House M.D. Kristin's spoiler (THE spoiler)...your thoughts

x5mp1xp1nx22x posted on Mar 20, 2009 at 09:17PM

"It's not the most likely candidate—not by a long shot.
It's not someone who has been rumored to be leaving."

i read that, all i said was "damnit!"
cuz that means its not thirteen

damn damn damn.

now it IS lookin like Taub...or Kutner
still tinsey chance its Foreman, but i think its more likley taub or Kutner...damn.

ser! thats all i can say
i like taub!

...Tauby will be SOOO disopointed!


And hmm...where is Kutner in all these spoiler ep pics??

continnue with these thoughts!
last edited on Apr 01, 2009 at 08:35PM

House M.D. 325 replies

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over a year ago kellinator said…
To say I am absoultely floored by this spoiler would be an understatement. I was not expecting someone to die. Ok my two top choices are Taub and Kutner, partly due to process of elimitation. Taub is very likely for the obvious reasons presented in Here Kitty. Also, Taub's death might make House incredibly guilty, since he has been pushing Taub this whole season. It might make him rethink how he treats people. But, I remember a PJ interview where he said that he would get to work more with JM and JS, which leads me to believe that Taub is alive when Chameron come back to the team. I am assuming that Chameron come back because of this suicide, so if PJ gets to work with them, Taub can't be dead. I think Kutner would be much more shocking though, I mean he always seems so happy.
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
yeah they said it was supossed to be unexpected and quick, like there is NO leads into it.

man, whatever is is...its gonna be BIG, and shocking to the HOUSE MD WORLD
over a year ago housefrk said…
There are several characters that it cant' be. House, Wilson, and Chase are all signed for multiple seasons' after this and we have spoilers about Cuddy and Cameron next season. Thirteen is the most likely candidate, so it's not her.

Regarding Foreman We have a spoiler about Thirteen and Foreman continuing to date through the end of the season, suggesting that they are still dating when the season ends, suggesting that they are both still alive when the season ends.

Based off this, it could be Kutner or Taub. I don't know what to do. I love them both.

It needs to be Monday so I can go obsess about it with my friends. Why do all the really big spoilers always come out on Fridays?
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
I'll just recycle my theory:

I just thought of something... what if Kutner's death shows House the dangers of carrying around guilt? Keeping things carefully hidden and letting them simmer for years? (Kutner's dead parents... House's youth, Amber, Infarction) and he suddenly feels forced to let all of it out because House just doesn't want to die that way?(after years of pain for both of them it's such an easy exit)

Secluded, private, troubled, damaged House letting things out? Hell, that'd break me down! I mean he pushed everything as far away as he could and it just comes rushing back over him? That would break even House!

And... it shows House that it doesn't matter whether he has friends or a lover for as long as he carries this around with him: he could, suddenly decide that it's just too much regardless of his apparent happiness. And that is something he's been extensively searching for this season and all the seasons before this one; what if he, despite decreased pain, a friendship, a lover, still isn't happy just because of his past, his guilt and all his troubles? He's been taught from a very young age that showing emotion is wrong... and now [i]not showing emotion is either stealing his future or... lethal?

He'd be trapped. He would either have to change dramatically and defy everything that has ever been instilled into him or let his own fears drag him down. They did say that they would get deeper into House's psyche, didn't they? Well... House is scared of change, he's scared of showing emotions and mostly in denial about them... so now they are there, they're ugly and present and he just can't take that.

But he does have to communicate these things to people to simply cope.

It's a mental affair, it's not just for the drama, it's reasonably cataclysmic... and in some screwed up way, it's actual progress for House.

So, that concludes my rant!
over a year ago house_amy2 said…
I think it'll be Kutner. :(
I narrowed it down to Kutner and Taub. (I'm assuming the Ausiello spoilers also refer to the death on House)
I think Taub is the more likely out of the two to commit suicide (considering his past), and for that reason I think it'll be Kutner.
The spoilers stated how it would be a complete shock-
"It is someone who will shock you". I don't think Taub commiting suicide would shock me as much if Kutner commited suicide. Kutner's happy- go nature makes him seem like one of the least likely characters who would commit suicide.

Other characters:
House- As shocking as it would be if House was killed off, I just don't think the show would work without him...
Cuddy- If they killed Cuddy off..... I would personally "attend" to KJ and DS. On a more serious note, if they killed Cuddy off, I really think a lot of people would stop watching the show (they have to take into consideration viewer numbers when kill characters off shows ..right??)
Wilson- I initially thought he would be killed off. But RSL's contract make it seem less likely. He also had that Amber arc last season, so I think season 5 end might focus on another character...
Chase- JS has confirmed he'll be around for season 6
Thirteen- "It's not the most likely candidate" Definitely not Thirteen then.
Foreman- Possibly. But I've read spoilers somewhere that not much changes with 14 at the end of season 5. And if Foreman died, that would end 14.
Cameron- Doubt it. JM has not gotten that much screen time this season, so if they killed Cameron off, the shock impact wouldn't be as large.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago teardrop said…
Not 13, not House, Wilson is House's other half, conceptually, so not him.

Taub and Kutner are likely, but would that really be that shocking? And i don't think it's just because i personally do not care for either, but i just don't think the public would be that emotionally attached to them and that their disappearance would rock anybody's world. I do like K's idea that Taub dying could be a bit of a wake up call for house but i am not that convinced.

I reckon it's much more likely to be one of the original characters, and i know that they all seem to have contracts but can we really trust that bit of info? it's likely to be a smokescreen, especially if they want to kill someone important. Foreman, yes, but he already nearly died once, and again, would that really be that shocking? I mean, would that really be that shocking for House? After all he's the main character, it's gotta be someone who's important to him.

I am sorry guys (especially OM) but my money's on Cuddy. After they do the deed, of course. Enough to make House flip, guaranteed.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yunioshi said…
if LE is off the show, i don't know what i'm gonna do with myself. but if taub does go i don't think he'll commit suicide cause i was just remembering painless and how he was talking about "his friend" who tried to commit suicide and how much it affected him. You guys are scaring me so much for whose ever death this is going to be. ahhh if it is Cuddy oh my goodness, this is just really scaring me. i hope they get it over with so i can go back to thinking about things that are actually happening in my life instead of devoting all of my time to thinking who it could be and the repercussions; especially if it's cuddy or wilson. ... yikes... :(
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Here are my thoughts, as much as I hate them:

Not House (obviously!).
Not Wilson (RSL has signed on for a couple more seasons).
Not Chase or Cameron (They have contracts too and we have already had some indictation that they will feature more prominantly next season).
Not Cuddy, Thirteen, Foreman or Taub (because they have all been rumoured to be leaving).
So that leaves...


over a year ago housefrk said…
Oh my gosh, it was rumored that Taub was going to leave. Crap! Not Kutner!!!
over a year ago RP_Puzzle said…
Ok I think there are two solid facts in this debate.

1. It's NOT Cuddy

Why? Cause THC reminded everyone of this spoiler in a pick about it:

Though exec producer Katie Jacobs played dumb when I asked her about the rumored departure at press tour, Cuddy ain't goin' nowhere. Trust me. That's not to say that there aren't big changes ahead. Hugh Laurie teased, "House undergoes some pretty traumatic stuff in the last half of the season. Not physical but mental. They have lined it up for something fairly cataclysmic, but not, cataclysmic just for the sake of being disastrous, and not just to end the season on a crazy note." So Marcia Cross isn't gonna blow up the hospital? Er, no. "Stuff doesn't blow up," he promises. "I hope we never blow things up, ever. This event is sort of contained within House's head, [but] it is exciting."

2. Whoever it'll be, it'll probably be by suicide.

Why? Cause Kristen and Ausiello put death spoilers up on the same day. Coincidence? I dunno. Ausiello said it's in a show not on the death list he made and it's a show they're obsessed with. I'm thinking they're obsessed with House...on a lot of his spoilers, he has extensive interviews with the creators and other cast and puts House spoilers first.

So on that note, my opinion:

Gotta be Kutner. They already hinted at Taub leaving and they said there was no lead-up. There's none with Kutner, except maybe the death cat freaking him out. And see other people's thinking on why it wouldn't be anyone else.

I find THC's House breakdown analysis awesome and probably correct. However, I would like to hear theories on how the suicide happens. Noose, too much morphine, car in the garage, etc.

I keep picturing Kutner hanging on a noose, but they have done noose suicide before, so it may be something else.

I also liked salemslot's fake suicide idea, thinking they'll go the Sherlock Holmes route, where Holmes fakes his own death. I dunno why House would want to do that though. And it's unlikely cause they say the cast is basically the same and it wouldn't be basically the same without House.

Also does anyone think the suicide is just in House's head? Come next season we find out they really didn't die? Unlikely, but...*shrug*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago housefrk said…
I keep picturing Kutner's hand with a gun, kind of like in Dead Poet Society. I don't know why.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Oh my god that scene in DPS rips my heart out.
over a year ago RP_Puzzle said…
So hope my TV plays that movie on a channel sometime and I catch it playing on said channel.

Ah gun...hmm... But I agree with twiny's first post...gosh dang it that it's not Thirteen or Foreman!
over a year ago housefrk said…
I know. We watched it in English class and we all cried. Especially those of us who watch House
over a year ago CSIAly said…
I still can't believe it. Death. Really? I've read about this spoiler since it came out and am still trying to figure it all out, as I've just read about all this "suicide" buisness. And yet, I am still unnerved. Perhaps I'm still just grieving Amber's death, which makes it seem a little crazy to have ANOTHER death occur just after the previous season finale, but maybe I'm digging a little too deep? Well, nonetheless I hope to the dear, sweet, Lord of all that is Mercy that it is not Kutner!! :'(
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
I have been investigating some more, since someone posted all the spoiler links in the Foreteen Spot, seemingly suggesting that it will be one (or both?) of them, so I thought maybe I had missed something. Anyway, I know that there is a major storyline on 'Grey's Anatomy' in which someone has cancer (is that right? Not a 'Grey's' fan so I don't really care anyway...) and they also aren't included on Ausiellio's Death Chart, so I'm thinking that the suicide spoiler is 'Grey's' related. I could be very wrong though. Like I said, I hate 'Grey's Anatomy' so I don't have any idea what is going on in it. But from what I understand, the suicide spoiler fits better with that show. Any thoughts?
over a year ago housefrk said…
Hopefully. I don't' watch Grey's so I haven't the slightest idea about any of their characters, but that sounds like it fits better than someone one House just randomly doing it. Maybe I'm biased, because I really don't want to see Kutner kill himself
over a year ago yunioshi said…
unfortunately i do watch greys and so it's not going to be the person that has cancer biting the dust because we know she's leaving the show along with another cast member and the part in the spoiler it being shocking would not be shocking since we know they are leaving. buttttt that's not to say that it couldn't be someone else on the show. and i would MUCH MUCH MUCH rather have someone die on greys than on House. Seriously, i'll probably watch grey's till its over but they totally jumped the shark with the ghost sex.
which reminds me anyone think the traumatic stuff how will be going through have to do with ambers return?!?!
over a year ago rosehustle1 said…
I initially thought suicide too but now I'm thinking what if it's more random and shocking than that? What if Kutner is murdered by some petty thug in a similar manner to how his parents died. I could see something like this happening when he goes to search a patient's house and someone else who wasn't supposed to be there shows up. Maybe Taub is with him and gets hurt too, but Kutner dies from a more fatal wound. Thus, Taub is forever haunted by Kutner's death and how it may have kept him alive. Also Taub would probably wish he had appreciated the friendship more and finally stop being selfish. It would also hit House hard because he sent Kutner into a dangerous situation, much like he did with Foreman in Euphoria.
Key Reasons This Would Impact All The Characters:
Kutner is a humorous and sweet guy. No one realy dislikes him.
He has been through tremendous tragedy but he chooses to believe in the good in people.
He's one of the more lovable fellows and even has a good repore with Chameron and Wilson.
I think that losing such a good and harmless person in such a violent way would really make all the characters look at the manner in which they are opening themselves up to others.
over a year ago laughingGrl said…
the obvious: can't take house out of house. wilson- new contract + hes house's 1/2 cuddy- if cuddy isn't there how can more huddy stuff happen and they are having huddy happen! chase & cameron - both will be getting more screen time & their relasionship is gunna develop. 14 - their relasionship is also developing soo they have to be alive for the developing!!

okay so kutner and taub are left. i think if they die it would be less of an impact if any of the original people died and 13 is majorly part of foreman so they rly need her. i read that most of you think having kutner die is the least expected. so then if he does die, we kind of will expect it...and we can see taub dying so that's why he won't die, but what if they do wat we think is so obvious that is cant happen!! maybe im just over analyzing this

but everything above makes so much im just lost.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
it CANNOT be kutner :'((((((((((((((((((((((
over a year ago RP_Puzzle said…
Lol I see your point laughingGrl. Yeah if it's not Kutner, I'm going to be very, very shocked cause I'm convinced it is.

Nice rosehustle1 that would be an awesome way for Kutner to go! I hope it's not suicide, but it seems to be...
over a year ago PotterGal said…
One of my friends on LiveJournal, cryptictac, told me she found some new spoilers for the finale which pretty much (in my opinion) confirms who it could be..i think..

*********MAJOR SPOILERS************

Apparently there's a casting call in the finale for a Hindu priest. The casting call said the person would need to know how to recite the Vedas, sacred Hindu scriptures....

so KUTNER.....i am going to cry
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Oh my god THAT FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
over a year ago PotterGal said…
I KNOW. I am so SAD AND CONFUSED AND WTF. I don't even know anymore. WHY??
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…

*stares at sis's icon xD*
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
In all seriousness, I love 'House'. I love what David Shore has done with the show.

But I don't understand this.
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
There has to be a logical explanation.
over a year ago PotterGal said…
I don't understand this either. What would really come of Kutner commiting suicide? I mean really, KUTNER?
Are we sure that the suicide spoiler was was for "House"?
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
I'm not convinced that the suicide spoiler is linked to 'House'.

When Amber died, I saw the point. They wanted to test the House/Wilson relationship, as well as set up Thirteen's Huntington's diagnosis. But killing Kutner?! I'm sorry, but that is fucking bullshit.
over a year ago PotterGal said…
I completely agree. There is just no POINT. Is this why they have kept Kutner so on the "down-low" this season. I hope to God that's not the reason why we've seen the least character development from him. I just hate all of this.
And for a show that in the first few years never killed off main characters before having two loved characters die in two season finales seems a bit much.
I hardly ever criticise the show..actually i never do..but this is just something i can't wrap my head around.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Same here PG! I always support the show and I trust David Shore etc to do the right thing. But at this point, if our theories are correct, I can't make any sense of it.

I had prepared myself for Thirteen's departure/death and Foreman's departure. But Kutner or Taub? That is just nuts and at this point I cannot see any reason why they would kill off these 2 beloved characters.
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
K is trying to explain this to me (I've been gone all day to Canada). I'm so confused, so we're not SURE the spoiler is for House??
over a year ago Olivine said…
The shocking death will send shockwaves through the show and the fallout will be immense.

And trust me, it will shock the pants off of you.

Coincidence or clever hints???
over a year ago kellinator said…
WOW, I never realized how many times Ausiello used the word "shock." Damn I really hope it isn't Kutner, but all signs seem to point to him. I just can't seem to justify why they would kill him off. Like PG and Missy said, I have always trusted the writer, but I just don't understand this.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Shock?? OMG. o_o

But Cami, please PLEASE dont leave!!!!!!!!! :(((((((((
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
One set of spoilers said that there was going to be a death on 'House MD', and that it would be someone that 1) had NOT been rumoured to be leaving and 2) would be totally unexpected in terms of the character and how they actuallly die.

Another spoiler also came out saying that a main character on a big show was going to commit suicide.

There is no hard evidence that the 2 sets of spoilers are connected, except that they were release around the same time...
over a year ago kellinator said…
Ok, thinking about the "shock" part, I think someone possibly accidentally elecrocutes themself.
over a year ago Olivine said…
and do you remember this spoiler about kutner?

how does it fit into the whole thing ;_; kutner is going to diiiie
over a year ago PotterGal said…
There is no hard evidence that the 2 sets of spoilers are connected, except that they were release around the same time...

I find it pretty weird that the House fandom all completely and definitely think that it is a suicide death...i really don't know. Isn't someone on Grey's Anatomy dying from cancer? Izzie i think (i don't watch the show)...maybe it's her because she wasn't on Ausiello's "death list" either..
over a year ago Olivine said…
it makes no difference how kutner dies ;__;
over a year ago PotterGal said…
That's true too Cami but if it came down to the way in which he dies i'd definitely not choose suicide. EVER.
Well actually, i'd choose nothing but seeing as that's not an option...*cries*
over a year ago Olivine said…
i can see him committing suicide..i really can /:
im not sure this spoiler belongs to house though
over a year ago kellinator said…
Ahh I still dont see why they feel the need to kill anyone. I was okay with someone just leaving, because I figured it would be temporary, but why is death necessary?? This just really sucks.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
That was a theory that I suggested in an earlier comment in this forum PG. But someone said that everyone knows that that 'Grey's' character with cancer is leaving, so it doesn't quite fit the spoiler clues. At this point, I don't think the suicide spoiler is connected to House. I think it may have been a tactic to get us fans to connect the two spoilers, you know, to throw us off the scent, so to speak. But then again, I just don't know. None of us do.
In my article that I wrote, I presented some arguments as to why I didn't think the suicide spoiler was connected to House, but I came to the conclusion that it was plausible...

Yeah, I remembered that spoiler Olivine. But it seems like a more positve spoiler than him dying! And your right: how the character dies doesn't change the fact that a character is gonna die!
over a year ago Olivine said…
I'm just so sure it is kutner, im freaking, i cant even considet it being anyone else anymore Oo i dont want him to die... :(
over a year ago Olivine said…
aaaaaaaaaaaahh i found this:
Someone on ONTD said they had a friend who works on the show that said it was going to be Kutner- by suicide.

yes,of course, i know people say many things and so on, just thought i might post it here though, to add more confusion or whatever...and it conirms my thoughts that it will be kutner ;__;
over a year ago Olivine said…
but again, could fake his own death, like someone said...i could see that coming so confused
over a year ago Olivine said…
another thing i found (yes, im still spoiler hunting xD):

Two inside sources have "confirmed" that it is Kutner, that he takes his own life, that no one sees it coming and that it's very sudden.