House M.D. Who else thinks Cameron is annoying?

Crow_Girl1990 posted on Jan 05, 2009 at 12:29PM
I have only seen the first two seasons of House and i'm working on the third...but Ive noticed that Cameron really annoys me. It's like she has some need to find something ethically wrong with every single patient or what they are doing to the patient. It's annoying. GRRRRRR

House M.D. 37 replies

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over a year ago waldorf said…
You're not the only one, she REALLY annoyed me in season 2 and 3! I'm starting to almost like her now, though. :p
over a year ago cicino1 said…
Cameron is sooooooooo annoying lol
over a year ago rainbowedlife said…
Someone's going to make a 'Why the (inset character name here) hate?" pick/forum (again), and I'm probably going to feel the need to defend myself (again) but... I don't really care so:

Cameron gets on my nerves, it felt like torture re-watching the first three seasons because she's somehow ALWAYS there, and some ALWAYS seems to say or do something is, quite frankly, irritating. I really, really, tried to like her in season 4... and I did, but then it's back to be annoyed with her again, even when she's getting about 2-5 minutes screening time. But she's OK, I guess, at the moment. Although I have the urge to bitch slap some annoying-character-ness out of her every now and then. :DDDDD
over a year ago Biathine said…
Haha Sprinkles! XD

Unfornutely, I kinda see myself in Cameron :P Doesn't mean I like her thought ... (I need a psychologist. Seriously. XD)
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
I'm like two parts with the Cameron thing, but I will state my opinion:
Sometimes, I find I'm able to stand her and kinda like her...... most of the time however, I want to stuff her in the janitor's closet, then ship that closet to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, with 20 chained locks on the door..... but yeah, that's me xD
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
But dont take it personally Cameron fans, I do like her sometimes ;)
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Wow this isn't bashing at all haha. I like Cameron for the most part, but I have to admit that in the earlier couple of seasons there were several instances where I felt she was a little too...I dunno...soft maybe? She hasn't annoyed me at all lately, though. She's really come a long way from that pilot episode...she's stronger and not staring at House with puppydog eyes the whole time, so that helps.
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
On a positive side, what I like about Cameron is how she is starting to come out of her shell per say. I think I may actually start liking Cameron even more- which is good for all of us xD
But in my marathon I saw how much Cameron has changed, and I must give her credit because she has changed in a very good way, and I like the way things are going with her character so far :)
over a year ago Evrythingmaters said…
ummm... I think maybe starting a whole forum on how much you dislike one particualar character is slightly.... insensitve.. maybe?

Personally i love Cameron, especially earlier on when she was all innocent and 'caring till her eyes popped out'

and she doesnt find something ethically wrong with EVERY SINGLE patient, just when there is actually something that needs to be pointed out. House needed that, a reminder that the patient is actually human, not just a puzzle.

I know a lot of people find her anoying and say she is too whiney, but seriously whining?? She doesnt do the whole tone of voice thing and if you think shes bad then everyone is in for a big shock if they ever have a five year old kid!!

I was going to ignore this thread but shes my favourite character and so im defending her!!
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LindaF555 commented…
Yes, Evrythingmaters. Whiny. For example: While the team was trying to find out what was wrong with their patient, she wasted time WHINING about her stupid paper. over a year ago
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Cameron is awesome!She is better than Foreman and Taub combined!
And Jennifer Morrison is an extraordinary actress!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
I luv JM!!!! ^^
She and LE make an amzing duo in the Valley Girls specials in the DVDs XDDDDDD
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
I don't think Cameron is annoying.
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
I used to be rlly annoyed but its becoming good though :)
over a year ago Sweet_Pants said…
Ok, i HATED Camy in seasons 1-3. Than she started being ABIT more bearable in seasons 4 and 5. In THE ITCH, i was actaully suprised to find that i kind of liked her for the first time.
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
I loved her in The Itch!!
over a year ago Sweet_Pants said…
me too HC!
and, Em, i think you mean that SAYING that you dont like someone so much in insensitive, right? Please correct me if im wrong
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
i think she meant tht she found the bashing insensitive SP. however, im with 2 sides on the cameron thing, and stating opinions as long as its not hurtful or insulting, then ur good. but the forum was started sorta as a cam bash type of thing. am i making sense here? xD
over a year ago Sweet_Pants said…
Dont worry, HC!
Ur making sense as far as i know, but i dont usually make sese, so...
jk, jk!
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
well anyways, im leaving this forum now tht i stated my opinion lol. :)
over a year ago kellinator said…
I found Cam extremely annoying during seasons 1-3, but I find her sort of tolerable now. I do like how she has grown since the first season, and she has changed for the better. However, I hate that the writers are giving her Cuddy's job (even if it's only for one ep), I think I might start hating her again.
over a year ago Olivine said…
Which caracter isn't annoying every now and then?

And I agree with Evrythingmatters, I also loved the innocent Cameron from season 1 and 2 :]

But most of the people (~80% i would say) only hate her because they are huddy shippers :p
She is in the first place hated, because she simply "got in the way of huddy", not because of her character.
That's at least the impression I have.
over a year ago PotterGal said…
As a Huddy shipper who dislikes Cameron i just feel like i have to put in my two cents following Olivine's comment above about Huddy shippers (most of them anyway) hating Cameron. :)
So, yeah, i ADORE Huddy but that's definitely not the reason why i dislike Cameron. In fact, i think hating a character just because he/she gets in the way of your favourite ship is quite immature really.
So. i didn't really have a HUGE problem with Cameron in s1 but as the seasons wore on i felt as though she was becoming too...insistent and demanding, generally acting as though she thought she was the only one who knew what was best for House and always using that thought to get up in Wilson and Cuddy's face about him.
I don't really have a big problem with her right now, in s5, but i think that's just because she's hardly on screen. Maybe it's obvious i'm not looking forward to the upcoming "Cameron is Dean" thing.. ;)
I'm not bashing by the way guys, just stating my opinion. There is a moment when i have liked Cameron a lot and that was in the s5 premiere when she had that talk with Wilson. I thought that showed her growth from her character in s1. :)
over a year ago huddyislove said…
I like Cameron, but I don't like the fuss that she made when she wanted to date House. And she was like just hitting on him through seasons 1 and 2. Now, I like her with Chase.
over a year ago rainbowedlife said…
Right. I'm sorry if I seemed like I was bashing. But people who know me well enough should now I was just joking... And I'm sorry it's your assumption that huddy-shippers dislike a character because he/she gets in the way of house/cuddy, Olivine. I'm really, really sorry you think that. I did feel my intelligent was a bit insulted but... whatever.

I didn't like when she got into Wilson & Cuddy's face, pressuring them about House-related things. They're her superiors, and although I admire (Well, maybe not the right word.) her nerve... it just made me cringe every time.
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over a year ago Evrythingmaters said…
HC your right!! XDDD starting a whole forum on 'who agrees that cameron is anoying' is a bit insensitive on the people who like her... its a bit too like bashing for my liking.

I was expecting this to be a whole load of 'I hate cameron' posts but im pleasently surprised to find that most of you guys are putting forward your oppinion of her in a very non-bashing way and with examples so thank you for being nice!!

but me reckons that if I started a forum 'who else thinks cuddy is annoying' there would be great uproar and rage from practically the whole spot..... hmmmm
(im not going to btw!)
over a year ago babybell said…
you better not ;p
over a year ago Olivine said…
well, it happened so often that i heard people talking about cameron and all they said was how much they hated her because she got in the way of huddy :(
and they keep saying she is ridiculous and even "stalking" him....i fell in love with him, why is that ridiculous..can happen to anyone and she clearly wasn't stalking him.
over a year ago rainbowedlife said…
I didn't like how she was pushy and demanded answers from people she should not even be talking to, really, but that's all. lol, i don't know. maybe she just gives off the annoying vibe to some people - me included-. XD

and like everywhere, there's going to be some people saying blatant things like that. 'omg cuddy's so in the way of hameron=tru luv' or 'cameron sux she's in the way of huddy so much omg die'

over a year ago Evrythingmaters said…
LOL dont worry bb! I wouldnt do it...

... yet anyway, maybe when things get a bit quiet and boring around here.. :P

Yea I agree about the stalking Olivine, she really wasnt!!
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over a year ago Evrythingmaters said…
Fair enough!! we all have different things that bug us!
Though I cant see how she can be annoying to anyone cause she is so awesome! :P
over a year ago rainbowedlife said…
I agree. :D Just for the sake of agreeing, that is.
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
Well, in that case, I'll disagree for the sake of disagreeing. xD j/k

Cameron really is awesome. xD
over a year ago babybell said…
let me clear something up, the 'stalking' is a joke. And it's not the i don't like Cameron on principle of Huddy, i just don't like Cameron, there a millions of times where i think thats really... just kinda,... not qualities i'd look for in a friend in the episodes.
over a year ago rainbowedlife said…
I didn't want to defend myself. But yay, you did it for me! :D
over a year ago Olivine said…
i didnt mean to attack anyone :S ...or why is everyone suddenly defending themselves? XDD
over a year ago sofly22 said…
i love cameron...think chase is kinda annoying