SHOW!
