Internet Camp Half-Blood Time Game

Alex13126 posted on Nov 17, 2011 at 02:06AM
I saw this on the HoO club and thought it would be interesting to play ^.^

All you have to do is look at the time on your computer/iPod and look at the color of your shirt and voila! Sentence is made!

The hour on the computer clock:

1h AM/PM --> I punched
2h AM/PM --> I dated
3h AM/PM --> I called
4h AM/PM --> I hugged
5h AM/PM --> I seduced
6h AM/PM --> I killed
7h AM/PM --> I kicked
8h AM/PM --> I asked out
9h AM/PM --> I charmed
10h AM/PM --> I danced with
11h AM/PM --> I slept with
12h AM/PM --> I kissed

Identify the minutes on your computer's clock:

01 or 31 min → Mara
02 or 32 min → Vivian
03 or 33 min → Gavin
04 or 34 min → Conner Stoll
05 or 35 min → Nico Di Angelo
06 or 36 min → Alex
07 or 37 min → Luke Castellon
08 or 38 min → Evan
09 or 39 min → Andrea
10 or 40 min → Katrina
11 or 41 min → Alec
12 or 42 min → Caden
13 or 43 min → Payton
14 or 44 min → Zoey
15 or 45 min → Lark
16 or 46 min → Anna
17 or 47 min → Levi
18 or 48 min → Sienna
19 or 49 min → Cameron
20 or 50 min → Hon
21 or 51 min → Dakota
22 or 52 min → Lady
23 or 53 min → Jem
24 or 54 min → Derick
25 or 55 min → Novie
26 or 56 min → Dianne
27 or 57 min → Ruby
28 or 58 min → Stalker
29 or 59 min → Travis Stoll
30 or 00 min → Cassandra

The color of your shirt:

White / because I'm in love
Black / Because I was drunk
Pink / Because I’m Nuts
Red / Because the voices told me to do
Blue / Because I cant control myself
Green / Because I Hate myself
Purple / Because Im depressed
Gray / because I wanted to
Yellow / Because someone offered me $1.000.000
Orange / Because I hate Him/Her/It
Other / Because I Love myself
last edited on May 17, 2012 at 11:18PM

Internet Camp Half-Blood 305 replies

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Showing Replies 251-300 of 305

over a year ago immaginger said…
I killed Lark because I hate her.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! -Looks a few posts back- I don't hate you too, Lark.
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I dated Levi because I love myself.
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I asked out Ruby because I'm nuts.

No offense, but I don't want to date Ruby.
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
I danced with Evan because i hate myself

over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I called Gavin because I'm in love.

I am NOT in love. Why do these things keep hinting that I am!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
I asked out Hon because I'm depressed

Well I'm not into girls since I am a girl, and I'm not depressed...
over a year ago immaginger said…
I called Gavin because I wanted to.

Okay... This is boring. It actually makes sense.
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I called Cam because I was drunk.

Alright then...This would never happen because I don't drink alcohol.
over a year ago immaginger said…
I kissed Payton because someone offered me $1,000,000.

I have no words.
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I called Levi because I'm depressed.
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
I charmed Andrea because I wanted to

I have bad taste ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I asked out Levi because I'm in love.

I, a proud girl, asked out a gay guy? Now that's just stupid.
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I charmed Dakota because I can't control myself.

Well, that makes sense xD
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
I charmed Alex because I'm depressed.

Ummm. No. Im not depressed, just really sad.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I danced with Zoey because I can't control myself.

over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I killed Katrina because I can't control myself.

I need to control myself before I kill someone else!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
I punched Mara because some one offered me a million dollars

Sorry Mara, you seem like a nice kid
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I punched Andrea because I wanted to.

BEST ONE YET :D //shot//
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I dated Ruby because I hate her.

I don't hate Ruby and that's the second time on this page its hinted that I want to go out with her!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
I hugged Stalker because the voices told me to

I don't think she would like that very much...
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I seduced Jim because I hate him.

So you're saying that I seduced my brother because I hate him? Not only does that make absolutely NO sense, but its also completly untrue!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
I kicked Vivian because I wanted to

I must have something against Vivian and Mara...
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
I asked out Lady because I hate her.

I don't hate Lady, but I don't want to ask her out either.
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I kicked Cassandra because I was drunk.

Well, if I was drunk, I suppose that might actually make sense. People do stupid things when they're drunk.
over a year ago immaginger said…
^very stupid things. xD like kick a bad a**.

I charmed Alex because I'm in love.

over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I kicked Gavin because I'm depressed.

Sorry Gavin!
over a year ago WritingPaper said…
I danced with Alex because I can't control myself.

Uhm.. Kay then...
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
I kissed Cameron because I'm nuts.

Maybe I am. Whoops Anna is going to kill me. Sorry Anna! Sorry Cameron!
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I dated Evan because I can't control myself.

^ You're right, Dianne. You will die in a white-hot furnace of flame-retardant doom sharks. JUST KIDDING.
But seriously.
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I seduced Mara because I love myself.

over a year ago psalm1003 said…
I hugged Cameron because the voices told me to

Those voices must really want Anna to kill me...
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I seduced Luke Castellon because I can't control myself.

Oka-ay, that's just plain disturbing. I don't even really like Luke! He's okay I guess, especially after what he did right before the end of The Last Olympian, but I'm not a big fan of him.
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
I called Katrina because I love myself

Alrighty then?
over a year ago immaginger said…
I dated Cameron because I was drunk.

(yes I'm wearing black for once.) Well then... -Hides from Anna on the sun.-
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
I hugged Zoey because I wanted to

Darn that made sense
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I kicked Dakota because someone offered me a million dollars.

That actually makes sense. All I had to do was kick him and I got a million bucks!
over a year ago immaginger said…
I charmed Mara because i love myself.

Um, no offense Lark, but I don't like Mara like that.
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
I slept with Novie because the voices told me to

Voices, I dont know who you are or what you want, but I am not a pedifile! I have no words for this.
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
That's alright Lady, neither do I.

I asked out Sienna because someone offered me a million dollars.

Now there's something I wouldn't do for money. No offense Sienna.
over a year ago WritingPaper said…
I slept with Stalker because I was drunk

Um... I don't know who this Stalker is... But I highly doubt I would ask her out if I was not drunk...
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I punched Cassandra because I was drunk.

I'm so dead! If anyone needs me I'll be hiding from Cassandra.
over a year ago WritingPaper said…
I hugged Derick because I was drunk

Um.... Awkward...
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
I hugged Caden because I can't control myself

over a year ago WritingPaper said…
I seduced Derick because I was drunk

over a year ago psalm1003 said…
I charmed Vivian because I can't control myself

No offense, but I don't like Vivian that way
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I charmed Evan because I was drunk.

Of course I did~!
over a year ago WritingPaper said…
I charmed Hon because I was drunk.

Um... Who's Hon?
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
I danced with Ruby because I wanted to.

This actually made sense. Besides Ruby and I are best friends. What's wrong with dancing with your best friend? Nothing I guess.
over a year ago immaginger said…
I kissed Dakota because I'm in love.

O.O no. Lies!
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I kicked Derick because someone offered me a million dollars.

I would do that.