House M.D. My first order of business: House spot Family Tree

Spotty_Vision21 posted on Dec 29, 2008 at 09:48PM
I have been told the family tree here is terrifying. So I would like to make a chart of it link. But first, I need info. Post below who you are related/married to and I will put it up on here to keep track. Let's make the due date Jan. 10.

Side note: Please, keep this to House M.D. fans only. The link above refers to all of fanpop. So if you are related to someone outside of this spot, please do not post it here.

House M.D. 620 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 620

over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
I'm one step ahead of you, Spotty... *runs off to get tree*
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…

woooo =D
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
What about all of the nicknames on there? Lol. I'm known as Moose, in case anyone gets confused. :p
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Yeah it kinda went a little spaz, I might write it out here anyways.. I'm kinda bored =P I'm just sitting here, talking to Bb, wearing lots of hats and randomly laughing =P
over a year ago Spotty_Vision21 said…
Impressive, PLH. Guess my plan is scrapped, lol
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
You're welcome to do your own, it would probably look better, mine went odd =S
over a year ago Spotty_Vision21 said…
Maybe. If you could perhaps type up the info you know and give it to me I'd love you forever.
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
*deep breath*

I am married to Chandlerfan, and we have 2 children:

HuddyCrazy1331 (fruity)
heeeresjoyce (Moose)

Fruity married pumpkinpie99, and they have 3 children:

pure_rebellion, married to the now late love_not_war75 (RIP)

ilurvedward, married to HuddyLover

over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
pure_rebellion and LNW had a child, and adopted 2.

midnyte007 (cake), married to ForeverHouse88. They have one child, HouseJr (junior)

adopted: Ellen_Smile and MonkeysRule

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Meanwhile, on the other side of teh family, I have a Wilson style long lost brother, father of Babybell. Babybell is married to PotterGal. This long lost brother is also father to EnjoyHuddy, married to Anusha. They have two children:


Cuddles, married to oldmovie. They have one child, Olivine.
over a year ago HouseJr said…
Okay scratch that PLH finished up before I could XP
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
That's all I have for now, I think...
over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
I'm Cf's sister :P
And I'm married to THC (TheHiddenCane)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cocacola said…
I think I'm Chandlerfan's child of an affair...don't know who the other parent is though...
over a year ago Sweet_Pants said…
Lone wolf, simple as that, but i'd love to see how the fanpop tree will end up!
over a year ago PotterGal said…
I'm married to babybell! *hugs bb*

Oh, and HuddyCrazy1331 and kellinator are my somehow adopted sisters. XD
over a year ago Spotty_Vision21 said…
Polly, I can't get to LNW's, Ellen_Smile's, ForeverHouse88 profile or for icons. Would you have either?

Other than that it is currently up-to-date
over a year ago Spotty_Vision21 said…
Pottergal, you may want to know according to my chart you are married to your cousin. Through adoption, yes, but fyi.
over a year ago taviant said…



love_not_war_75 and pure_rebellion didn't adopt Ellen_Smile and MonkeysRule. HuddyCrazy1331 did. But they had another child which is rainbowedlife
over a year ago Spotty_Vision21 said…
Thanks muchly, taviant.
over a year ago PotterGal said…
LOL Spotty! Yeah i do realise that but heck, the House MD Family Tree is so messed up already HC, K and I didn't think that would matter too much, lol. ;)
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
Just to clarify what taviant said, lnw_75 and p_r have two children, me and rainbowedlife. Rainbowedlife is not HC1331's child. Hope that helps.
over a year ago Spotty_Vision21 said…
That's what I had, thanks midnyte.

Wow, this one is more horizontally huge rather than vertically.
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
LOL sorry for the mistakes guys =P

This is one messed up family =S
over a year ago babybell said…
pottergal is Hc's adopted sister which makes her plhs daughter which means plh is my aunt and my cousin.
over a year ago babybell said…
*hugs pg*
over a year ago cocacola said…
I just pop in there...I think HC1331 is my twin...I'm gonna find that old forum...
over a year ago Ellen-smile said…
I think. LOL.

well, mr and I are adopted twins of HC1331 and pp99. I think that was messed up, but it's acceptable since this family tree is so screwed up!
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
I married DHF on MSN last night... (at 3 am) that's about it for me... lol.
over a year ago mimika_s said…
Cuddles is my twin and tatia is my sister(and cuddle's)
over a year ago cocacola said…
so far I think I'm single...
over a year ago Ellen-smile said…
CC! will you marry me? I want a hubbY! LOL!
over a year ago codydog0317 said…
Me to....
over a year ago cocacola said…
okay! :D
over a year ago Ellen-smile said…
*breaks open a bottle of champagne*
over a year ago cocacola said…
wait a I'm married to my adopted niece...oh yay
over a year ago codydog0317 said…
Great u guys! *sigh now I have to be alone by my self *
over a year ago Ellen-smile said…
lol that's kind of sick.
don't worry codydog! You'll meet someone.
over a year ago cocacola said…
you can be our child if you want!
over a year ago babybell said…
CC are you anyones kid? *is child shopping*
i have to run this all by PG first, i was just wondering if you were interested.
over a year ago codydog0317 said…
Realy!? Thank cocacola! XD
over a year ago Ellen-smile said…
haha is PG the chief of family police?
over a year ago cocacola said…
I believe that am chandlerfan's love child...I don't know who the other parent is though....
over a year ago taviant said…
It could have been love_not_war_75 because he was chandlerfan's affair
over a year ago Ellen-smile said…
codydog, you're a girl, right? I want to be sure I can call you daughter. XD
over a year ago cocacola said…
might have been...

Babybell, how about instead of your child I can be your poker buddy! Would that work? :D
over a year ago codydog0317 said…
Yep I'm a girl
over a year ago cocacola said…
yay! A daughter! :D
over a year ago rainbowedlife said…
Eh, I tried reading the first few posts... I tried.... do I get a slap on the back or something, because that was quite frankly, horrifying. XD

Anyone want to get married? :P You know, so we can screw with other's people brains when they try to read this thread. XD Uhm, and my nickname is Sprinkes (Was christened by HC, lmfao) my sister (midnyte) is 'Cake'.
over a year ago Spotty_Vision21 said…
Hm, we *could* get married, although that would be polygamy (lesbian, too xD) on my part... *thinks*

Aw, hell with it, let's go to Vegas and get an Elvis-impersonator, shall we?