Ichigo & Orihime Ichihime hints,proof,facts

unohana posted on Jan 02, 2013 at 11:12PM
think of some ichihime facts,proof, and facts

Ichigo & Orihime 9 replies

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over a year ago unohana said…
aizen beening spying on ichigo since he was born,yes?
Aizen kidnaps orihime. I think aizen kidnap orihime for her powers and also maybe he knew that ichigo would save her. But why orihime?^^ could it be that aizen knows who ichigo likes? (hint)
Alchemistlover commented…
XD good one over a year ago
over a year ago unohana said…
ichigo calls orihime by her last name. In japan its a sign of respect and he calls the rest of the characters by their 1st name or gives them a nick name like yamamoto he calls him "gramps". So he respects orihime^^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago unohana said…
(fact) ichigo hates it when people sit on his bed.
(hint) orihime sits in his bed and he doesnt say anything. Cute^^
over a year ago unohana said…
ichigo risk his life trying save orihime,twice.
In those two times he died orihime was the one to bring back from the dead.
over a year ago unohana said…
"The perfectly hollowfied Ichigo
ruminated over Orihime’s screams,
and was bound by only that
over a year ago unohana said…
"A total transformation to a Hollow
is neither evil nor good; it’s more
like pure power, so I made a voice of
pure-hearted power that is
unrelated, beyond the concept of
good and evil. So I scream from a
clear, pure heart, yet, at the same
time there is some sadness and
thoughts for Orihime in my head."
Morita Masakazu (Ichigo's Japanese
VA) on his voicing of Hollow!Ichigo
in the Lust chapters
reakor commented…
i just love ichihime and i feel they deserve each other, for they care deeply about each other and renji cares more about rukia. over a year ago
over a year ago unohana said…
in chapter 429 i love the part when ichigo takes orihime to his room and orihime saids"sorry i went and got the wrong idea and started worrying about you" and ichigo replies"nothing wrong with that,right? Thats part of who you and its not a bad thing"
(fangirl thinking:like saying i like you the way you are)
over a year ago Alchemistlover said…
To me it's just the many scenes that show orihime loves ichigo love= them XD
over a year ago reakor said…
ichigo does care alot about orihime, when she called out to him to not die during his fight with Grimmjow. ichigo stopped Grimmjow's blade easily and said to him that he can't take anymore injuries. he wasn't able to fight properly when orihime was tensed but as soon as she was at ease, he was at ease too.