IsabellaMCullen New fanfic? You Choose.

IsabellaMCullen posted on Jan 16, 2010 at 04:48AM
Ok so my idea is for a Hayley Williams & Josh Farro fanfic. Since I love the idea of them as a couple.

Here are a few details about the story:

The title will be This heart will start a riot! in me

It will take place sometime after Paramore's second album, Riot!, is released. But before Brand New Eyes. So throughout some of the story they'll be writing songs from Brand New Eyes.

There will be a ton of drama in this story. I think adding a bunch of twists and drama is a story is fun. :)

What do you think? I'll be adding Chapter one so you can see if you like it. Then how about if you want to see more just comment on chapter one, kay? Thanx a bunch...xoxo

P.S. Don't worry I'm going to start up Once Upon A Time..., and Painful Memories again soon.
Ok so my idea is for a Hayley Williams & Josh Farro fanfic. Since I love the idea of them as a couple

IsabellaMCullen 91 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 91

over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
lmao love that idea i had that ideo but never started one!!!
lmao love that idea i had that ideo but never started one!!!
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
over a year ago lexie2635 said…
big smile
sounds awesome!
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
it does
over a year ago Alexyss_Cullen said…
big smile
Sounds like a good one
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
thanks guys

love, lexi, did ya read chapter one yet?
over a year ago lexie2635 said…
yes and i LOVED IT!
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
i did too
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
Awww cool :)
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
Thanks for reading it
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
no prb sunshine
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
I don't know, should I post another chapter yet? Or should I wait? It just seems like no one is reading it anymore. So maybe I should wait a while. I've been writing like crazy so I have up to chapter 5 ready. It kinda just seems like people are giving up on my writing. When I first started, I'd get tons of comments from people. Comment's that helped me, but no one cares to comment rarely anymore. Apart from lexie of course, who has already given some awesome feedback about the story. And Alexyss and pringles I know you have also left some comments.

But if you want me to post some more I will. Don't get me wrong. I'm just going by the comments and everything.
over a year ago lexie2635 said…
well u shold start advertising more.mabey more ppl will come.*whispers*or write them 4 me.hehe
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
That's a really good idea, thanks. But I don't know where to try.
hehe nice. Well I'll write if you want me too. That's why this spot was created, so I could share my stories. So if you want more, then I'll share more with you :)
over a year ago lexie2635 said…
big smile
over a year ago lexie2635 said…
do it on props (your advertising)
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
big smile
lmao you got it! After school tomarrow I have a free afternoon, nothing planned, so I'll type it up then.
over a year ago lexie2635 said…
awesome!oh i forgot to tell u.i met this nice new girl Charolette,and she reminds me of YOU Bree.i think thats y i clicked to her.its like having a real bree all day.even though your the one and only bree.its just crazy.
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
Oh that's strange, a good strange. Lol wow now that's cool!
over a year ago lexie2635 said…
i kno right,its like she keeps me through the day till i get home 2 tlk 2 u.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
oh I have a bree friend kidding but I know someone who reminds me of alexiss
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
I have a friend who reminds me of Lexie and another who kinda reminds me of you, pringles. No friends that remind me of Alexyss though.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
oh I have one that reminds me of SHai
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
cool I wish I had one that reminds me of Shai. cuz then maybe I wouldn't miss Shai so much. She's like never on!! I miss her like crazy she was the first one to welcome me on fanpop :(
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
me too!!
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
:( yeah but I know she's married, she has a kid, so she's very busy. So that's why she can't get on a lot.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
I don't even think she's been on since she got her D/L greenie. Wow she's gonna be so happy! I think she said she's been working on that for months...
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
No she told me she finnally got it!!
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
Oh ok I thought she didn't know yet.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
she did!!
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
big smile
oh ok.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
over a year ago Ashley-Alice said…
Bree! Your goin to write again? Yes! Thats great
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
lmao she is~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…

ok so last night I was reading fanfics on buzznet and some ideas just popped into my head. Like sometimes I'll read a word or something that will remind me of something else. Then I'll use it in a story and yeah.

So as soon as I turned of my laptop to go to sleep. I couldn't sleep so instead I wrote. I wrote like 3 new fanfics I prob won't post them thought cuz I already got like three out. But maybe eventually.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
post emmmm!
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
I could do that. I'm thinking about just updating each story on a certain day so like every wednesday I'll post a new chapter of Once Upon A Time..., Painful Memories, and This Heart will start a Riot! in me. It would just be easier that way. So maybe I could post new ones too.
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
I'll stand on my own


Hayley feels like the guys are treating her unfairly, so she writes a song about it to vent. Ignorance is a song that helped her. But what if the guys didn't want to work things out with Hayley? What would happen to Paramore?
[b]I'll stand on my own[/b]


Hayley feels like the guys are treating her unfairly, so sh
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
btw they are all Paramore

Love's like a bullet to the brain

[a/n this is gonna be my darkest story. It just takes on some darker issues]

Hayley and Josh have been dating for two years. Josh was always the perfect gentlemen, and Hayley felt like he was her soulmate. Then after his dad dies, Josh changes. He starts controlling Hayley. Always calling her. And one night, when she comes home late. The relationship turns violent. Hayley doesn't tell anyone, beause she loves Josh and believes he'll change.
btw they are all Paramore

[b]Love's like a bullet to the brain[/b]

[a/n this is gonna be my dar
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
All I Wanted


After Hayleys death, josh separates himself from life. He sinks into a deep depression. When Taylor, Zac, and Jeremy get Josh to start living once again. Josh meets Jenna. They hit it off, and start dating. But then he starts seeing Hayley. Everywear he looks it's like her presence is there. The images of Hayley drive Josh to the extremes to be with Hayley once again.
last edited over a year ago
[b]All I Wanted[/b]


After Hayleys death, josh separates himself from life. He sinks int
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
omg your publishing those now
i think like every monday could be once upon a time
and so on so that wayy we can look forward to a currtent fic on eachday like a TV show
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
yeah that's a really good idea. I'm gonna go with it.

Monday - Once Upon A Time...
Tuesday - Painful Memories
Wednesday - This Heart will start a Riot! in me
Thursday - I'll Stand On My Own
Friday - Love's like a bullet to the brain
Saturday - All I Wanted

Sundays will be my break time :)
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
yay now I have stuff to look forward too
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
jsyk I prob won't start posting until monday, only because I think that it should start at the beginning of a new week. and if I start now I'll have to skip fri cuz I'll be in a car and squished up. But monday I'll be in my new house.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
ok....I have to wait! the last two storys sound the best BTW
over a year ago IsabellaMCullen said…
Yeah. I know those stories are the darkest, cuz of the death and abuse.