Jane Austen Can Jane Austen romance exist in these times

zaravaz posted on Oct 21, 2008 at 06:29AM
Whenever i feel low or a relationship turns out not to be what i expected it to be .. i turn to Jane Austen and those mystic times and i almost lose myself in those times and i wonder is that why i cant corelate to today because since ages i am so involved in jane austen thinking that i have lost perspective of what it is today... and then may b we all have to grasp the realities of today ... but then it is so much better to be in those beautiful times than be in reality of today .

Jane Austen 5 replies

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over a year ago pecky said…
I have often wondered this. My first thought would be no, but seeing how mwny austen fans there are, and some of them men, I begin to re- think...perhaps?
over a year ago pecky said…
Nothing stirs my heart more than a man that would treat me w such honor and respect as depicted in austen's books. Seeing as how addicting she is, it is obvious I am not the only one.. perhaps secretly, longing for that gentleman's approach in romantic intentions.
over a year ago Yorokobi said…
My opinion on the matter stands thus - I blieve that we can have little hope for ourselves to experience such a romance as that depicted in Jane Austen's novels. Men today are not made off the same passion and pride of those days. Love in those times as Jane Austen presents it is that created from a respect for each other, their ability to battle each other with their equal wit and intellegience, and a passion deep inside both parties. These three things we would struggle to discover with men these days, there just appears to be something lacking..........if you know what I mean
over a year ago Yorokobi said…
There are a few other things I feel the need to comment on now that I think of them.
First of all, in Austen novels what tends to occur is the gentlemen will profess his love and profess to his heart belonging to the woman. In these days however men prefer to own the womans hearts rather than the other way around.
The second thing I have been thinking is that we may sit here dreaming of an Austen romance but fear that men these days don't match up, but are we ourselves, as women of modern times, worthy of such romance. I cannot claim to be a modern Elizabeth Bennet and would pale in comparison of wit and intellegience should I come across a Mr Darcy.
over a year ago elizabeth5darcy said…
jane austen was the only one on the planet that can understand love in the right way, she made us travel in her head full of suprises and stories that take your breath away...believe me, I started to believe by myself those fairytales, I don't want to call them fairytales but sometimes it seems so hard to believe in happy endings all the time ; maybe she was trying to run away from her true love by telling stories that make her feel better in a way or in another. I don't want to make it look serious and complicated , however this is the truth about jane austen's navelsthat still remain a mystery .