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Ipod Touch Question

How do you convince your parents to let you get an Ipod touch... or should I wait till Xmas?

I really want an ipod touch but it would take years to save for so should i wait 4 xmas or convince the 'rents?
 TheLadyGaGaFan posted over a year ago
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Ipod Touch Answers

eowens11 said:
You should wait until then because maybe they dont have the money right now and they need more.Like me, I have to wait till my bday because we are trying to buy a house. People always want, want, want, some people cant even afford this items
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posted over a year ago 
I dont have much pations
mpepin04 posted over a year ago
jblover824 said:
I would just ask if I could help around the house for money and save up yourself. Like you could say "Mom, could I do dishes for 3 weeks for 3 dollars?" It takes a while to save up, but it's really worth it when you get to have an Ipod Touch!
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posted over a year ago 
Cullen-fan said:
You should wait til christmas its worth waiting fro and a newer version might be released before xmas! Like me i was going to get the chromatic then the ipod touch 2nd generation came out so i got that instead and it rocks!So you should wait!
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posted over a year ago 
thnx cullen-fan
TheLadyGaGaFan posted over a year ago
25457879 said:
Try to show them how useful it is & help them with stuff. Also don't keep telling them that u want it cause they wont feel for u
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posted over a year ago 
mynameiaemmat said:
get someone how gives u every thing to get u one thats how i got one

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posted over a year ago 
mpepin04 said:
I want one for my birthday! I emailed my mom a bunch of times about it, follow the link ,mom, and it lead to
I'm so scared idk if she got me it or not! :o
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I want one for my birthday! I emailed my mom a bunch of times about it, follow the link ,mom, and it lead to 
I'm so scared idk if she got me it or not! :o
posted over a year ago 
shunxalice said:
Well... I'm trying to convince my mom to get me an ipod touch. So I made a deal with her. I'm getting the 8gb one so it is $200. So the deal was I had to raise about $100 and my mom would pay the rest. So try making a deal with your parents. I earned money by babysitting and helping my neighbors. I'm sure you will have your ipod touch soon. Good luck!!!
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posted over a year ago 
sydney5621004 said:
to wait .wait for chirstmas so u dont have to pay

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posted over a year ago 
CherryPop11 said:
I really want one too, i know it will take a lot time to save up but i have already start saving up since it came out i was 8 years old then. Right now i have so far $350.
Anyways it depends on how many GB you want in your iPod touch. The higher GB's the higher the price.
1. Try waiting till Xmas or your birthday
2. Getting your grades up to like A/B level.
3. Do some extra chores around the house
4. Trying saving up
5. Be better then
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posted over a year ago 
srry i didnt get to finish i meant BE BETTER AT THINGS YOUR NOT GOOD AT
CherryPop11 posted over a year ago
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