House M.D. House Lovers Thread

nandacavalieri posted on Jan 10, 2009 at 01:55PM
Welcome to HLT ;)

I noticed that we don't have a thread to actually just talk and since TFW (The Friends Whatever) and LLT (Leyton Lovers Thread --> from where I took this thread name) work so well I though I could create one here too.

I asked PG (PotterGal) she said "that's a great idea! Because there are so many people in the House Spot that just love to talk and talk and talk. LOL! You should do it!" so, here I am.

I know many of you know each other a lot, but I don't and I think this is the oportunity to know you guys better :)

So TALK! About anything, happy moments, sad moments, House, TV, your life, anything!

House M.D. 440 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 440

over a year ago PotterGal said…
Woot! *throws confetti*
Really though, you talkers know who you are! ;)
I like this idea a lot!
over a year ago Biathine said…
*catches confetti*


What am I supposed to do with it?

*throws confetti* XD

I like the idea too! XD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Biathine! Hey! How're you doing? :D
LOL, what else do you do with confetti other than throw it? *ponders this thought*
over a year ago Biathine said…
Hey! XD Thanx, I'm great. I'm supposed to be studying, but nobody's home so ...:P

How are you PG ??? :)

And I don't know. To be honest, I don't really know how does confetti looks like. I only know you can throw it :P *feels dumb* :P
over a year ago PotterGal said…
LOL! I'm supposed to be finishing my last minute holiday homework but apparently that's going really well. XD
REALLY? You haven't seen confetti before? How about parties or weddings you've been to? We have to fix this for you!
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
REALLY? You haven't seen confetti before? How about parties or weddings you've been to? We have to fix this for you! --> agree! Confetti is really popular in Brazil in Carnaval time... they're like the spirit of Carnaval...
over a year ago Biathine said…
Lol, no ... maybe I've seen it, but didn't know it's IT!? o.O XD
I've seen rice on weddings and baloons and cakes and beer on parties, but no confetti. I think it's just not popular here :P (No, I don't sit in front of computer all the time :PP )XD
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Awww...well balloons and cake AND BEER can totally make up for that total lack of confetti! LMAO. *gives Biathine a beer even though she herself is underage*
And nanda, i agree, when i think of weddings, i think of confetti, it really is the spirit of a party, lol.
over a year ago Biathine said…
*takes beer* YAAAY!!! XD

Okay .. let's say that when I will make a party I will definitely have a conffeti! XD
And I will have a SPIRIT party! Yaaay!
*is drunk* (my boyfriend always says I'm a cheap date :P)

over a year ago PotterGal said…
LMAO. Spirit parties sounds awesome! That should so be a new "thing". XD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
=O an hour of silence! That can't do!

*yells blowhorn*

You know, whoever invented the blowhorn is a retard. You don't blow through it and it's not a horn! =P
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
no kidding, and every freakin graduation ive ever been to someone brings in those damn things and they are loud as hell...then they get kicked out b/c its against the rules to bring em
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
LMAO Biathine
over a year ago Biathine said…
Hehe :P Well, since I already ruined my reputation, what's blowhorn? MY vocabulary doesn't know it :P
(And I know just blow job)
*feels dirty* XD
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Anyone here?

Do you guys mind introduce yourself, 'cause I don't know many people here
over a year ago Biathine said…
ME! XD I'm Biathine, you can call me B or how do you want :P I'm 15 and I love Wilson. And I don't know what confetti are. So that's me :P
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Hi B! So, favorite House ship? Where do you live?

I'm Fernanda, you can call me Nanda, Monica, Susie, Nada, Susan, Anda, NC... or whatever. I'm 16 and I live in BRazil
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
Im Ali, live in Omaha can call me...Ali lol
I love House and Stacy 8-D ( i miss that on the back burner i love Wilson next)
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over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
hahaha Ali :)
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over a year ago HouseJr said…
I'm HouseJr, everybody calls me Junior. I'm 14 and I love House, Wilson and Cuddy. I love to write fanfics and hate homework XD I live in the old US of A, Florida to be exact and I love this spot because it's so friendly. I've made so many good friends in the short time I've been here and I hope the same happens for you Nanda!
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
lol i feel like an idiot...what's ship? *thinks it means relationship???*

and Nebraska SUCKS!!!! (i use to live in Iowa...that wasnt much better!) i hate winter and snow!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HouseJr said…
yes it does mean relationship basically, it's what 2 characters you want together. Like I want House and Cuddy to be together aka Huddy. Or my favorite ship name (and one of my ships) 13 and Foreman aka 14 or Foreteen
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
thats what i figured...and im gonna say House and Stacy (even though she's gone...for now) ;-) so...Hacy???lol if not them then Huddy. favorite Bromance...Hilson.
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
I've made so many good friends in the short time I've been here and I hope the same happens for you Nanda! --> Thanks Junior :)

I have been in Florida once :)
Since you're American you'll have to live with my many grammar mistakes, I hope that is okay
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Hacy? Weird name...

Why every single person I know is Huddy?? I feel so lonely...
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
I love Hilson friendship ;)
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
what ship are you...Huddy is my 2nd choice...and got anything better sounding for House+Stacy??
over a year ago Biathine said…
Don't worry, there are hamerons as well. amberRck, rose2... I live in Czech republic, that's in middle europe :P And I basically ship ships that are happening on the show and I'm wilson-obssesed :P
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
So I think they should do a flashback ep, like 3 stories, but later, with like Amber in it again, and make it crazy sad, like she found out she was preg and was gonna tell Wilson the night she got into the bus crash...but when she finds out she wont live, she decides not to tell him cuz it will destroy him more...but she does tell house...and now House knows that he killed Wilson's shot for a family. :-( ...or something like that lol
posted 3 hours ago.
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
We have this thing on TFW (The Friends Whatever) that every first reply in a page is a CPerkage. It's fun 'cause we try to get it and we get excited when we get them... what do you think of having them here? We would have to come up with a name too ('cause CPerkage is related to Friends)
over a year ago HouseJr said…
Yeah there are a lot of Huddys here, ti gets overwhelming at times

Oh and I believe (no matter how wierd it sounds) Hacy is the offical name for the House Stacy ship though I guess it could also be Stouse? And yes as a friendship I also love Hilson!
over a year ago Biathine said…
ME too! hilson 4 ever! XD

I think some people also say Heacy, but I'm not sure :P
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Don't worry, there are hamerons as well. amberRck, rose2... --> yes, but I don't really know them. From here I know: PG, CF, HC and Suu
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
whats a CPerkage??? i dont get it...
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
So I think they should do a flashback ep, like 3 stories, but later, with like Amber in it again, and make it crazy sad, like she found out she was preg and was gonna tell Wilson the night she got into the bus crash...but when she finds out she wont live, she decides not to tell him cuz it will destroy him more...but she does tell house...and now House knows that he killed Wilson's shot for a family. :-( ...or something like that lol --> I think I would feel bad in this episode. I cried so much in the season 4 finale, that would kill me
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
im really getting alot of work done..haha i love this job (i sit here 10 outta 12 hours blogging/ "Fanpoping" and i get paid for it *ROCKS!
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
thats the point though...i cried like a baby too...but i think id be good storyline.
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
whats a CPerkage??? i dont get it... --> The first reply in the page, like my first reply in this page (btw, I almost wrote CPerkage). It used to be winnage, but we couldn't use it anymore (copyright issues and silly fights). So we changed to CPerkage (if you watch Friends, CPerkage --> Central Perkage --> Central Perk + winnage)
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
im really getting alot of work done..haha i love this job (i sit here 10 outta 12 hours blogging/ "Fanpoping" and i get paid for it *ROCKS! --> lmao
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
i think id be good storyline. --> yes, it's awesome ;)
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
ive seen Friends but not enough to know much bout what the 1st reply in a page has to be special or something? how do you know if its the first reply in a page? or are you talking bout the 1st reply in general of a fourem?
over a year ago HouseJr said…
It would be so cool to fanpop for a living! I'd be rich! XD
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
so what the 1st reply in a page has to be special or something? how do you know if its the first reply in a page? or are you talking bout the 1st reply in general of a fourem? --> 'Cause you can see... I'm awful explaining something...
The thread has pages right? In the 2nd page I was the first that replied. Do you understand?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
It would be so cool to fanpop for a living! I'd be rich! XD --> hahahah me too
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
thanks for the prop Junior :)
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
yeah. haha, so whoever made the thread is the 1st one to reply on a page. that right?
over a year ago Biathine said…
Me too! XD
over a year ago HouseJr said…
Your welcome. I have to go eat lunch before my stomach kills me for not feeding it XD I'm gonna use the opurtunity to watch a House epi from my DVD so I'll be back in about an hour, bye for now!
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
haha, so whoever made the thread is the 1st one to reply on a page. that right? --> Now I don't know if I understand
I never thought this could be so complicated *lmao*

Anyone can get a winnage, you just need to be the first in the page. This time was me, but next time can be you. Is that what you said?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
bye Junior :)