Jada Pinkett Smith You rock that naked head !

tscombs11 posted on Mar 30, 2022 at 09:37PM
First, I want to share with you that I lost my hair and subsequently shaved my head when I was undergoing chemotherapy. So, I know how it feels and the looks you sometimes get. I believe you were gorgeous at the Oscar’s !! Sometimes we just take ourselves way too seriously. In you’re shoes I would have been way more embarrassed by the slapper than the slappee. Really, Will get yourself together !! Obviously, Will feels some kind of shame and/or embarrassment over your condition or he wouldn’t have acted out like he did. He could have privately spoken with Mr Rock if he felt the need. The example to young black men he displayed very publicly is the true embarrassment in this scenario. I wish you the very best in life. I’m sad to say that my opinion of your husband has radically been changed by his lack of control and grace. I’m not sure I will ever enjoy a “Will Smith” film the way I did previously. He let us all down with his impetuous, immature and very public actions.

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