House M.D. Graphics Contest [Current Round: Forty-Seven]

mrshouse62689 posted on Jan 20, 2009 at 07:52PM
Welcome to the graphics contest forum! Here are the basics for each round:

1. I'm upping the number of spots to seven participants for non-icon rounds, and ten participants for icon rounds.

2. For each round, I will state the category the graphic must be in. It may be a wallpaper, icon, banner, or any other sort of graphic. If there is no specific pixel size listed for the graphic, you can make it any size you like.

3. Each round will have a theme of some sort. The themes will range from characters and ships to quotes and episodes, and everything inbetween.

4. This will be a weekly event. The image will be due by midnight (Eastern Standard Time) the Monday (as in the midnight between Monday and Tuesday) of the week the contest is held. Post the link of your uploaded image in this forum.

5. The day of the deadline, I will post a pick for the fans to decide whose graphic is best. If everyone gets done earlier than that, I'll go ahead and make the pick. There will be a time limit of three days to choose the winner. I'll announce the winner and runner-up in the forum.

6. The graphic must be an original creation made by you for this particular contest. If two people happen to enter very similar pieces, the second person will have to create something different and re-submit.

7. There is no limit on how many consecutive rounds a person can enter, and contestants are determined on a first come, first served basis. Generally, rounds fill up within about 24 hours of me posting the criteria. You are allowed to enter a round before the criteria is posted, and you may drop out of a round if needed.

8. Comments and suggestions about how to improve the contest or ideas for rounds are always welcome. Just post them in this forum. :-]

Helpful Links:

Past rounds are listed below as Round #: Category/Theme/Winner.

link: Banner/Pain/Olivine
link: Icon/Wilson/Olivine
link: Wallpaper/Huddy/housecuddy4ever
link: Banner/Chameron/Olivine & elenita_93
link: Icon/Foreteen/housecuddy4ever
link: Header/Any ship, "Yellow" lyrics/mrshouse62689
link: Wallpaper/Cast member/Cuddles
link: Icon/Kutner/HuddyCrazy1331 & blaukat
link: Comic/Old Ducklings/mrshouse62689
link: Banner/POTW/blaukat
link: Icon/Pranks/blaukat
link: Wallpaper/Trio friendship/Anna91Huddy
link: Anything/Kutner tribute/Olivine
link: Banner/Cuddy/Cuddles
link: Icon/Chameron engagement/Olivine
link: Header/Motherhood/mrshouse62689
link: Comic/Bachelor party/peasonearth1234
link Wallpaper/House at the end of season five/blaukat
link Icon/Friendship/blaukat
link Banner/You can't always get what you want/huddysmacked & EnjoyHuddy
link Header/Hugh Laurie/EnjoyHuddy
link Wallpaper/New Team/mrshouse62689
link Icon/Waiting for September/huddysmacked
link Banner/Season one/housefrk
link Header/Season five ship/misanthrope86
link Wallpaper/Quote about religion or the afterlife/InesHameron
link Icon/Inanimate object/x5mp1xp1nx22x
link Banner/The episode "Three Stories"/oldmovie
link Header/Wilson/Bery
link Icon/Season six promo/Olivine
link Wallpaper/House crossover/misanthrope86
link Banner/Season six cast photos/InesHameron
link Header/Episode that takes place outside PPTH/Bery
link Icon/The episode "Alone"/Bery
link Banner/Spot banner/Anna91Huddy
link Wallpaper/The episode "Broken"/Aivi
link Header/Happiness/Bery
link Icon/Foreman/Aivi
link Banner/Cameron/lovehousemd_frv
link Wallpaper/Favorite season four episode/Aivi
link Header/Jealousy/PotterGal
link Icon/Taub & Thirteen's absence from PPTH/Aivi
link Banner/Something House is thankful for/Aivi
link Wallpaper/Favorite POTW/misanthrope86
link Header/Lucas & Cuddy/Aivi
link Icon/Winter holiday/TBA

Category: Anything larger than an icon
Theme: Whatever you want that's related to House MD
Due Date: December 21, 2009

Current Participants (0/7):
last edited on Dec 17, 2009 at 02:46AM

House M.D. 1078 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 1078

over a year ago thirteen_times said…
Cool, Count me in
over a year ago housefrk said…
I'll give it a shot

Question: does it have to be made especially for this or can it have been made already.
over a year ago house_amy2 said…
Seems fun. XD. Can't wait to see the different entries!!!
btw, I'm not particpating,I suck at designing banners! lol.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Ehhh I dunno housefrk. What does everyone else think?
over a year ago Olivine said…
i think it should be made especially...but that's just my opinion
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Olivine said…
oh and can i participate as well? :DDD
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
I was leaning towards that, Olivine. And yes, you can participate.

Need 2 more participants!
over a year ago Olivine said…
big smile
hahaa, my banner is already done xD
*feels even more like a photoshop whore* Oo
over a year ago thirteen_times said…
So, when we have finished what do we do?
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
To officially answer your question, housefrk, it must be made FOR the contest.

When you're done, post the image in the fanart section and post a link in this forum.

We still need one more person (I've decided to participate as well)!
over a year ago Olivine said…
harhar :D it too early to post the picture?
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
I suppose it's never too early to post the image haha. I didn't expect people to get these done so quickly...on that note, do you think this should be weekly instead of bi-weekly?
over a year ago Olivine said…
hm i think weekly would be cool, making ONE picture doesn't take me that long, but I don't know what other people think
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Olivine said…

that's mine
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Here's mine:

I really like yours, Olivine.
over a year ago house_amy2 said…
Wow, both banners are really good.
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Thanks! I can't wait to see what the others come up with.

Still need one more person...
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
over a year ago thirteen_times said…
This my entry for the Graphics Contest
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Why the :-| face?
over a year ago thirteen_times said…
Because I think mine is bad compared to yours and Olivine's
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Aww sad. :-[ I like yours and I'm not even a Thirteen fan so that should tell you something haha. And I haven't even figured out how to properly blend two images (without cutting them out and putting them on a background) the way you did.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
I'll enter as the 5th person, if no one else wants to.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
It can be any size right? As long as it is banner shaped? It doesn't have to be 800x100 (spot banner size) does it?
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Yep. Any size, as long as it's a banner.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Ok coolio!

Here is my lame-ass contribution:

Didn't have much time to put any real thought into it, but this was probably the only chance I had of getting it done.
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
big smile
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
over a year ago Olivine said…
i'm the only one who tought the banner had to be 800 x 100 xDDD oops
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Ummm EH we already had five people for this one. :-\ But if housefrk doesn't submit theirs on time, yours will take its place.

over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
sorry, I thought there had to be AT LEAST 5 people, not 5 people counted....I'm really sorry....
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Oh it's no problem at all.
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
So has anyone heard from housefrk lately?
over a year ago housefrk said…
Sorry mine's last minute. I've been a little busy. I started all my new second semester classes this week so it's been kind of hectic

Mine is here, but it's not as good as you guys'
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Yayyyy now I can make the pick to determine the winner! And it's not a problem's on time, that's all that matters.

EDIT: Here's the pick to determine the winner. I thought everyone did a great job with their banners. Everyone keep an eye out for round two of the contest (criteria posted tomorrow).
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Criteria for round two is listed in the forum topic entry. Comment if you want to participate.
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
Count me in :)
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
big smile
M! Me! I'm gonna icon the HELL outa Wilson!
over a year ago Olivine said…
Can I do it again or not?
over a year ago housefrk said…
Can I do it again too?
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
I guess haha. I reckon we're going with first come, first served.

So we just need one more person (if you miss out, don't worry. Wilson will come up as a theme in another round, I'm sure).
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
Oh, pick me, pick me. xD. I so want to make another Wilson icon.
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Sure midnyte.

We have 5 participants, so no more entries. I'll post a pick for the winner whenever everyone gets their icons submitted.
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
So Olivine officially won the first round (well, the pick doesn't close for another 18 hours or so, but she's got about 60% of the votes haha). Congrats Olivine! And I was the runner-up.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Olivine said…
thanks :DDDDD
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
housecuddy4ever dropped out of the Wilson icon round due to technical we need one more contestant! Comment if you want to join.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
big smile
Congratulatory high-five to Olivine!
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Here is my Wilson icon for round two!


I had a much, MUCH better idea, but I couldn't find a screencap of the moment that I wanted anyway! So y'all will have to make do with my Buzz Lightyear reference instead!
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
Here's my Wilson icon xD

over a year ago housefrk said…
