Invader Zim my short comic (srry there's no pictures)

SweetSponge posted on Feb 13, 2010 at 11:11PM
Zim: My evil plan is....*blah blah blah
Sasha: um hmm, *nods head
*meanwhile Gir's sneaking up behind Zim
Gir: *hee hee
*rips Zim's clothes off
Sasha: *gasp looks down
ZIm: so, in conclusion,
Zim: hey what are you staring at?
*Zim looks down and blushes
*ZIm's just embarassed and Sasha looks away but theres a little thought bubble with a heart in it

Invader Zim 45 replies

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over a year ago woowie said…
over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
omg poor zim! gir that was so meen!
over a year ago woowie said…
but it's still funny! EEEEE!
over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
yeah i guess...REVENGE!...sorry bout dat
over a year ago SweetSponge said…
I kno, Gir wuznt being mean, just kinda messed up. but OMZ!! ZIm with his clothes off...........Sasha(me) LUVES it. :D <3
Sasha: Hi Zim
*Gir's walking*
Zim: Hi Sasha; Gir watch out where your*
*Gir trips(purposely) and grabs zim's pants off*
ZIm: AAAHHHH *sigh* Gir! *blush* not again
over a year ago woowie said…
Kat: *walks by at that EXACT moment!* *sexy whistle* Doof, I'm taking the rest of my life off! Cuz I found- HOTNESS!
Sasha: Kat! You know he's mine!
Kat: :'( Fine. Doof, I'm coming back. *walks away*
over a year ago Diblover111 said…
Del: HI ZIM!
Zim:*blushes, puts pants back on*
Sasha: MINE! He's MINE!
Del:OK, geez. I'll go talk to Dib than. *walks away*
over a year ago silvaria_fan23 said…
HAha... Funni Comic *Sigh*
over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
big smile
*the screen turns on and the mighty tallest come into veiw*

Red: ZIM!what's with the other Irken?

purple:*giggles* i hope were not INTERRUPTING anything*giggles again*

*red bursts into laghter and Zim's whole face turns red*

Gir: HI MR.MAN!*waves at Red tallest*

Sasha: mighty tallest you should know me by now!

Red: yeah well we don't.who are you?
over a year ago woowie said…
Kat: *comes in* (thinking) 'Wtf?'
Purple: Who's THAT!?
Kat: A pickle!
Red: You don't look like a-
Kat: Dude, I'm a Lightopian!
Both: L-l-LIGHTOPIAN!? *run off in terror as screen goes black*
Kat: :(
Zim: Uhh... Kat?
Kat: What?
Sasha: Zim's mine!
*run off 2gether*
Kat: *leaves*
over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
*cynder walks into the now empty and dark room*

Cynder:hmm...guess Zim forgot. ah well.*leaves with a teal platypus trailing behind her*
over a year ago SweetSponge said…
Sasha: of corse u kno me Tallest, ur the 1s tht MADE me an Irkin DUH!!
Red: oh yeah
Purple: I do remember that
Sasha: anyways.........
Sasha: i like u with out your pants Zimmy
*ZIm blushes*
*Sasha gets around him, hops on him and hangs on with arms and legs*
ZIm: Sasha.........u dirty little Irkin you
Sasha: hmm, hmm, i try my best
*takes ZIm's shirt off*
ALmighty Tallest: eeewwwwwwwwww
*ZIm and Sasha kiss*
Red: ok thats enough for 1 day
Purple: uugggghhh*sicks out tounge*
ZIm: well, u c i hve much to do, so, Invader Zim out *grabs Sasha then screen goes black*

over a year ago SweetSponge said…
Red: I'll never understand those two and love at all
Purple: me neither
over a year ago SweetSponge said…
*Gir walks in room where ZIm and Sasha are but they dont notice*
Gir: ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh
Zim: GIR! what are u doing in here?! *covers up self with blanket*(on account of him having no clothes on)
Gir: you're doin her! yew doin her GGGOOOODDDDD!!!
Sasha: *blushes*
Gir: look at master go!!!!!!
Sasha: Gir, could you umm, like go?
Gir: okay! *leaves*'
ZIm: im so sorry my Sasha
Sasha: dont be, its ok, hes Gir what can you expect
Zim: come here you

over a year ago invaderliz77 said…
*liz walks into the room*

liz: *gasp* im srry, i kinda came at a bad time uhhhh, gotta go bye!!

*liz runs away with a disgusted face*
over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
*dib crashes the roof down*

Dib: Alright, Zim, this time i'm finally gonna get proof that yur...DOING SASHA!?!


Dib: at least i don't have a green eyed girl digging on my s**t!



*gir peeks around the corner and giggles then snaps a picture and posts it on the internet*


*Zim pulls on his underwear and chases after Gir*

*Sasha face palms herself*
over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
Sasha: you know what? i'm just gonna go.

*Sasha puts on her clothes and leaves with a frustrated sigh*

*Zim chases Gir around for a while then tires out*


Zim: **** you, Gir. i'm to tired to chase you more.

Gir: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw.
over a year ago SweetSponge said…
Sasha: u kno ZImmy i never did leave, id never do that.
Zim: Of corse i kno you
Sasha: u look cute running aroung in your under wear
Zim: oh Sasha
Sasha: Gir.

Gir: *stops*yes?
Sasha: come here
*Gir goes to Sasha*
Sasha: let me hve it
Gir: awwwwww, but whhyyy??
Sasha: *holds out hand*
Gir: ok, *gives it to her*
*Gir walks away
ZIm: wow he listens to you more than me
Sasha: u gotta try being nice sometimes ZImmy. hmmhmm even though you ARE a bad little Irkin
ZIm: yes, *grins* I try my best
Sasha: of course you do*goes closer ot him*
Zim: oooohh
Sasha: yea u kno u love it, u love it good
Zim: yes, yes I do
*takes clothes off again*
ZIm: now, where were we?
over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
Magic Blue Pickle that Gir left on the floor: *whistles high then low* you two sure know how to make a Pickle wanna be able to jump!


Pickle: i'm not rotten! i'm just blue! AND ima gangsta, baby!

*Shashas face becomes frozen in a weird "OMG WTF HTH" look.*

Zim: great, you broke her! stupid pickle!

Pickle: dude, put yur pants back on. your embaresing your race with that tiny thing!

*the following scene has been deleted by people who think it's dirty*

Zim(his clothes are on again): stupid pickle.

Pickle: stupid Irken.

Zim: stupid pickle.

Pickle: stupid Irken.

Zim: stupid pickle.

Pickle: stupid Irken.

Zim: stupid pickle.

Pickle: stupid Irken.

Zim: stupid pickle.

Pickle: stupid Irken.

Zim: stupid pickle.

Pickle: stupid Irken.

Zim: stupid pickle.

Pickle: stupid Irken.

Zim: stupid pickle.

Pickle: stupid Irken.

Zim: stupid pickle.

Pickle: stupid Irken.

Sasha(her clothes are back on again too): ENOUGH!
over a year ago SweetSponge said…
Sasha: oh no you did NOT just insult MY boyfriend!!! >:|
Zim: *gggrrrrrrrrrr* GIR! GET RID OF THAT THING!
Sasha: yes, its scaring me and its making fun of my ZIMMY!!
Gir: ok im sorry
*puts it back in his room*
Sasha: sheesh
Zim: im so srry my Sasha
Sasha: its ok Zimmy its not ur fault

Sasha: i guess we take our clothes off now again
Zim: allow me
*takes her pants off*
Sasha: oo Zimmy
*takes his shirt off*
Zim: want some'a this?
Sasha: yes plz*grins
*they make out*
over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
Pickle from a distance:HE HAS A TINY **** LADY!

Zim: (blushing a little bit) SHUDUP!


*gir eats the pickle*

both Irkens: O_O
over a year ago SweetSponge said…
Sasha: hmph its about time its gone
Zim: i agree
Sasha: besides u dont hve one of those male reproductive organs
ZIm: *blush* yeah.......
Sasha: no thats a GOOD thing i like the fact u dont hve 1, it makes you Sexier.......and it gives me all the more reason to shove my hands there *grins*

Zim: hmm hmm I love you

*licks her*
Sasha: I luv you to ZImmy
*licks him*
over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
Gir: aw, puppy love! *sticks out tongue and puts on his doggy costume*and yes he does! i seen it!

Zim: GIR BE QUIET!*whole face turns redder than his eyes*

Sasha: Zimmy, were are your eyes?your face is to red to see them!

Zim: oh...*cools down a bit*

*sasha hugs Zim*

Gir: you know...*music starts* he almost got drunk at school, at fourteen where he almost made out with the homecoming queen who almost went on to be miss Texas but lost to a slut who had much bigger breasts-es. he almost dropped out to move to L.A. were he was ALMOST famous for almost a day and he AAAAAALMOST HAD YOU! but i guess that doesn't cut it!


Sasha: Zim, it's getting late. i'm gonna go home, ok? your being rather ruthless anyways.*walks away*

Zim: but Sasha...

Sasha: i don't wanna hear it, Zim.*leaves Zim and Gir alone in the now dark room*

Gir: i think she's getting sick of your attitude!

Zim: what on Irk do you meen?

Gir: your Violent, you always put your Mission first, your rude, you don't pay attention in Skool, you spend long nights on projects, and you only seem to want one thing from her! don't you see? no woman wants a guy like that! not even drunks!

Zim:*getting interested* continue...

Gir: don't you get it? she leaves us all alone in the dark today and your naked! she's never done that before! don't you see? SHE'S GONNA BREAK UP WITH YOU!

Zim: WHAT!?!*thinks for a minute* perhaps your right for once, Gir. i can't let this happen! any ideas?

Gir: well...for one you could stop acting like Charlie on 2 1/2 men. you know, take your relationship slower!

*Zim nods and starts taking notes*

Gir: next, you could try paying attention in Skool. research shows that girls like people who know things that they don't. but don't get to be too much of a smarty. she'll dump you if you know everything that she does and maybe even more.

Zim: but what kind of stuff do girls talk about? i meen, what do they LIKE?

Gir: lets'll have to ask Cynder or Cupcake about that one. all i know is that most enjoy waffles and that they think it's funny when you do stupid stuff.

[ meanwhile at Cynders house...]

Sasha:i just don't know what to do, Cynder.he's gotten so aggressive. my life is becoming a real live play of "Grease."I'm even getting suspicious that he may be cheating on me.

Cynder: with who?

Sasha: that's the thing; i don't know.

Cynder: maybe you should break up with him.

Sasha: WHAT!?!

Cynder: you know. show him that you don't need him to be happy. that you can be content on your own.

Sasha: i can't break up with him!

Cynder: that's what Cupcake said about Gir. but she made it out of the jam and now she's a well developed young woman. well, robot anyways.

Sasha: but she's a robot! i'm an Irken! theres a huge difference!

Cupcake: look just cus i'm a robot doesn't meen i can't hear you!

Sasha: *groans and falls backward onto Cynders bed.
Gir: aw, puppy love! *sticks out tongue and puts on his doggy costume*and yes he does! i seen it!

over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
Cynder: course you could also just confront him about it.
over a year ago woowie said…
Kat: I've been right here the whole time!
Zim: OUT!
Kat: AAAAAHHHHH! *drops a red pickle*
Pickle: I'm back!
Zim: *face palms himself*
over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
Gir: hey i ate the pickle he had a friend!
over a year ago woowie said…
Kat: *from distance*: RETARTED PICKLE!
Kat: *comes in* HIPPIE!
Pickle: NERD!
Kat: That hurt! WAAAAAHHHHHH!
over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
*zim steps on the pickle, killing it*

Gir: YAAAAAAAAAAY! hey Kat what do girls like?
over a year ago woowie said…
Kat: Well... I couldn't tell you. I'm a tomboy... But I know they can't resist the color pink!
over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
*Zim writes that down*

Zim: uh... anything else you might know?

Kat: i think some girls like Makeup.

*Zim wrights that down too*
over a year ago woowie said…
over a year ago InvaderCynder said…
big smile
*zim continues to wright this stuff down*
over a year ago woowie said…
Kat: And pickles.
Zim: Are you sure?
Kat: Uh-huh!
Zim: *writes down pickles*
*Kowalski comes in*
over a year ago SweetSponge said…
Sasha: ZImmy!!!!
Zim: Sasha!!!
Sasha: im so srry Cynder took me *runs up and hugs him*
Zim: yes, and ive been listening to Gir about some things
Sasha: like what?
Zim: ummm,*blushes* *blushes even more*
Sasha: oh Zimmy I love you no matter wht other people say!!!*kisses him*
Zim: but Gir says ur eventaually gonna break up with me

Sasha: and Cynder told me to break up with you
Zim: yes YES! *hugs and kisses her*
*both now look at Cynder and Gir with mad faces*
Cynder: hey, take it easy you guys *backs away as Sasha nd Zim come closer to them*
Gir: yeah, *also backs away*
Sasha: ur in a lotta trouble you 2
Zim: yes, but after this *takes Sashas clothes off*
Sasha: oh Zim *undresses Zim*
*they make out*
over a year ago woowie said…
Kat: Woah! Gotta go! Uhh- YO KOWALSKI! WAIT UP!
over a year ago woowie said…
Kat: *comes back 4 a sec* Oh, and I have a surprise for you two! *gives them present, tnen takes off with Kowalski*
Sasha: *opens present*
???: How's it goin'?
Both: Not ANOTHER pickle!
Zim: You're DOOMED, Kat!
over a year ago SweetSponge said…
*Zim takes after Kat but then realizes hes still in his underwear*
Zim: whoops *pulls pants back on
*catches Kat*
Kat: hey!
Zim: i told you you were doomed
Zim: now dont you bother us again you hear!
Kat*gulp* yes

Zim: and take your pickle thing to!
*Kat leaves with pickle*
Sasha: what a night huh?
Zim: phh ill say
Sasha: no matter, we still got some unfinished business to take care of
Zim: hmm hmm yes
*goes back in bed*
Zim: hopefully there wont be anymore interruptions
Sasha: dont worry Zimmy just come to me
Zim: dirty Irkin
Sasha: i kno isnt it great?
Zim: oh yes
*they kiss*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago invader-meef said…
Hawthorn:*comes in*HEY!ummmmm.....never mind......................................­*pu­kes­*DO­N'T EXPECT ME 2 CLEAN THT UP!
over a year ago lillymango1 said…
lilly: hi gir
lilly:come on lets play pat a cake
gir :come on lets play with cheeze
cheeze:i like choclate milk
lilly:i like choclate bars
gir:i like choclate bubble gum

girrlillyand cheeze:weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee­eee­ee

beccy:there all morons what am i soposed to do
over a year ago SweetSponge said…
Gir: i aint playin with yew anymore after wht u said to my other master Sasha >:(
Sasha: ha ha in ur face! he dont like u no more!
Kad: thts 2 funny
Kil: *snickers* she a rejection!
*all laugh*
ZIm: ooh, thts a good one
over a year ago lillymango1 said…
lilly :it was beky not me *turns to see becky * i hate u u beky you pekamelon

becky:its pekapon and since when was it my fault that u have two stupid morons as friends

cheeze:..... gir...weres bloo i want waffle ceral

gir:i show u were wallfals are

(im sorry sweet sponge okay so can we get along this isent the part of the comic im really sorry)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SweetSponge said…
over a year ago lillymango1 said…
i said something nasty or something to upset u
over a year ago invader-meef said…
over a year ago SweetSponge said…
O_O WHT???
(lolz, random Katamari Damacy pic)
O_O WHT???
(lolz, random Katamari Damacy pic)