Inheritance Cycle Sequel/Afterwards

extremereader posted on Mar 15, 2012 at 12:56AM
this comes after iheritance. i post probably sometime once a week or so. enjoy!

Inheritance Cycle 1 reply

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over a year ago extremereader said…
Ismira glanced at her mother, who pushed her forward. "it will never happen," she protested. Roran smiled. "fate has always taken an interest in our family.". Ismira glared at them but allowed herself to be pushed forwards along the other children.

This is ridiculous, she thought to herself as she tried to avoid the mobs sharp elbows. She winced as a particularly sharp extremity jabbed her in the back. With a few curses, Ismira allowed herself to be pushed up onstage with the others.

The line of glittering eggs awed her. Though she was less surprised, it helped when your uncle was a rider, than some or the others, it was still a magnificent sight. There were eggs of all colors, roughly about the same size and shape.

A violet egg caught Ismira's attention. She felt drawn towards it somehow. She stepped closer and reached out to touch the egg. An inch away from the egg, she froze, as a hairline crack appeared in the shell. Everyone else stopped as an audible crack sounded. A small hole appeared in the glossy surface of the egg, and a tiny snout peeped above the shell.

There was a pause as the small dragon worked to free itself of it's egg. Ismira stared in wonder at the baby dragon and felt a compulsion to touch the hatchling. As she reached out a second time, the dragon lifted it's snout and as they touched, Ismira felt a strange burning sensation on her palm. As she stared, dumbfounded, at the silvery marking on her hand, a tall woman rushed over.

The woman pulled Ismira aside and said in hushed tones "quickly, you must pack your things. We leave in an hour." "but, my parents?" "they must accept the inevitable. You are now a rider. Your dragon has chosen." "where are we going?" asked Ismira, "to Ellesmerda." "what will I do there?" "train, study, fly. All of those things. But make haste!" and she scuttled off to deliver the message to another shocked child who was starring at a tiny orange dragon.

The violet dragon had freed itself it the egg and chirped proudly, as if to say "look what I did!" Ismira gathered her courage and scooped the baby dragon into her arms. The dragon snuggled closer to her, and Ismira felt content. Then she ran off to tell her parents.